Remove has been in the deprecated dir for months.
Nothing in the document is currently relevant.

Change-Id: Ia2bff666fb2a458c02304b4ca9644ae392c17c31
Signed-off-by: Gunnar Mills <>
diff --git a/deprecated/ b/deprecated/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9934f8..0000000
--- a/deprecated/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
-OpenBMC D-Bus API
-***WARNING*** **DEPRECATED API** The /org/openbmc API is deprecated and will *stop working* in a future OpenBMC release.
-Please **note** that the v1.99.xx and greater code now has all of its
-interfaces defined in [this](
-repository.  The below information in this document is for all v1.0.xx code.
-This document aims to specify the OpenBMC D-Bus API.
-The Phosphor distribution provides sample applications that implement off all
-the interfaces and objects listed below.  Alternative or more feature complete
-applications are possible by implementing parts of this D-Bus API.
-OpenBMC typically adheres to D-Bus best practices and usage models; however, one
-deviation is that OpenBMC places no requirements on well-known service names.
-This allows developers to structure their object implementations in whatever
-processes they choose.  In the standard D-Bus programming model, applications
-connect to a service with a well-known name.  The well-known name is
-associated with a fixed schema.  In OpenBMC, without any standardization of
-well-known names, applications lose the knowledge of what applications provide
-which objects.  To address this, the Phosphor distribution provides the
-objectmapper service.  See the `org.openbmc.objectmapper.ObjectMapper`
-interface below for more information.
-The OpenBMC D-Bus API is still alpha.  If you have questions or suggestions
-please [let the community know](
-The HostIpmi interface allows applications to interact with host processor
-firmware using IPMI.  Typically applications should use the higher level APIs
-provided by `org.openbmc.HostServices` to interact with the host processor
-### methods
-| name           | in signature | out signature | description                  |
-| ------------   | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------------------- |
-| `sendMessage`  | `yyyyyay`    | `x`           | **Send an IPMI message to the host processor firmware.**|
-|                | `y`          |               | IPMI seq.                    |
-|                | `y`          |               | IPMI netfn.                  |
-|                | `y`          |               | IPMI lun.                    |
-|                | `y`          |               | IPMI cmd.                    |
-|                | `y`          |               | IPMI cc.                     |
-|                | `ay`         |               | IPMI msg.                    |
-|                |              | `x`           | The result status.           |
-| `setAttention` | `void`       | `x`           | **Raise an SMS attention event.**|
-|                |              | `x`           | The result status.           |
-### signals
-| name          | signature | description                                      |
-| ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| `ReceivedMessage` | `yyyyay`  | **An IPMI message was received from the host processor firmware.**|
-|               | `y`       | IPMI seq.                                        |
-|               | `y`       | IPMI netfn.                                      |
-|               | `y`       | IPMI lun.                                        |
-|               | `y`       | IPMI cmd.                                        |
-|               | `ay`      | IPMI message.                                    |
-### namespace
-| path          | required    | description                                    |
-| ------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/HostIpmi/<n>` | Yes on systems with the host-ipmi machine feature, otherwise no. | n: IPMI interface number.  If implemented, at least one IPMI interface must exist. |
-The HostServices interface allows applications to interact with the host
-processor firmware.  Applications should use the high-level APIs provided here
-in favor of `org.openbmc.HostIpmi` where applicable.
-### methods
-| name           | in signature | out signature | description                  |
-| -------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------------------- |
-| `SoftPowerOff` | `void`       | `x`           | **Prepare the host processor firmware for an orderly shutdown.**|
-|                |              | `x`           | The result status.           |
-### namespace
-| path                        | required                         | description |
-| --------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/HostServices` | Yes on systems with the host-ipmi machine feature, otherwise no. | ? |
-The InventoryItem interface allows applications to examine and manipulate
-information that relates to inventory items.
-### methods
-| name         | in signature | out signature | description                   |
-| ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | ----------------------------- |
-| `setPresent` | `s`          | `void`        | **Indicate the item is present.**|
-|              | `s`          |               | true or false                 |
-| `setFault`   | `s`          | `void`        | **Indicate the item is faulted.**|
-|              | `s`          |               | true or false                 |
-| `update`     | `a{sv}`      | `void`        | **Update the item attributes.**|
-|              | `a{sv}`      |               | Key/value pair dictionary.    |
-### properties
-| name       | signature | description                             |
-| ---------- | --------- | --------------------------------------- |
-| `is_fru`   | `b`       | **The item is field replaceable.**      |
-| `fru_type` | `s`       | **The type of the item.**               |
-| `present`  | `s`       | **The item is physically present.**     |
-| `fault`    | `s`       | **Whether or not the item is faulted.** |
-### namespace
-| path                            | required | description                     |
-| ------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/inventory/<item>` | No       | Inventory items must be instantiated in the inventory namespace.|
-The NetworkManager interface allows applications to examine and manipulate
-network settings.
