Effective: Nov 1, 2018
LF Projects, LLC (“LF Projects”) supports and hosts open source and open standards projects (each a “Project”) and undertakes such other activities as is consistent with its mission and purpose.
The purposes of LF Projects, LLC (“LF Projects”) are to:
LF Projects hosts communities where participants choose to work together, and in that process experience differences in language, location, nationality, and experience. In such a diverse environment, misunderstandings and disagreements happen, which in most cases can be resolved informally. In rare cases, however, behavior can intimidate, harass, or otherwise disrupt one or more people in the community, which LF Projects will not tolerate.
A Code of Conduct (“Code”) is useful to define accepted and acceptable behaviors and to promote high standards of professional practice. It also provides a benchmark for self-evaluation and acts as a vehicle for better identity of the organization.
LF Projects is a Delaware series limited liability company. Projects of LF Projects are formed as separate series of LF Projects (each, a “Series”). References to “Projects” within this Policy include the applicable Series for each Project.
This Code applies to any participant of any Project – including without limitation developers, participants in meetings, teleconferences, mailing lists, conferences or functions, and contributors. Note that this Code complements rather than replaces legal rights and obligations pertaining to any particular situation. In addition, with the approval of LF Projects, Projects are free to adopt their own code of conduct in place of the Code.
LF Projects is committed to maintain a positive, professional work environment. This commitment calls for workplaces where participants at all levels behave according to the rules of the following code. A foundational concept of this code is that we all share responsibility for our work environment.
is acting in a way that reduces another person’s dignity, sense of self-worth or respect within the community.
is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on criteria such as: physical appearance, race, ethnic origin, genetic differences, national or social origin, name, religion, gender, sexual orientation, family or health situation, pregnancy, disability, age, education, wealth, domicile, political view, morals, employment, or union activity.
is treating another person with scorn or disrespect.
is a record of the origin(s) and author(s) of a contribution.
is any conduct, verbal, physical, digital, written, or otherwise, that has the intent or effect of interfering with an individual, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
includes group Chairs, project maintainers, staff members, and Board members.
includes the following persons:
is the genuine consideration you have for someone (if only because of their status as participant in LF Projects, like yourself), and that you show by treating them in a polite and kind way.
includes visual displays of degrading sexual images, sexually suggestive conduct, offensive remarks of a sexual nature, requests for sexual favors, unwelcome physical contact, and sexual assault.
Hard to define? Some questions to ask yourself are:
includes requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, digital, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, where:
is a tendency of individuals or groups to use persistent aggressive or unreasonable behavior (e.g. verbal or written abuse, offensive conduct or any interference which undermines or impedes work) against a co-worker or any professional relations.
is the set of all available means of collaboration, including, but not limited to messages to mailing lists, private correspondence, Web pages, chat channels, phone and video teleconferences, and any kind of face-to-face meetings or discussions.
To report incidents or to appeal reports of incidents, send an email to a member of the following escalation path:
Please include any available relevant information, including links to any publicly accessible material relating to the matter. Every effort will be taken to ensure a safe and collegial environment in which to collaborate on matters relating to the Project. In order to protect the community, the Project reserves the right to take appropriate action, potentially including the removal of an individual from any and all participation in the project. The Project will work towards an equitable resolution in the event of a misunderstanding.
This code is based on the W3C’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct with some additions from the Cloud Foundry’s Code of Conduct and the Hyperledger Project Code of Conduct. It has been modified from the Linux Foundation Project Code of Conduct to include incident managers local to the OpenBMC project.