PLDM-stack: Adding sensor monitoring section

The new added sections are for the design of enabling pldmd to monitor
sensor in PLDM terminus and expose to D-Bus interface. The proposal
currently covers how to monitor numeric sensor and how to renew the
sensor status by polling or async method.

Signed-off-by: Gilbert Chen <>
Signed-off-by: Thu Nguyen <>
Change-Id: Icc851d1fcb7399c763a9000770cbd195d9f572de
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
index 2de44cd..76592b9 100644
--- a/designs/
+++ b/designs/
@@ -109,6 +109,10 @@
 - It should be possible to plug-in OEM PLDM types/functions into the PLDM stack.
+- As a PLDM sensor monitoring daemon, the BMC must be able to enumerate and
+  monitor the static or self-described(with PDRs) PLDM sensors in satellite
+  Management Controller, on board device or PCIe add-on card.
 ## Proposed Design
 This document covers the architectural, interface, and design details. It
@@ -389,6 +393,169 @@
   file. Bmcweb can find these FRU inventory objects based on D-Bus interfaces,
   as it does today.
+### MCTP endpoint discovery
+`pldmd` (PLDM daemon) utilizes the
+[MCTP D-Bus interfaces](
+to enumerate all MCTP endpoints in the system. The MCTP D-Bus interface
+implements the `SupportedMessageTypes` to have which Message type supported by
+each endpoint. `pldmd` watches the `InterfacesAdded` D-Bus signals from `mctpd`.
+It also matches the `InterfaceRemoved` D-Bus signals to find the removed
+endpoint EIDs from `mctpd`.
+### Terminus management and discovery
+`pldmd` will maintain a terminus table to manage the PLDM terminus in system.
+When `pldmd` received the updated EID table from MCTP D-Bus interface, `pldmd`
+should check if the EID support PLDM message type (0x01) and then adds the EID
+which is not in the terminus table yet. When the terminus EID is removed from
+MCTP D-Bus interface, `pldmd` should also clean up the removed endpoint from the
+terminus table.
+For each of terminus in the table, `pldmd` will go through the below steps:
+- Terminus initialization
+- Terminus discovery
+- Terminus monitor and control
+All of the added D-Bus object paths and D-Bus interfaces, Monitoring/Controlling
+tasks of the terminus will be removed when it is removed from the terminus
+#### Terminus initialization
+Each terminus in PLDM interface is identified by terminus ID (TID). This TID is
+an unique number `TID#`. When a new terminus is added to terminus table, `pldmd`
+should send `GetTID` to get the `TID#`. When the received `TID#` is already
+existing in TID pool, `pldmd` will call the `SetTID` command to assign a new TID
+for the terminus.
+Beside the `TID#`, terminus can also have `$TerminusName` or `$DeviceName` which
+can be encoded in the Terminus's `Entity Auxiliary Names PDR` (section 28.18 of
+DSP0248 1.2.1) or in the MCTP Entity-manager endpoint EID configuration file
+[Entity-Manager EID configuration](
+Because the `$TerminusName` will be included in the Terminus' sensors, effecters
+and states D-Bus object paths, so the EM EID configuration or Terminus's
+`Entity Auxiliary Names PDR` are recommended to be included for the Terminus
+support sensors, effecters or status. When the EM EID configuration is not
+available, the `Entity Auxiliary name PDR` should be added, so all sensors don't
+have the terminus number `TID#` in it anyhow.
+#### Teminus Discovery
+After the TID assignment steps, `pldmd` should go through `Terminus Discovery`
+- Send `GetPLDMType` and `GetPLDMVersions` commands to the terminus to record
+  the supported PLDM type message/version.
+- If the terminus supports `GetPDRs` command type, `pldmd` will send that
+  command to get the terminus PDRs. Based on the retrieved PDRs, `pldmd` will
+  collect:
+  - The association between the entities in the system using
+    `Entity Association PDR` (section 28.17 of DSP0248 1.2.1).
+  - The entity names using `Entity Auxiliary Names PDR` (Section 28.18 of
+    DSP0248 1.2.1).
+  - The sensor/effecter/state info in the entities of terminus
+    sensors/effecter/state PDRs (section 28.4, 28.6, 28.8, 28.11, 28.14, 28.15,
+    28.25, etc. of DSP0248 1.2.1).
+  - The Fru info using FRU PDRs (section 28.22 of DSP0248 1.2.1).
+  - The other info using the others PDRs in section 28.x of DSP0248 1.2.1.
+  The above PDRs can also be configured in the JSON configuration files. When
+  the `PDR configuration` is available, the `pldmd` daemon will bypass `GetPDRs`
+  steps and read those files to collect that info. The template of the
+  configuration files can follow the current format of
+  [PDRs configuration files](
+  After this step, `pldmd` will have the list of `$sensorAuxNames` from the
+  Terminus's PDRs or the Terminus' EM JSON configuration files. This
+  `$sensorAuxNames` will be included in the PLDM Sensors D-Bus object paths in
+  `Sensor creating and monitor` section.