-### methods
-| name             | in signature | out signature | description                |
-| ---------------- | ------------ | ------------- | -------------------------- |
-| `GetAddressType` | `s`          | `s`           | **Query the IP address type.**|
-|                  | `s`          |               | The network device to query.|
-|                  |              | `s`           | The address type for the network device.|
-| `GetHwAddress`   | `s`          | `s`           | **Query the hardware address.**|
-|                  | `s`          |               | The network device to query.|
-|                  |              | `s`           | The hardware address for the network device.|
-| `SetAddress4`    | `ssss`       | `x`           | **Set the IPV4 address.**  |
-|                  | `s`          |               | The network device on which to set the ipv4 address.|
-|                  | `s`          |               | The ipv4 address to set.   |
-|                  | `s`          |               | The ipv4 mask to set.      |
-|                  | `s`          |               | The ipv4 gateway to set    |
-|                  |              | `x`           | The result status.         |
-| `EnableDHCP`     | `s`          | `x`           | **Enable DHCP.**           |
-|                  | `s`          |               | The network device on which to enable DHCP.|
-|                  |              | `x`           | The result status.         |
-| `SetHwAddress`   | `ss`         | `i`           | **Set the hardware address.**|
-|                  | `s`          |               | The network device on which to set the hardware address.|
-|                  | `s`          |               | The hardware address to set.|
-|                  |              | `i`           | The result status.         |
-| `GetAddress4`    | `s`          | `iyss`        | **Query the IPV4 address.**|
-|                  | `s`          |               | The network device to query.|
-|                  |              | `i`           | ?                          |
-|                  |              | `y`           | ?                          |
-|                  |              | `s`           | ?                          |
-|                  |              | `s`           | ?                          |
-### namespace
-| path                                    | required             | description |
-| --------------------------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/NetworkManager/Interface` | Yes on systems with the network machine feature, otherwise no. | ? |
-The Sensors interface allows applications to register a sensor instance with a
-sensor management application.
-### methods
-| name       | in signature | out signature | description                      |
-| ---------- | ------------ | ------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `register` | `ss`         | `void`        | **Register a sensor instance of type class.**|
-|            | `s`          |               | The class name of the sensor.    |
-|            | `s`          |               | The object path of the sensor.   |
-| `delete`   | `s`          | `void`        | **Deregister a sensor instance.**|
-|            | `s`          |               | The object path of the sensor.   |
-### namespace
-| path                   | required | description                              |
-| ---------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/sensors` | Yes      | The sensor manager must be instantiated here.|
-The HwmonSensor interface allows applications to query and manipulate hwmon
-based sensors.
-### methods
-| name        | in signature | out signature | description |
-| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `setByPoll` | `v`          | `(bv)`        | **?**       |
-|             | `v`          |               | ?           |
-|             |              | `(bv)`        | ?           |
-### properties
-| name       | signature | description |
-| ---------- | --------- | ----------- |
-| `scale`    | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `offset`   | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `filename` | `?`       | **?**       |
-### namespace
-| path                                    | required | description             |
-| --------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/sensors/<class>/<sensor>` | No       | Any sensor instances must be instantiated in the sensors namespace.|
-The SensorThreshold interface allows applications to query and manipulate
-sensors thresholds.
-### methods
-| name                  | in signature | out signature | description |
-| --------------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ----------- |
-| `resetThresholdState` | `void`       | `void`        | **?**       |
-### signals
-| name        | signature | description |
-| ----------- | --------- | ----------- |
-| `Emergency` | `void`    | **?**       |
-### properties
-| name                    | signature | description |
-| ----------------------- | --------- | ----------- |
-| `thresholds_enabled`    | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `emergency_enabled`     | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `warning_upper`         | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `warning_lower`         | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `critical_upper`        | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `critical_lower`        | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `threshold_state`       | `?`       | **?**       |
-| `worst_threshold_state` | `?`       | **?**       |
-### namespace
-| path                                    | required | description             |
-| --------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/sensors/<class>/<sensor>` | No       | Any sensor instances must be instantiated in the sensors namespace.|
-The SensorValue interface allows applications to query and manipulate sensors
-that only provide a value.
