Guard requirements and design on BMC

This documents explains the guard management and requirements
on BMC.

Signed-off-by: Dhruvaraj Subhashchandran <>
Change-Id: I82459b03f22cf2f873c3b56b77837969fbb12884
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index 0000000..4c89c6e
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+# Guard on BMC
+## Problem Description
+On systems with multiple processor units and other redundant vital resources,
+the system downtime can be prevented by isolating the faulty components. This
+document discusses the design of the BMC support for such isolation procedures.
+The defective components can be kept isolated until a replacement. Most of the
+actions required to isolate the parts will be dependant on the architecture and
+taken care of by the host. But the BMC needs to support a few steps like
+notifying users about the components in isolation, clearing isolation, isolating
+a suspected part, or isolating when the host is down due to a severe fault.
+The process of isolation is mentioned as guard in this document, which means
+guarding the system from faulty components.
+## Glossary
+**Guard**: Guarding the system against failures by permanently isolating faulty
+**Guard Records**: A file in the persistent storage with the list of
+permanently isolated components.
+**Manual guard**: An operation to manually add a unit to the list of isolated
+units. This operation is helpful in isolating a suspected component without
+physically removing it from the server.
+## Background and References
+The guard in the servers is for managing a record of faulty components to keep
+them out of service. The list of faulty but guarded components can be stored in
+multiple locations based on the ownership of the component. How to store the
+record or manage the record will be decided by the respective component.
+Some of the examples are guard on motherboard components managed by
+the host, guard on the fans can be managed by the fan control application, or
+the guard on the power components can be managed by the power
+management application.
+These records will be created when an error is encountered on an element
+that can be isolated. The decision to create a record is based on the type of
+error, usecase, and the availability of a redundant hardware resource to keep
+the system in a usable state. The record which gets created to isolate the
+component is named as Guard Record. The guard record will be deleted after
+a repair action or manually by service personnel. Most of the time, the host
+creates the guard record since the host is responsible for the initialization
+and use of the hardware resources in a server system. The BMC creates guard
+records on a limited set of units during the early boot time, after a severe
+fault, which brings the host down or on the components like a power supply or
+fan which can be controlled by BMC. The BMC retrieves the guard records for
+presenting to an external interface for the review of customers and service
+personnel form various guard record sources.
+## Requirements
+### Primary requirements
+![Guard Usecases](
+- When user requests, create a record in the right guard record repository,
+  based on the hardware component.
+- An option should be given to user to create guard record for DIMM and
+  Processor core to manually keep it out of service.
+- An option should be given to the user to delete a guard record.
+- An option should be given to list the guard records.
+- An option should be given to delete all guard records
+- Industry standard interfaces should be provided to carry out these operations
+  on the guard records.
+### Assumptions
+- The guard records on the units which are owned by the host will be applied
+  only in a subsequent boot.
+- The sub-system which owns the hardware resource will apply the guard record
+  and isolates the units.
+- The clearing of the records after the replacement of the faulty component
+  should be done by the component owning the guard records.
+- There should be a mapping between key in the guard record to the key used in
+  BMC for the components.
+## Proposed Design
+The guard proposed here is an aggregator for the guard records from various
+sources and provide a common interface for creating, deleting and listing those
+### D-Bus Interfaces
+On BMC, There will be a guard manager object and objects for each entry.
+#### Guard Manager
+Guard manager is for providing the external interfaces for managing the guard
+records and retrieving information about guard records.
+The methods and properties of the guard manager.
+- Create Guard: Create guard record for a DIMM or Processor core
+       Inputs:
+           - Inventory path of the DIMM or Processor core to be guarded.
+- Delete Guard: Delete an existing guard record
+       Deleting the guard record D-Bus entry should delete the underlying
+       record.
+- Clear all guard: Clear all guard records in the system.
+- List Guard:  List all the guarded components.
+#### Guard Entry
+The properties of each guard entry will be part of this object
+        - ID: Id of the record
+        - Unit: Inventory path of the guarded unit.
+        - Logging entry
+        - Type: Type of Guard
+                - Manual - Manually Guarded
+                - Critical  - Guarded based on a critical error
+                - Warning - Guarded based on an error which is not
+                  critical, but eventually, there can be critical failures.
+The underlying guard function is implemented by the applications managing the
+hardware units. The application which implements the common guard entry
+interface should map between entry to the underlying guard record in the
+original guard record store.
+## Redfish interface
+### Manual guard
+Creating manual gurad record, set the "Disabled" property to true to manually
+guard a unit which is present in the inventory.
+#### redfish » v1 » Systems » system » Processors » CPU1
+  "@odata.type": "#Processor.v1_7_0.Processor",
+  "Id":view details "CPU1",
+  "Name": "Processor",
+   "Socket": "CPU 1",
+  "ProcessorType": "CPU",
+  "ProcessorId":
+   {
+       "VendorId": "XXXX",
+       "IdentificationRegisters": "XXXX",
+   } ,
+   "MaxSpeedMHz": 3700,
+   "TotalCores": 8,
+   "TotalThreads": 16,
+   "Status":
+   {
+        "State": "Enabled",
+        "Health": "OK"
+       "ReadyToRemove": "True" <---
+    } ,
+    "":view details "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/Processors/CPU1"
+### Listing the guard record
+#### redfish >> v1 >> Systems >> system >> LogServices >> IsolatedHardware
+#### >> Entries
+  "": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system/LogServices/IsolatedHardware/Entries",
+  "@odata.type": "#LogEntryCollection.LogEntryCollection",
+  "Description": "Collection of Isolated Hardware Components",
+  "Members": [
+    {
+      "":
+      "@odata.type": "#LogEntry.v1_7_0.LogEntry",
+      "Created": "2020-10-15T10:30:08+00:00",
+      "EntryType": "Event",
+      "Id": "1",
+      "Resolved": "false",
+      "Name": "Processor 1",
+      "links":  {
+                 "OriginOfCondition": {
+                        "":
+                    },
+      "Severity": "Critical",
+       "SensorType" : "Processor",
+ "AdditionalDataURI":
+ “AddionalDataSizeBytes": "1024"
+  }
+  ],
+  "Members@odata.count": 1,
+  "Name": "Isolated Hardware Entries"
+  }
+## Alternatives Considered
+The guard records can be created for any components which are redundant and
+isolatable to prevent any damage to the hardware or data. Once the record is
+created, an isolation procedure is needed to isolate the units from service.
+Some of the units like which are controlled by the host can be isolated only
+after a reboot, but the units controlled by BMC can be immediately taken out of
+service. The alternatives are
+- The host creates, applies, and present guard records: In this case,
+  BMC has no control, and the host needs to provide the user interface,
+  so there may not be a common interface across different types of hosts.
+  Different user interfaces are required for guard records created by
+  BMC and host.
+- BMC manages the external interfaces for guard: There will be one common
+  point for presenting or managing the guard records created by multiple hosts
+  or BMC itself. There are some guard records created after a severe failure
+  in the host; as a system control entity, it will be easier for BMC
+  to handle such situations and create the records.
+## Impacts
+- The guard records will be presented as an extension to logs
+- Redfish implementation will have an impact to do the operations required
+  for the guard record management by the user. A request for standardization is
+  planned for the method to list the isolated units in the redfish since that
+  is not yet available in the redfish standard.
+## Testing
+The necessary tests needed are creating, deleting, and listing the guard
+records and that should be automated, further tests on the isolation of each
+type of the unit is implementation-specific.