Adding FB OEM commands

Added Facebook OEM IPMI commands for Host as welll as IPMB with
ME and debug card

Change-Id: I794b0a293bec1416ca409e8a269cd34b81c592a8
Signed-off-by: Vijay Khemka <>
diff --git a/src/oemcommands.cpp b/src/oemcommands.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f30481a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/oemcommands.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+ * Copyright (c)  2018 Intel Corporation.
+ * Copyright (c)  2018-present Facebook.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp"
+#include <ipmid/api.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <commandutils.hpp>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <oemcommands.hpp>
+#include <phosphor-ipmi-host/utils.hpp>
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
+#include <sdbusplus/bus.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#define SIZE_IANA_ID 3
+namespace ipmi
+static void registerOEMFunctions() __attribute__((constructor));
+sdbusplus::bus::bus dbus(ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()); // from ipmid/api.h
+static constexpr size_t maxFRUStringLength = 0x3F;
+ipmi_ret_t plat_udbg_get_post_desc(uint8_t, uint8_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t *,
+                                   uint8_t *, uint8_t *);
+ipmi_ret_t plat_udbg_get_frame_data(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *, uint8_t *,
+                                    uint8_t *);
+ipmi_ret_t plat_udbg_control_panel(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *,
+                                   uint8_t *);
+// return code: 0 successful
+int8_t getFruData(std::string &data, std::string &name)
+    std::string objpath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/FruDevice";
+    std::string intf = "xyz.openbmc_project.FruDeviceManager";
+    std::string service = getService(dbus, intf, objpath);
+    ObjectValueTree valueTree = getManagedObjects(dbus, service, "/");
+    if (valueTree.empty())
+    {
+        phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
+            "No object implements interface",
+            phosphor::logging::entry("INTF=%s", intf.c_str()));
+        return -1;
+    }
+    for (const auto &item : valueTree)
+    {
+        auto interface = item.second.find("xyz.openbmc_project.FruDevice");
+        if (interface == item.second.end())
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        auto property = interface->second.find(name.c_str());
+        if (property == interface->second.end())
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        try
+        {
+            Value variant = property->second;
+            std::string &result =
+                sdbusplus::message::variant_ns::get<std::string>(variant);
+            if (result.size() > maxFRUStringLength)
+            {
+                phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
+                    "FRU serial number exceed maximum length");
+                return -1;
+            }
+            data = result;
+            return 0;
+        }
+        catch (sdbusplus::message::variant_ns::bad_variant_access &e)
+        {
+            phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(e.what());
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+typedef struct
+    uint8_t cur_power_state;
+    uint8_t last_power_event;
+    uint8_t misc_power_state;
+    uint8_t front_panel_button_cap_status;
+} ipmi_get_chassis_status_t;
+// Todo: Needs to update this as per power policy when integrated
+// Get Chassis Status commands
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiGetChassisStatus(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                ipmi_request_t request,
+                                ipmi_response_t response,
+                                ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                ipmi_context_t context)
+    ipmi_get_chassis_status_t chassis_status;
+    uint8_t s = 2;
+    *data_len = 4;
+    // Current Power State
+    // [7] reserved
+    // [6..5] power restore policy
+    //          00b = chassis stays powered off after AC/mains returns
+    //          01b = after AC returns, power is restored to the state that was
+    //          in effect when AC/mains was lost.
+    //          10b = chassis always powers up after AC/mains returns
+    //          11b = unknow
+    //        Set to 00b, by observing the hardware behavior.
+    //        Do we need to define a dbus property to identify the restore
+    //        policy?
+    // [4] power control fault
+    //       1b = controller attempted to turn system power on or off, but
+    //       system did not enter desired state.
+    //       Set to 0b, since We don't support it..
+    // [3] power fault
+    //       1b = fault detected in main power subsystem.
+    //       set to 0b. for we don't support it.
+    // [2] 1b = interlock (chassis is presently shut down because a chassis
+    //       panel interlock switch is active). (IPMI 1.5)
+    //       set to 0b,  for we don't support it.
+    // [1] power overload
+    //      1b = system shutdown because of power overload condition.
+    //       set to 0b,  for we don't support it.