-### methods
-| name       | in signature | out signature | description               |
-| ---------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------------------- |
-| `setValue` | `v`          | `void`        | **Set the sensor value.** |
-|            | `v`          |               | The value to set.         |
-| `getValue` | `void`       | `v`           | **Get the sensor value.** |
-|            |              | `v`           | The sensor value.         |
-### properties
-| name    | signature | description                                            |
-| ------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
-| `units` | `s`       | **The units associated with the sensor value.**        |
-| `error` | `?`       | **?**                                                  |
-### namespace
-| path                                    | required | description             |
-| --------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/sensors/<class>/<sensor>` | No       | Any sensor instances must be instantiated in the sensors namespace.|
-The Button interface allows applications to query the state of buttons.
-### methods
-| name           | in signature | out signature | description                  |
-| -------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------------------- |
-| `isOn`         | `void`       | `b`           | **Query the button state.**  |
-|                |              | `b`           | The button state.            |
-| `simPress`     | `void`       | `void`        | **Simulate a button press.** |
-| `simLongPress` | `void`       | `void`        | **Simulate a long button press.**|
-### signals
-| name          | signature | description                          |
-| ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------ |
-| `Released`    | `void`    | **The button was released.**         |
-| `Pressed`     | `void`    | **The button was pressed.**          |
-| `PressedLong` | `void`    | **The button was pressed and held.** |
-### properties
-| name    | signature | description                   |
-| ------- | --------- | ----------------------------- |
-| `state` | `b`       | **The current button state.** |
-### namespace
-| path                            | required | description                     |
-| ------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/buttons/<button>` | No       | Any button instances must be instantiated in the buttons namespace.|
-The control.Bmc interface allows applications control the BMC.
-### methods
-| name        | in signature | out signature | description        |
-| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------------ |
-| `warmReset` | `void`       | `void`        | **Reset the BMC.** |
-### namespace
-| path                                 | required | description                |
-| ------------------------------------ | -------- | -------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/control/bmc<instance>` | Yes      | Any BMC control instances must be instantiated in the control namespace.|
-The managers.Download interface allows applications to receive file download
-### signals
-| name               | signature | description                                 |
-| ------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------------------- |
-| `DownloadComplete` | `ss`      | **The file was downloaded successfully.**   |
-|                    | `s`       | The file path in the local filesystem.      |
-|                    | `s`       | The name of the file that was requested.    |
-| `DownloadError`    | `s`       | **An error occurred downloading the file.** |
-|                    | `s`       | The name of the file that was requested.    |
-### namespace
-| path                             | required | description |
-| -------------------------------- | -------- | ----------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/managers/Download` | ?        | ?           |
-The control.BmcFlash interface allows applications update the BMC firmware.
-### methods
-| name                | in signature | out signature | description                 |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | ------------- | --------------------------- |
-| `updateViaTftp`     | `ss`         | `void`        | **Perform a BMC firmware update using a TFTP server.**|
-|                     | `s`          |               | The ipv4 address of the TFTP server hosting the firmware image file.|
-|                     | `s`          |               | The name of the file containing the BMC firmware image.|
-| `update`            | `s`          | `void`        | **Perform a BMC firmware update with a file already on the BMC.**|
-|                     | `s`          |               | The name of the file containing the BMC firmware image.|
-| `PrepareForUpdate`  | `void`       | `void`        | **Reboot BMC with Flash content cached in RAM.**|
-| `Abort`             | `void`       | `void`        | **Abort any pending, broken, or in-progress flash update.**|
-| `Apply`             | `void`       | `void`        | **Initiate writing image to flash.**|
-| `GetUpdateProgress` | `void`       | `s`           | **Display progress log `Apply` phase.**|
-|                     |              | `s`           | The `status` and log output from `Apply`|
-### signals
-| name           | signature | description                              |
-| -------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `TftpDownload` | `ss`      | **A request to download a file using TFTP occurred.**|
-|                | `s`       | The ipv4 address of the TFTP server hosting the firmware image file.|
-|                | `s`       | The name of the file containing the BMC firmware image.|
-### properties
-| name                           | signature | description                     |
-| ------------------------------ | --------- | ------------------------------- |
-| `status`                       | `s`       | **Description of the phase of the update.**        |
-| `filename`                     | `s`       | **The name of the file containing the BMC firmware image.**|
-| `preserve_network_settings`    | `b`       | **Perform a factory reset.**    |
-| `restore_application_defaults` | `b`       | **Clear modified files in read-write filesystem.**    |
-| `update_kernel_and_apps`       | `b`       | **Do not update bootloader (requires image pieces).**    |
-| `clear_persistent_files`       | `b`       | **Also remove persistent files when updating read-write filesystem.**    |
-| `auto_apply`                   | `b`       | **Attempt to apply image after unpacking (cleared if image verification fails).**    |
-### namespace
-| path                             | required | description |
-| -------------------------------- | -------- | ----------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/control/flash/bmc` | ?        | ?           |
-The control.Chassis interface allows applications to query and manipulate the
-state of a Chassis.
