docs: postcode design document for multi-host support

Design proposal for the multi-host postcode support.

Signed-off-by: Manikandan Elumalai <>
Change-Id: I4f7873ef5675495fde78198690e41d55bcd08b74
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b82a553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designs/
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+# Multi-host Postcode Support
+Author: Manikandan Elumalai, []
+Other contributors: None
+Created: 2020-07-02
+## Problem Description
+The current implementation in the phosphor-host-postd supports only single host
+postcode access through LPC interface.
+As the open BMC architecture is evolving, the single host support becomes
+contingent and needs multiple-host post code access to be implemented.
+## Background and References
+**Existing postcode implementation for single host**
+The below component diagram shows the present implementation for postcode and
+history at high-level overview
++----------------------------------+              +--------------------+
+|BMC                               |              |                    |
+|  +-------------------------------+              |                    |
+|  |Phosphor-host-postd            |              |                    |
+|  |                    +----------+              +------------+       |
+|  |                    | LPC      |              |            |       |
+|  |                    |          +<-------------+            |       |
+|  |                    +----------+              |  LPC       |       |
+|  |                               |              |            |       |
+|  |xyz.openbmc_project.State.     +<-------+     +------------+       |
+|  |Boot.Raw.Value                 |        |     |                    |
+|  +------+------------------------+        |     |         Host       |
+|         |                        |        |     |                    |
+|         |                        |        |     |                    |
+|   postcode change event          |        +     +--------------------+
+|         |                        | xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Raw
+|         |                        |        +
+|         |                        |        |      +------------------+
+|  +------v------------------------+        +----->+                  |
+|  |Phosphor-postcode-manager      |               |   CLI            |
+|  |                 +-------------+               |                  |
+|  |                 |   postcode  +<------------->+                  |
+|  |                 |   history   |               |                  |
+|  |                 +-------------+               +------------------+
+|  +-------------------------------+ xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.PostCode
+|                                  |
+|                                  |
+|  +-------------------------------+             +----------------------+
+|  |                               |  8GPIOs     |                      |
+|  |     SGPIO                     +------------>+                      |
+|  |                               |             |     7 segment        |
+|  +-------------------------------+             |     Display          |
+|                                  |             |                      |
++----------------------------------+             +----------------------+
+## Requirements
+ - Read postcode from all servers.
+ - Display the host postcode to the 7 segment display based on host position
+   selection.
+ - Provide a command interface for user to see any server(multi-host) current
+   postcode.
+ - Provide a command interface for user to see any server(multi-host) postcode
+   history.
+ - Support for hot-plug-able host.
+## Proposed Design
+This document proposes a new design engaging the IPMB interface to read the
+port-80 post code from multiple-host. The existing single host LPC interface
+remains unaffected. This design also supports host discovery including the
+hot-plug-able host connected in the slot.
+Following modules will be updated for this implementation
+ - phosphor-host-postd.
+ - phosphor-post-code-manager.
+ - platform specific OEM handler (fb-ipmi-oem).
+ - bmcweb(redfish logging service).
+**Interface Diagram**
+Provided below the post code interface diagram with flow sequence
+|                  BMC                      |
+|                                           |
+| +--------------+     +-----------------+  |    I2C/IPMI  +----+-------------+
+| |              |     |                 |  |  +---------->|BIC |             |
+| |              |     |   ipmbbridged   <--+--+           |    |     Host1   |
+| |              |     |                 |  |  |           +------------------+
+| | oem handlers |     +-------+---------+  |  | I2C/IPMI  +------------------+
+| |              |             |            |  +---------->|BIC |             |
+| |              |             |            |  |           |    |     Host2   |
+| |              |     +-------v---------+  |  |           +------------------+
+| | (fb-ipmi-oem)|     |                 |  |  | I2C/IPMI  +------------------+
+| |              +<----+     ipmid       |  |  +---------->|BIC |             |
+| |              |     |                 |  |  |           |    |     Host3   |
+| +-+----+-------+     +-----------------+  |  |           +------------------+
+|   |    |                                  |  | I2C/IPMI  +------------------+
+|   |    |             +-----------------+  |  +---------->|BIC |             |
+|   |    |             | Host position   |  |              |    |     HostN   |
+| event  |             |  from D-Bus     |  |              +----+-------------+
+|   |    |             +-------+---------+  |
+|   |  event                   |            |             +-----------------+
+|   |    |                     |            |             |                 |
+|   |  +-v---------------------v---------+  |             | seven segment   |
+|   |  |   phosphor-host-postd           +--+------------>+ display         |
+|   |  |     (ipmisnoop)                 |  |             |                 |
+|   |  |   xyz.openbmc_project.State.    |  |             |                 |
+|   |  |   Boot.RawX(1,2,..N).Value      |  |             +-----------------+
+|   |  +---------------------------------+  |
+|   |                                       |    xyz.openbmc_project.