+    // [0] power is on
+    //       1b = system power is on
+    //       0b = system power is off(soft-off S4/S5, or mechanical off)
+    chassis_status.cur_power_state = ((s & 0x3) << 5) | (1 & 0x1);
+    // Last Power Event
+    // [7..5] – reserved
+    // [4] – 1b = last ‘Power is on’ state was entered via IPMI command
+    // [3] – 1b = last power down caused by power fault
+    // [2] – 1b = last power down caused by a power interlock being activated
+    // [1] – 1b = last power down caused by a Power overload
+    // [0] – 1b = AC failed
+    // set to 0x0,  for we don't support these fields.
+    chassis_status.last_power_event = 0;
+    // Misc. Chassis State
+    // [7] – reserved
+    // [6] – 1b = Chassis Identify command and state info supported (Optional)
+    //       0b = Chassis Identify command support unspecified via this command.
+    //       (The Get Command Support command , if implemented, would still
+    //       indicate support for the Chassis Identify command)
+    // [5..4] – Chassis Identify State. Mandatory when bit[6] =1b, reserved
+    // (return
+    //          as 00b) otherwise. Returns the present chassis identify state.
+    //           Refer to the Chassis Identify command for more info.
+    //         00b = chassis identify state = Off
+    //         01b = chassis identify state = Temporary(timed) On
+    //         10b = chassis identify state = Indefinite On
+    //         11b = reserved
+    // [3] – 1b = Cooling/fan fault detected
+    // [2] – 1b = Drive Fault
+    // [1] – 1b = Front Panel Lockout active (power off and reset via chassis
+    //       push-buttons disabled.)
+    // [0] – 1b = Chassis Intrusion active
+    //  set to 0,  for we don't support them.
+    chassis_status.misc_power_state = 0x40;
+    //  Front Panel Button Capabilities and disable/enable status(Optional)
+    //  set to 0,  for we don't support them.
+    chassis_status.front_panel_button_cap_status = 0;
+    // Pack the actual response
+    std::memcpy(response, &chassis_status, *data_len);
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Get Debug Frame Info
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemDbgGetFrameInfo(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                  ipmi_request_t request,
+                                  ipmi_response_t response,
+                                  ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                  ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    uint8_t num_frames = 3;
+    std::memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID); // IANA ID
+    res[SIZE_IANA_ID] = num_frames;
+    *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID + 1;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Get Debug Updated Frames
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemDbgGetUpdFrames(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                  ipmi_request_t request,
+                                  ipmi_response_t response,
+                                  ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                  ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    uint8_t num_updates = 3;
+    *data_len = 4;
+    std::memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID); // IANA ID
+    res[SIZE_IANA_ID] = num_updates;
+    *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID + num_updates + 1;
+    res[SIZE_IANA_ID + 1] = 1; // info page update
+    res[SIZE_IANA_ID + 2] = 2; // cri sel update
+    res[SIZE_IANA_ID + 3] = 3; // cri sensor update
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Get Debug POST Description
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemDbgGetPostDesc(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                 ipmi_request_t request,
+                                 ipmi_response_t response,
+                                 ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                 ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    uint8_t index = 0;
+    uint8_t next = 0;
+    uint8_t end = 0;
+    uint8_t phase = 0;
+    uint8_t count = 0;
+    int ret;
+    index = req[3];
+    phase = req[4];
+    phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>(
+        "Get POST Description Event");
+    ret = plat_udbg_get_post_desc(index, &next, phase, &end, &count, &res[8]);
+    if (ret)
+    {
+        memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID); // IANA ID
+        *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID;
+    }
+    memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID); // IANA ID
+    res[3] = index;
+    res[4] = next;
+    res[5] = phase;
+    res[6] = end;
+    res[7] = count;
+    *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID + 5 + count;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Get Debug GPIO Description
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemDbgGetGpioDesc(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                 ipmi_request_t request,
+                                 ipmi_response_t response,
+                                 ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                 ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>(
+        "Get GPIO Description Event");
+    std::memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID + 1); // IANA ID
+    *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID + 1;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Get Debug Frame Data
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemDbgGetFrameData(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                  ipmi_request_t request,
+                                  ipmi_response_t response,
+                                  ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                  ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    uint8_t frame;
+    uint8_t page;
+    uint8_t next;
+    uint8_t count;
+    int ret;
+    frame = req[3];
+    page = req[4];
+    int fr = frame;
+    int pg = page;
+    ret = plat_udbg_get_frame_data(frame, page, &next, &count, &res[7]);
+    if (ret)
+    {
+        memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID); // IANA ID
+        *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID;
+    }
+    memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID); // IANA ID
+    res[3] = frame;
+    res[4] = page;
+    res[5] = next;
+    res[6] = count;
+    *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID + 4 + count;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Get Debug Control Panel