-### methods
-| name            | in signature | out signature | description                 |
-| --------------- | ------------ | ------------- | --------------------------- |
-| `setIdentity`   | `void`       | `void`        | **Turn on the identification indicator.**|
-| `clearIdentity` | `void`       | `void`        | **Turn off the identification indicator.**|
-| `powerOn`       | `void`       | `void`        | **Power the chassis on.**   |
-| `powerOff`      | `void`       | `void`        | **Power the chassis off immediately.**|
-| `softPowerOff`  | `void`       | `void`        | **Perform a graceful shutdown of the chassis.**|
-| `reboot`        | `void`       | `void`        | **Reboot the chassis immediately.**|
-| `softReboot`    | `void`       | `void`        | **Perform a graceful reboot of the chassis.**|
-### properties
-| name   | signature | description           |
-| ------ | --------- | --------------------- |
-| `uuid` | `s`       | **The chassis UUID.** |
-### namespace
-| path                                     | required | description            |
-| ---------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/control/chassis<instance>` | ?        | Any chassis control instances must be instantiated in the control namespace.|
-The Flash interface allows applications update the host firmware.
-### methods
-| name            | in signature | out signature | description                 |
-| --------------- | ------------ | ------------- | --------------------------- |
-| `update`        | `s`          | `void`        | **Update the host firmware.**|
-|                 | `s`          |               | The file containing the host firmware image.|
-| `error`         | `s`          | `void`        | **?**                       |
-|                 | `s`          |               | The error message.          |
-| `done`          | `void`       | `void`        | **?**                       |
-| `init`          | `void`       | `void`        | **?**                       |
-| `updateViaTftp` | `ss`         | `void`        | **Update the host firmware using a TFTP server.**|
-|                 | `s`          |               | The TFTP server url.        |
-|                 | `s`          |               | The file containing the host firmware image.|
-### signals
-| name       | signature | description                                  |
-| ---------- | --------- | -------------------------------------------- |
-| `Updated`  | `void`    | **?**                                        |
-| `Download` | `ss`      | **?**                                        |
-|            | `s`       | The TFTP server url.                         |
-|            | `s`       | The file containing the host firmware image. |
-### properties
-| name               | signature | description     |
-| ------------------ | --------- | --------------- |
-| `filename`         | `s`       | **?**           |
-| `flasher_path`     | `s`       | **?**           |
-| `flasher_name`     | `s`       | **?**           |
-| `flasher_instance` | `s`       | **?**           |
-| `status`           | `s`       | **?**           |
-### namespace
-| path | required | description |
-| ---- | -------- | ----------- |
-| ?    | ?        | ?           |
-Insert description of the SharedResource interface here.
-### methods
-| name       | in signature | out signature | description                      |
-| ---------- | ------------ | ------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `lock`     | `s`          | `void`        | **Lock the shared resource.**    |
-|            | `s`          |               | The shared resource name.        |
-| `unlock`   | `void`       | `void`        | **Unlock the shared resource.**  |
-| `isLocked` | `void`       | `bs`          | **Get the lock state of the resource.**|
-|            |              | `b`           | The lock state.                  |
-|            |              | `s`           | The shared resource name.        |
-### properties
-| name   | signature | description                   |
-| ------ | --------- | ----------------------------- |
-| `lock` | `b`       | **The lock state.**           |
-| `name` | `s`       | **The shared resource name.** |
-The control.Host interface allows applications to manipulate the host processor
-### methods
-| name       | in signature | out signature | description                      |
-| ---------- | ------------ | ------------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `boot`     | `void`       | `void`        | **Start the host processor firmware.**|
-| `shutdown` | `void`       | `void`        | **Stop the host processor firmware.**|
-| `reboot`   | `void`       | `void`        | **Restart the host processor firmware.**|
-### signals
-| name     | signature | description                              |
-| -------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `Booted` | `void`    | **The host processor firmware was started.** |
-### properties
-| name         | signature | description     |
-| ------------ | --------- | --------------- |
-| `debug_mode` | `i`       | **?**           |
-| `flash_side` | `s`       | **?**           |
-### namespace
-| path                                  | required | description               |
-| ------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/control/host<instance>` | No       | Any host control instances must be instantiated in the control namespace.|
-Insert a description of the control.Power interface here.
