Add shutdown policy interface for Intel specific OEM IPMI commands

The OCOTpolicy property is used to store the shutdown policy.
It is used by Intel specific get/set shutdown policy IPMI commands.
0h = Node will not be shut down on a power supply Over
Current (OC) or a power supply Over Temperature (OT) event.
1h = Node will be shut down on an OC/OT event

Change-Id: I2c081784e7e36f85367d06eebe179fc3ff7599b9
Signed-off-by: Yong Li <>
diff --git a/com/intel/Control/OCOTShutdownPolicy.interface.yaml b/com/intel/Control/OCOTShutdownPolicy.interface.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccbb6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/com/intel/Control/OCOTShutdownPolicy.interface.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+description: >
+    An interface for node shutdown policy on multi-node products.
+    It is used by Intel OEM IPMI command.
+    - name: OCOTPolicy
+      type: enum[self.Policy]
+      description: >
+          Node shutdown policy on a power supply over current(OC)
+          or over temperature(OT) event,
+          Only available on multi-node products.
+      default: 'NoShutdownOnOCOT'
+   - name: Policy
+     description: >
+       The type of shutdown policy.
+     values:
+       - name: 'NoShutdownOnOCOT'
+         description: >
+           Do not shutdown node on an OC/OT event.
+       - name: 'ShutdownOnOCOT'
+         description: >
+           Shutdown node on an OC/OT event.
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