event: Document
diff --git a/src/gpioplus/event.hpp b/src/gpioplus/event.hpp
index 7e40cf0..32510a3 100644
--- a/src/gpioplus/event.hpp
+++ b/src/gpioplus/event.hpp
@@ -9,29 +9,69 @@
 namespace gpioplus
+/** @brief The flags used for registering an event */
 struct EventFlags
+    /** @brief Are rising edge events reported */
     bool rising_edge;
+    /** @brief Are falling edge events reported */
     bool falling_edge;
+    /** @brief Converts this struct to an int bitfield
+     *
+     *  @return The int bitfield usable by the syscall interface
+     */
     uint32_t toInt() const;
+/** @class EVent
+ *  @brief Handle to a gpio line event
+ *  @details Provides a c++ interface for gpio event operations
+ */
 class Event
+    /** @brief Creates a new gpio line event handler
+     *
+     *  @param[in] chip           - The gpio chip which provides the events
+     *  @param[in] line_offset    - The offset of the line generating events
+     *  @param[in] handle_flags   - The handle flags applied
+     *  @param[in] event_flags    - The event flags applied
+     *  @param[in] consumer_label - The functional name of this consumer
+     *  @throws std::system_error for underlying syscall failures
+     */
     Event(const Chip& chip, uint32_t line_offset, HandleFlags handle_flags,
           EventFlags event_flags, std::string_view consumer_label);
+    /** @brief Get the file descriptor used for the handle
+     *
+     *  @return The gpio handle file descriptor
+     */
     const internal::Fd& getFd() const;
+    /** @brief Event data read from the gpio line */
     struct Data
+        /** @brief The estimate of the time the event occurred in nanoseconds */
         uint64_t timestamp;
+        /** @brief The identifier of the event */
         uint32_t id;
+    /** @brief Reads an event from the event file descriptor
+     *         Follows the read(2) semantics of the underyling file descriptor
+     *
+     *  @throws std::system_error for underlying syscall failures
+     *  @return The value of the event or std::nullopt if the file descriptor
+     *          is non-blocking and no event has occurred
+     */
     std::optional<Data> read() const;
+    /** @brief Get the current value of the associated line
+     *
+     *  @throws std::system_error for underlying syscall failures
+     *  @return The value of the gpio line
+     */
     uint8_t getValue() const;