Updating VirtualMedia spec after implementation.

Legacy interface Mount method was extended by following parameters:
* RW - boolean indicatin if image should be mounted with RW access
* UNIX_FD - file descriptor of named pipe used to pass secret data to
            virtual-media service

ExitCode type of VirtualMedia.Process interface changed from byte to uint16.

The MountPoint interface gained a new parameter ImageURL.

Signed-off-by: Zbigniew Kurzynski <zbigniew.kurzynski@intel.com>
Change-Id: Ib308c4b1c9dc0579389445e0bd768b1627369bcf
1 file changed
tree: 25b04d01a4bcc6eb940d73e60c7bc5fb251c1be2
  1. architecture/
  2. code-update/
  3. designs/
  4. development/
  5. logo/
  6. release/
  7. security/
  8. style/
  9. testing/
  10. userguide/
  11. anti-patterns.md
  12. cheatsheet.md
  13. code-of-conduct.md
  14. console.md
  16. cpp-style-and-conventions.md
  17. features.md
  18. glossary.md
  19. host-management.md
  20. kernel-development.md
  22. maintainer-workflow.md
  24. Makefile
  25. openbmc-conversion.md
  26. README.md
  27. REDFISH-cheatsheet.md
  28. rest-api.md
  29. REST-cheatsheet.md
  30. subtree.md
  31. yocto-development.md

OpenBMC documentation

The OpenBMC project is a Linux Foundation project whose goal is to produce a customizable, open-source firmware stack for Baseboard Management Controllers (BMCs). This repository contains documentation for OpenBMC as a whole. There may be component-specific documentation in the repository for each component.

The features document lists the project's major features with links to more information.


OpenBMC Development

These documents contain details on developing OpenBMC code itself

OpenBMC Usage

These documents describe how to use OpenBMC, including using the programmatic interfaces to an OpenBMC system.