-### methods
-| name            | in signature | out signature | description                 |
-| --------------- | ------------ | ------------- | --------------------------- |
-| `setPowerState` | `i`          | `void`        | **Set the power state.**    |
-|                 | `i`          |               | The state to enter.         |
-| `getPowerState` | `void`       | `i`           | **Query the current power state.**|
-|                 |              | `i`           | The current power state.    |
-### signals
-| name        | signature | description           |
-| ----------- | --------- | --------------------- |
-| `PowerGood` | `void`    | **The power is on.**  |
-| `PowerLost` | `void`    | **The power is off.** |
-### properties
-| name            | signature | description     |
-| --------------- | --------- | --------------- |
-| `pgood`         | `i`     | **?**           |
-| `state`         | `i`     | **?**           |
-| `pgood_timeout` | `i`     | **?**           |
-### namespace
-| path                                   | required | description              |
-| -------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------ |
-| `/org/openbmc/control/power<instance>` | ?        | Any power control instances must be instantiated in the control namespace.|
-Insert a description of the Led interface here.
-### methods
-| name           | in signature | out signature | description                |
-| -------------- | ------------ | ------------- | -------------------------- |
-| `setOn`        | `void`       | `void`        | **Turn the LED on.**       |
-| `SetOff`       | `void`       | `void`        | **Turn the LED off.**      |
-| `setBlinkSlow` | `void`       | `void`        | **Blink the LED slowly.**  |
-| `setBlinkFast` | `void`       | `void`        | **Blink the LED quickly.** |
-### properties
-| name       | signature | description                |
-| ---------- | --------- | -------------------------- |
-| `color`    | `i`       | **The color of the LED.**  |
-| `function` | `s`       | **?**                      |
-| `state`    | `s`       | **The current LED state.** |
-### namespace
-| path                             | required | description                    |
-| -------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------ |
-| `/org/openbmc/control/led/<led>` | No       | Any LED instances must be instantiated in the control/led namespace.|
-The ObjectMapper interface enables applications to discover the D-Bus unique
-connection name(s) for a given object path.
-### methods
-| name              | in signature | out signature | description               |
-| ----------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------------------- |
-| `GetObject`       | `s`          | `a{sas}`      | **Determine the D-Bus unique connection name(s) implementing a single object and the interfaces implemented by those services.**|
-|                   | `s`          |               | The path of the object to query.|
-|                   |              | `a{sas}`      | A dictionary with D-Bus unique connection names as keys, and interfaces as values.|
-| `GetAncestors`    | `s`          | `a{sa{sas}}`  | **Determine the D-Bus unique connection name(s) implementing any ancestor objects and the interfaces implemented by those services.**|
-|                   | `s`          |               | The point in the namespace from which to provide results.|
-|                   |              | `a{sa{sas}}`  | A dictionary of dictionaries, with object paths as outer keys, D-Bus unique connection names as inner keys, and implemented interfaces as values.|
-| `GetSubTree`      | `si`         | `a{sa{sas}}`  | **Determine the D-Bus unique connection name(s) implementing an entire subtree of objects in the D-Bus namespace.**|
-|                   | `s`          |               | The point in the namespace from which to provide results.|
-|                   | `i`          |               | The number of path elements to descend.|
-|                   |              | `a{sa{sas}}`  | A dictionary of dictionaries, with object paths as outer keys, D-Bus unique connection names as inner keys, and interfaces implemented by those services as values.|
-| `GetSubTreePaths` | `si`         | `as`          | **List all known D-Bus objects.**|
-|                   | `s`          |               | The point in the namespace from which to provide results.|
-|                   | `i`          |               | The number of path elements to descend.|
-|                   |              | `as`          | An array of object paths. |
-### namespace
-| path                                     | required | description            |
-| ---------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/objectmapper/objectmapper` | Yes      | The object mapper must be instantiated here.|
-Insert a description of the record log interface here.
