Read/write window property defines FFS partition file location.

The BMC loads the PNOR partitions in a read-only volume.

So after that there are following two cases:

Read: Tries to open the file in read only mode from
the partition(READONLY/READWRITE/PRESERVED), Partition
Table tells the partition type depends on the offset.
if file is not there in the mapped partition
then tries to open the file from the read only partition.

Write: Tries to open the file in write mode from the
partition(READWRITE/PRESERVED), if file is not there
in the mapped partition then mailbox daemon will copy
the requested partition to the read-write volume to
make changes to it.

Change-Id: Ic0ef882380b56536ac55feae3ec563de95fdd4a6
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <>
diff --git a/pnor_partition.hpp b/pnor_partition.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..004dca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pnor_partition.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "mboxd_pnor_partition_table.h"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <experimental/filesystem>
+namespace openpower
+namespace file
+class Descriptor
+    private:
+        /** default value */
+        int fd = -1;
+    public:
+        Descriptor() = default;
+        Descriptor(const Descriptor&) = delete;
+        Descriptor& operator=(const Descriptor&) = delete;
+        Descriptor(Descriptor&&) = delete;
+        Descriptor& operator=(Descriptor &&) = delete;
+        Descriptor(int fd) : fd(fd) {}
+        ~Descriptor()
+        {
+            if (fd >= 0)
+            {
+                close(fd);
+            }
+        }
+        int operator()() const
+        {
+            return fd;
+        }
+        void set(int descriptor)
+        {
+            fd = descriptor;
+        }
+}// namespace file
+namespace virtual_pnor
+namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
+enum class ReturnCode : uint8_t
+    FILE_NOT_FOUND = 0,
+    SUCCESS = 4,
+class Request
+    public:
+        Request() = default;
+        Request(const Request&) = delete;
+        Request& operator=(const Request&) = delete;
+        Request(Request&&) = default;
+        Request& operator=(Request&&) = default;
+        ~Request() = default;
+        openpower::file::Descriptor fd;
+    protected:
+        /** @brief opens the partition file
+         *
+         *  @param[in] filePath - Absolute file path.
+         *  @param[in] mode - File open mode.
+         */
+        ReturnCode open(const std::string& filePath, int mode);
+        /** @brief returns the partition file path associated with the offset.
+         *
+         *  @param[in] context - The mbox context pointer.
+         *  @param[in] offset - The pnor offset(bytes).
+         */
+        std::string getPartitionFilePath(struct mbox_context* context,
+                                         uint32_t offset);
+        const pnor_partition* partition = nullptr;
+/** @class RORequest
+ *  @brief Represent the read request of the partition.
+ *         Stores the partition meta data.
+ */
+class RORequest : public Request
+    public:
+        RORequest() = default;
+        RORequest(const RORequest&) = delete;
+        RORequest& operator=(const RORequest&) = delete;
+        RORequest(RORequest&&) = default;
+        RORequest& operator=(RORequest&&) = default;
+        ~RORequest(){};
+        /** @brief opens the partition file associated with the offset
+         *         in read only mode and gets the partition details.
+         *
+         *  1.  Depending on the partition type,tries to open the file
+         *      from the associated partition(RW/PRSV/RO).
+         *  1a. if file not found in the corresponding
+         *      partition(RW/PRSV/RO) then tries to read the file from
+         *      the read only partition.
+         *  1b. if the file not found in the read only partition then
+         *      throw exception.
+         *
+         *  @param[in] context - The mbox context pointer.
+         *  @param[in] offset - The pnor offset(bytes).
+         */
+        const pnor_partition* getPartitionInfo(struct mbox_context* context,
+                                               uint32_t offset);
+/** @class RWRequest
+ *  @brief Represent the write request of the partition.
+ *         Stores the partition meta data.
+ */
+class RWRequest : public Request
+    public:
+        RWRequest() = default;
+        RWRequest(const RWRequest&) = delete;
+        RWRequest& operator=(const RWRequest&) = delete;
+        RWRequest(RWRequest&&) = default;
+        RWRequest& operator=(RWRequest&&) = default;
+        ~RWRequest() {};
+        /** @brief opens the partition file associated with the offset
+         *         in write mode and gets the parttition details.
+         *
+         *  1.  Depending on the partition type tries to open the file
+         *      from the associated partition.
+         *  1a. if file not found in the corresponding partition(RW/PRSV)
+         *      then copy the file from the read only partition to the (RW/PRSV)
+         *      partition depending on the partition type.
+         *  1b. if the file not found in the read only partition then throw exception.
+         *
+         *  @param[in] context - The mbox context pointer.
+         *  @param[in] offset - The pnor offset(bytes).
+         */
+        const pnor_partition* getPartitionInfo(struct mbox_context* context,
+                                               uint32_t offset);
+}// namespace virtual_pnor
+}// namespace openpower