+|   |                                       |    State.Boot.
+| +-v------------------------------------+  |    PostcodeX(1,2..N)    +-----+
+| | +----------------+  +--------------+ |  |                         |     |
+| | |                |  |              | +<-+------------------------>+     |
+| | |  Process1      |  | Process N    | |  |                         | CLI |
+| | |   (host1)      |  |  (hostN)     | |  |                         |     |
+| | |                |  |              | +<-+------------------------>+     |
+| | +----------------+  +--------------+ |  | /redfish/v1/Systems/    |     |
+| |                                      |  | system/LogServices/     +-----+
+| | Phosphor-post-code-manager@@         |  | PostCodesX(1,2..N)
+| +--------------------------------------+  |
+**Postcode Flow:**
+ - BMC power-on the host.
+ - Host starts sending the postcode IPMI message continuously to the BMC.
+ - The ipmbbridged(phosphor-ipmi-ipmb) extracts postcode from IPMI message.
+ - The ipmbd(phosphor-ipmi-host) appends host information with postcode and
+   sends to the phosphor-host-postd.
+ - platform specific OEM handler(fb-ipmi-oem) sends postcode by emit-change
+   event to the phosphor-host-postd and phosphor-post-code-manager.
+ - phosphor-host-postd displays postcode in the seven segment display based on
+   host position reads through D-bus interface.
+ - phosphor-post-code-manager stores the postcode as history in the /var
+   directory.
+##  Platform Specific OEM Handler (fb-ipmi-oem)
+This library is part of the [phosphor-ipmi-host]
+and gets the postcode from host through
+ - Register IPMI OEM postcode callback handler.
+ - Extract postcode from IPMI message (phosphor-ipmi-host/phosphor-ipmi-ipmb).
+ - Generate emit-change event to phosphor-host-postd and post-code-manager
+   based on which host's postcode received from IPMB
+   interface(xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.RawX(1,2,3..N).Value).
+## phosphor-host-postd
+This implementation involves the following changes in the phosphor-host-postd.
+ - Create D-Bus service names for single-host and multi-host system
+   accordingly. The community follows conventions Host0 for single host and
+   Host1 to N for multi-host.
+ - phosphor-host-postd reads the postcode when emit-change event
+   in 'Raw.Value'.
+ - phosphor-host-postd reads the host selection from the dbus property.
+ - Display the latest postcode of the selected host read through D-Bus.
+ **D-Bus interface**
+  The following D-Bus names need to be created for the multi-host
+  post-code.
+    Service name      -- xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Raw
+    Obj path name     -- /xyz/openbmc_project/State/Boot/RawX(1,2..N)
+    Interface name    -- xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.Raw
+## phosphor-post-code-manager
+The phosphor-post-code-manager is a multi service design for multi-host.
+The single host postcode handling D-bus naming conventions will be updated
+to comply the community naming scheme.
+ - Create D-Bus service names for single-host and multi-host system
+   accordingly.The community follows conventions Host0 for single host
+   and Host1 to N for multi-host.
+ - phosphor-post-code-manager reads the postcode when emit-change
+   event in 'Raw.Value'.
+ - Store/retrieve post-code from directory (/var/lib/phosphor-post-code-manager/
+   hostX(1,2,3..N)) based on event received from phosphor-host-postd.
+ **D-Bus interface**
+   The following D-Bus names needs to be created for multi-host post-code.
+    Service name     -- xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.PostCodeX(1,2..N)
+    Obj path name    -- /xyz/openbmc_project/State/Boot/PostCodeX(1,2..N)
+    Interface name   -- xyz.openbmc_project.State.Boot.PostCode
+## bmcweb
+   The postcode history needs to be handled for the multi-host through
+   redfish logging service.
+## Alternate design
+**phosphor-post-code-manager single process approach**
+   This implementation consider single service to handle multi-host postcode.
+   In this approach, all D-Bus handling will taken care by the single process.
+   Single service is different than existing x86-power-control and obmc-console
+   where multi-service approach is used.
+   Multi-service approach is more scalable to handle multi-host than
+   the single service.