-### methods
-| name                | in signature | out signature | description             |
-| ------------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ----------------------- |
-| `acceptHostMessage` | `sssay`      | `q`           | **Accept a message from the host processor firmware.**|
-|                     | `s`          |               | The message content.    |
-|                     | `s`          |               | The message severity.   |
-|                     | `s`          |               | An association between the message and another entity.|
-|                     | `ay`         |               | Development data associated with the message.|
-|                     |              | `q`           | The created record ID.  |
-| `clear`             | `void`       | `q`           | **Remove all record instances.**|
-|                     |              | `q`           | ?                       |
-### namespace
-| path                           | required | description                      |
-| ------------------------------ | -------- | -------------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/records/<class>` | No       | Any recordlog instances must be instantiated in the records namespace. |
-Insert a description of the record interface here.
-### properties
-| name          | signature | description                                      |
-| ------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
-| `message`     | `s`       | **A free from message.**                         |
-| `severity`    | `s`       | **The record severity.**                         |
-| `reported_by` | `s`       | **The originating entity of the record.**        |
-| `time`        | `s`       | **The timestamp associated with the record.**    |
-| `debug_data`  | `ay`      | **Development data associated with the record.** |
-### namespace
-| path                                    | required | description             |
-| --------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/records/<class>/<record>` | No       | Records must be instantiated in the records namespace.|
-Applications that create objects that can be removed for any reason must
-implement this interface.  Some common examples of this could be an event log
-instance or a user account instance.
-### methods
-| name     | in signature | out signature | description                        |
-| -------- | ------------ | ------------- | ---------------------------------- |
-| `delete` | `void`       | `void`        | **Remove the object from the D-Bus namespace.**|
-Applications wishing to create an association between two or more objects
-implement can this interface.  Associations exist to provide a stable but
-extendable D-Bus API.
-### properties
-| name           | signature | description                              |
-| -------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `associations` | `a(sss)`  | **An array of forward, reverse, endpoint tuples.**|
-|                | `s`       | The type of association to create.       |
-|                | `s`       | The type of association to create for the endpoint.|
-|                | `s`       | The object path of the endpoint.         |
-For example, given an object /org/openbmc/events/1 that implements
-`org.openbmc.Associations` and then sets the associations property to:
-"associations": [
-  ["events", "frus", "/org/openbmc/piece_of_hardware"],
-  ["events", "times", "/org/openbmc/timestamps/1"]
-would result in the following associations:
-Applications use this interface to inject associations into the D-Bus namespace.
-### properties
-| name        | signature | description                            |
-| ----------- | --------- | -------------------------------------- |
-| `endpoints` | `as`      | **An array of association endpoints.** |
-For example, given:
-"/org/openbmc/events/1/frus": {
-    "endpoints": [
-        "/org/openbmc/hardware/cpu0",
-        "/org/openbmc/hardware/cpu1",
-    ]
-Denotes the following:
-/org/openbmc/events/1 => fru => /org/openbmc/hardware/cpu0
-/org/openbmc/events/1 => fru => /org/openbmc/hardware/cpu1
-The settings.Host interface provides a basic settings repository for host
-processor firmware settings.
-### methods
-Host settings are accessed using the standard
-### signals
-Applications are notified of host setting changes using the standard
-### properties
-Settings are accessed using the standard [`org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties`](
-### namespace
-| path                                   | required | description             |
-| -------------------------------------- | -------- | ----------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/settings/host<instance>` | No       | Any host settings instances must be instantiated in the settings namespace. |
-The Watchdog interface enables health monitoring applications to offload timer
-bookkeeping to another application.
-### methods
-| name    | in signature | out signature | description                    |
-| ------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------------------------ |
-| `start` | `void`       | `void`        | **Start the countdown timer.** |
-| `poke`  | `void`       | `void`        | **Ping the watchdog.**         |
-| `stop`  | `void`       | `void`        | **Stop the countdown timer.**  |
-| `set`   | `i`          | `void`        | **Set the timer interval.**    |
-|         | `i`          |               | The timer interval.            |
-### signals
-| name            | signature | description                              |
-| --------------- | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `WatchdogError` | `void`    | *The watchdog was not pinged before the timer expired.**|
-### namespace
-| path                               | required | description                  |
-| ---------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------- |
-| `/org/openbmc/watchdog/<watchdog>` | No       | Any watchdog instances must be instantiated in the watchdog namespace. |