device-tree: make consistent gpio names

This design proposes a common naming convention for GPIO's within
OpenBMC systems. This will allow OpenBMC user space applications which
require GPIO interaction to be common across OpenBMC with no extra
per-system configuration data required.

Change-Id: Ied4eb359668bf9267bf12ea1b540996e2c8856e7
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
diff --git a/designs/ b/designs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b9d46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designs/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Device Tree GPIO Naming in OpenBMC
+Author: Andrew Geissler (geissonator)
+Primary assignee: Andrew Geissler (geissonator)
+Other contributors:
+  < None >
+Created: April 3, 2020
+## Problem Description
+The Linux kernel has deprecated the use of sysfs to interact with the GPIO
+subsystem. The replacement is a "descriptor-based" character device interface.
+[libgpiod][1] is a suite of tools and library implemented in C and C++ which
+provides an abstraction to this new character device gpio interface.
+libgpiod provides a feature where you can access gpios by a name given to
+them in the kernel device tree files. The problem is there are no naming
+conventions for these GPIO names and if you want userspace code to be able
+to be consistent across different machines, these names would need to be
+## Background and References
+The kernel [documentation][2] has a good summary of the GPIO subsystem. The
+specific field used to name the GPIO's in the DTS is `gpio-line-names`.
+This [patch][3] shows an example of naming the GPIO's for a system.
+GPIOs are used for arbitrary things. It's pretty hard to have a coherent naming
+scheme in the face of a universe of potential use-cases.
+Scoping the problem down to just the vastness of OpenBMC narrows the
+possibilities quite a bit and allows the possibility of a naming scheme to
+## Requirements
+- Ensure common function GPIO's within OpenBMC use the same naming convention
+## Proposed Design
+Below are the standard categories. The "Pattern" in each section describes the
+naming convention and then the "Defined" portion lists the common GPIO names to
+be used (when available on an OpenBMC system). This naming convention must be
+followed for all common GPIO's.
+This list below includes all common GPIO's within OpenBMC. Any OpenBMC
+system which provides one of the below GPIO's must name it as listed in
+this document. This document must be updated as new common GPIO's are added.
+### LEDs
+Pattern: `led-*`
+- led-fault
+- led-identify
+- led-power
+- led-sys-boot-status
+- led-attention
+- led-hdd-fault
+- led-rear-fault
+- led-rear-power
+- led-rear-id
+### Power
+Pattern: `power-*`
+- power-button
+### Buttons
+Pattern: `*-button`
+- power-button
+### Presence
+Pattern: `presence-*`
+- presence-ps0
+- presence-ps1
+- ...
+- presence-ps`<N>`
+### Special
+These are special case and/or grandfathered in pin names.
+- air-water (indicates whether system is air or water cooled)
+### POWER Specific GPIO's
+Below are GPIO names specific to the POWER processor based servers.
+#### FSI
+Pattern: `fsi-*`
+- fsi-mux
+- fsi-enable
+- fsi-trans
+- fsi-clock
+- fsi-data
+- fsi-routing
+#### Special
+These are special case and/or grandfathered in pin names.
+- cfam-reset
+- checkstop
+## Alternatives Considered
+- Continue to hard code a config file per system type that has the
+gpio bank and pin number. This removes a dependency on the device tree to
+have consistent names but adds overhead in supporting each new system.
+- Have the device tree GPIO names match the hardware schematics and then
+have another userspace config file that maps between the schematic names
+and logical pin names. This makes the GPIO to schematic mapping easy but
+adds an additional layer of work with the userspace config.
+## Impacts
+Need to ensure OpenBMC device trees conform to the above naming conventions.
+## Testing
+Userspace utilization of the GPIO names will provide some testing coverage
+during CI.