+- The `pldmd` then creates the Terminus inventory, sensors, effecters D-Bus
+  object paths.
+- At the final steps of `terminus discovery`, `pldmd` will send
+  `SetEventReceiver` notifies about the readiness of the BMC for the event
+  messages from the terminus.
+#### Terminus monitor and control
+After finishing the discovery steps, the daemon will start monitoring the
+sensors, response for the events from terminus and handle the terminus control
+action from the user.
+### Sensor creating and monitor
+To find out all sensors from PLDM terminus, `pldmd` should retrieve all the
+Sensor PDRs by PDR Repository commands (`GetPDRRepositoryInfo`, `GetPDR`) for
+the necessary parameters (e.g., `sensorID#`, `$SensorAuxName`, unit, etc.).
+`pldmd` can use libpldm encode/decode APIs
+`decode_get_pdr_repository_info_resp()`, `encode_get_pdr_req()`,
+`decode_get_pdr_resp()`) to build the commands message and then sends it to PLDM
+Regarding to the static device described in section 8.3.1 of DSP0248 1.2.1, the
+device uses PLDM for access only and doesn't support PDRs. The PDRs for the
+device needs to be encoded by Platform specific PDR JSON file by the platform
+developer. `pldmd` will generate these sensor PDRs encoded by JSON files and
+parse them as the same as the PDRs fetched by PLDM terminus.
+`pldmd` should expose the found PLDM sensor to D-Bus object path
+`/xyz/openbmc*project/sensors/<sensor_type>/SensorName`. The format of
+`sensorName` can be `$TerminusName_$SensorAuxName` or `$TerminusName_SensorID#`.
+`$SensorAuxName` will be included in the `sensorName` whenever they exist. For
+exposing sensor status to D-Bus, `pldmd` should implement following D-Bus
+interfaces to the D-Bus object path of PLDM sensor. The EM EID configuration or
+the Terminus' `Entity Auxiliary name PDR` will provide `$TerminusName`. And
+`$SensorAuxName` can be found in the EM EID sensor configuration or the sensor
+- [xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value](,
+  the interface exposes the sensor reading unit, value, Max/Min Value.
+- [xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus](,
+  the interface exposes the sensor status which is functional or not.
+After doing the discovery of PLDM sensors, `pldmd` should initialize all found
+sensors by necessary commands (e.g., `SetNumericSensorEnable`,
+`SetSensorThresholds`, `SetSensorHysteresis and `InitNumericSensor`) and then
+start to update the sensor status to D-bus objects by polling or async event
+method depending on the capability of PLDM terminus.
+`pldmd` should update the value property of `Sensor.Value` D-Bus interface after
+getting the response of `GetSensorReading` command successfully. If `pldmd`
+failed to get the response from PLDM terminus or the completion code returned by
+PLDM terminus is not `PLDM_SUCCESS`, the Functional property of
+`State.Decorator.OperationalStatus` D-Bus interface should be updated to false.
+#### Polling v.s. Async method
+For each terminus, `pldmd` maintains a list to poll the Terminus' sensors and
+exposes the status to D-Bus. `pldmd` has a polling timer with the configurable
+interval to update the PLDM sensors of the terminus periodically. The PLDM
+sensor in list has a `updateTime` which is initialized to the value of the
+defined `updateInterval` in sensor PDRs. Upon the polling timer timeout, the
+terminus' sensors will be read using `GetSensorReading` command. The read
+condition is the `elapsed time` from the `last read timestamp` to
+`current timestamp` is more than the sensor's `updateTime`. `pldmd` should have
+APIs to be paused and resumed by other task (e.g. pausing sensor polling during
+firmware updating to maximum bandwidth).
+To enable async event method for a sensor to update its status to `pldmd`,
+`pldmd` needs to implement the responder of `PlatformEventMessage` command
+described in 13.1 PLDM Event Message of
+[DSP0248 1.2.1](
+`pldmd` checks the response of `EventMessageSupported` command from PLDM
+terminus to identify if it can generate events. A PLDM sensor can work in event
+aync method if the `updateInterval` of all sensors in the same PLDM terminus are
+longer than final polling time. Before `pldmd` starts to receive async event
+from PLDM terminus, `pldmd` should remove the sensor from poll list and then
+send necessary commands (e.g., `EventMessageBufferSize` and `SetEventReceiver`)
+to PLDM terminus for the initialization.
 ## Alternatives Considered
 Continue using IPMI, but start making more use of OEM extensions to suit the
@@ -419,3 +586,7 @@
 would test the instance id handling and the send/receive functions.
 APIs from the shared libraries can be tested via fuzzing.
+The APIs to parse PDRs from PLDM terminus can be tested by a mocking responder.
+A sample JSON file is provided to test the APIs for mocking PDRs for static PLDM