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemDbgGetCtrlPanel(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                  ipmi_request_t request,
+                                  ipmi_response_t response,
+                                  ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                  ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    uint8_t panel;
+    uint8_t operation;
+    uint8_t item;
+    uint8_t count;
+    ipmi_ret_t ret;
+    panel = req[3];
+    operation = req[4];
+    item = req[5];
+    ret = plat_udbg_control_panel(panel, operation, item, &count, &res[3]);
+    std::memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID); // IANA ID
+    *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID + count;
+    return ret;
+// Todo: Need to implement all below functions for oem commands
+// Set Dimm Info (CMD_OEM_SET_DIMM_INFO)
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemSetDimmInfo(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                              ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response,
+                              ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    std::memcpy(res, req, SIZE_IANA_ID + 1); // IANA ID
+    *data_len = SIZE_IANA_ID + 1;
+    *data_len = 0;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Get Boot Order (CMD_OEM_GET_BOOT_ORDER)
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemGetBootOrder(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                               ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response,
+                               ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    *res++ = 0x01;
+    *res++ = 0x00;
+    *res++ = 0x09;
+    *res++ = 0x02;
+    *res++ = 0x03;
+    *res++ = 0xff;
+    *data_len = 6;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Set Machine Config Info (CMD_OEM_SET_MACHINE_CONFIG_INFO)
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemSetMachineCfgInfo(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                    ipmi_request_t request,
+                                    ipmi_response_t response,
+                                    ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                    ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    *data_len = 0;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemSetPostStart(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                               ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response,
+                               ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>("POST Start Event");
+    *data_len = 0;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemSetPostEnd(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                             ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response,
+                             ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>("POST End Event");
+    *data_len = 0;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+// Set Bios Flash Info (CMD_OEM_SET_BIOS_FLASH_INFO)
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemSetBiosFlashInfo(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                   ipmi_request_t request,
+                                   ipmi_response_t response,
+                                   ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                   ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    *data_len = 0;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemSetPpr(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                         ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response,
+                         ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    *data_len = 0;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+ipmi_ret_t ipmiOemGetPpr(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                         ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response,
+                         ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context)
+    uint8_t *req = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(request);
+    uint8_t *res = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(response);
+    res[0] = 0x00;
+    *data_len = 1;
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+static void registerOEMFunctions(void)
+    phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>(
+        "Registering OEM commands");
+    ipmiPrintAndRegister(NETFUN_CHASSIS, 1, NULL, ipmiGetChassisStatus,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // get chassis status
+                         NULL, ipmiOemDbgGetFrameInfo,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // get debug frame info
+    ipmiPrintAndRegister(NETFN_OEM_USB_DBG_REQ,
+                         CMD_OEM_USB_DBG_GET_UPDATED_FRAMES, NULL,
+                         ipmiOemDbgGetUpdFrames,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // get debug updated frames
+                         NULL, ipmiOemDbgGetPostDesc,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // get debug post description
+                         NULL, ipmiOemDbgGetGpioDesc,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // get debug gpio description
+                         NULL, ipmiOemDbgGetFrameData,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // get debug frame data
+                         NULL, ipmiOemDbgGetCtrlPanel,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // get debug control panel
+                         ipmiOemSetDimmInfo,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Set Dimm Info
+                         ipmiOemGetBootOrder,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Get Boot Order
+                         ipmiOemSetMachineCfgInfo,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Set Machine Config Info
+                         ipmiOemSetPostStart,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Set POST start
+    ipmiPrintAndRegister(NETFUN_NONE, CMD_OEM_SET_POST_END, NULL,
+                         ipmiOemSetPostEnd,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Set POST End
+                         ipmiOemSetBiosFlashInfo,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Set Bios Flash Info
+    ipmiPrintAndRegister(NETFUN_NONE, CMD_OEM_SET_PPR, NULL, ipmiOemSetPpr,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Set PPR
+    ipmiPrintAndRegister(NETFUN_NONE, CMD_OEM_GET_PPR, NULL, ipmiOemGetPpr,
+                         PRIVILEGE_USER); // Get PPR
+    return;
+} // namespace ipmi