Phosphor-hwmon refactoring

Author: Kun Yi <kunyi!>

Created: 2019/09/05

Problem Description

Convoluted code in phosphor-hwmon is imparing our ability to add features and identify/fix bugs.

Background and References

A few cases of smelly code or bad design decisions throughout the code:

  • Limited unit testing coverage. Currently the unit tests in the repo [1] mostly test that the sensor can be constructed correctly, but there is no testing of correct behavior on various sensor reading or failure conditions.
  • Bloated mainloop. mainloop::read() sits at 146 lines [2] with complicated conditions, macros, and try/catch blocks.
  • Lack of abstraction and dependency injection. This makes the code hard to test and hard to read. For example, the conditional at [3] can be replaced by implementing different sensor::readValue() method for different sensor types.

1 2 3


  1. Improve unit test coverage
  2. Improve overall design using OOD principles
  3. Improve error handling and resiliency
  4. Improve configurability
    • By providing a common configuration class, it will be feasible to add alternative configuration methods, e.g. JSON, while maintaining backward compatibility with existing env files approach.

Proposed Design

Rough breakdown of refactoring steps:

  1. Sensor configuration
    • Add a SensorConfig struct that does all std::getenv() calls in one place
    • DI: make the sensor struct take SensorConfig as dependency
    • Unit tests for SensorConfig
    • Add unit tests for sensor creation with various SensorConfigs
  2. Abstract sensors
    • Refine the sensor object interface and make it abstract
    • Define sensor types that inherit from the common interface
    • Add unit tests for sensor interface
    • DI: make the sensor map take sensor interface as dependency
    • Add a fake sensor that can exhibit controllable behavior
  3. Refactor sensor management logic
    • Refactor sensor map to allow easier lookup/insertion
    • Add unit tests for sensor map
    • DI: make all other functions take sensor map as dependency
  4. Abstract error handling
    • Add overridable error handler to sensor interface
    • Define different error handlers
    • Add unit tests for error handlers using the fake sensor

Alternatives Considered



The refactoring should have no external API impact. Performance impact should be profiled.


One of the goals is to have better unit test coverage. Overall functionality to be tested through functional and regression tests.