Move commands from ipmi-providers

Many commands were in ipmi-providers and need to be moved into the
active development library (intel-ipmi-oem). This copies wholesale
those commands, even though many need to be rewritten to use the new
ipmi providers API.

Tested-by: build and see that the commands are still present even when
           the ipmi-providers library is removed

Change-Id: If326f5d7844adeed7da2d3b7a2f1d3eeeea43b29
Signed-off-by: Vernon Mauery <>
diff --git a/include/smbiosmdrv2handler.hpp b/include/smbiosmdrv2handler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..636cbdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/smbiosmdrv2handler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#pragma once
+#include <ipmid/api.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <oemcommands.hpp>
+#include <sdbusplus/timer.hpp>
+static constexpr const char *mdrType2File = "/var/lib/smbios/smbios2";
+static constexpr const char *smbiosPath = "/var/lib/smbios";
+static constexpr const size_t msgPayloadSize =
+    1024 * 60; // Total size will transfer for smbios table
+static constexpr const size_t mdriiSMSize = 0x00100000;
+static constexpr const uint16_t smbiosAgentId =
+    0x0101; // Agent ID for smbios entry
+static constexpr const int firstAgentIndex = 1;
+static constexpr const uint8_t maxDirEntries = 4; // Maximum directory entries
+static constexpr const uint32_t mdr2SMSize =
+    0x00100000; // Size of VGA share memory
+static constexpr const uint32_t mdr2SMBaseAddress =
+    0x9FF00000; // Base address of VGA share memory
+static constexpr const uint8_t mdrTypeII = 2; // MDR V2 type
+static constexpr const uint8_t mdr2Version = 2;        // MDR V2 versoin
+static constexpr const uint8_t smbiosAgentVersion = 1; // Agent version of
+                                                       // smbios
+static constexpr const uint32_t pageMask =
+    0xf000; // To make data become n times of page
+static constexpr const int smbiosDirIndex = 0; // SMBIOS directory index
+static constexpr const uint32_t smbiosTableVersion =
+    15; // Version of smbios table
+static constexpr const uint32_t smbiosTableTimestamp =
+    0x45464748; // Time stamp when smbios table created
+static constexpr const size_t smbiosSMMemoryOffset =
+    0; // Offset of VGA share memory
+static constexpr const size_t smbiosSMMemorySize =
+    1024 * 1024; // Total size of VGA share memory
+static constexpr const size_t smbiosTableStorageSize =
+    64 * 1024; // Total size of smbios table
+static constexpr const uint32_t defaultTimeout = 200;
+static constexpr const uint8_t sysClock = 100;
+static constexpr const int lastAgentIndex = -1;
+static constexpr const uint16_t lastAgentId = 0xFFFF;
+constexpr const uint32_t invalidChecksum = 0xffffffff;
+constexpr const char *dbusProperties = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties";
+constexpr const char *mdrv2Path = "/xyz/openbmc_project/Smbios/MDR_V2";
+constexpr const char *mdrv2Interface = "xyz.openbmc_project.Smbios.MDR_V2";
+enum class MDR2SMBIOSStatusEnum
+    mdr2Init = 0,
+    mdr2Loaded = 1,
+    mdr2Updated = 2,
+    mdr2Updating = 3
+enum class DirDataRequestEnum
+    dirDataNotRequested = 0x00,
+    dirDataRequested = 0x01
+enum MDR2DirLockEnum
+    mdr2DirUnlock = 0,
+    mdr2DirLock = 1
+#pragma pack(push)
+#pragma pack(1)
+struct MDRSMBIOSHeader
+    uint8_t dirVer;
+    uint8_t mdrType;
+    uint32_t timestamp;
+    uint32_t dataSize;
+struct DataIdStruct
+    uint8_t dataInfo[16];
+struct Mdr2DirEntry
+    DataIdStruct id;
+    uint32_t size;
+    uint32_t dataSetSize;
+    uint32_t dataVersion;
+    uint32_t timestamp;
+struct Mdr2DirLocalStruct
+    Mdr2DirEntry common;
+    MDR2SMBIOSStatusEnum stage;
+    MDR2DirLockEnum lock;
+    uint16_t lockHandle;
+    uint32_t xferBuff;
+    uint32_t xferSize;
+    uint32_t maxDataSize;
+    uint8_t *dataStorage;
+struct Mdr2DirStruct
+    uint8_t agentVersion;
+    uint8_t dirVersion;
+    uint8_t dirEntries;
+    uint8_t status; // valid / locked / etc
+    uint8_t remoteDirVersion;
+    uint16_t sessionHandle;
+    Mdr2DirLocalStruct dir[maxDirEntries];
+// Three members include dataSetSize, dataVersion and timestamp
+static constexpr const size_t syncDirCommonSize = 3;
+// ====================== MDR II Pull Command Structures ======================
+// MDR II Pull Agent status inquiry command
+struct MDRiiGetAgentStatus
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    uint8_t dirVersion;
+// MDR II status inquiry response
+struct MDRiiAgentStatusResponse
+    uint8_t mdrVersion;
+    uint8_t agentVersion;
+    uint8_t dirVersion;
+    uint8_t dirEntries;
+    uint8_t dataRequest;
+struct MDRiiGetDirRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    uint8_t dirIndex;
+// MDR II directory information inquiry response
+struct MDRiiGetDirResponse
+    uint8_t mdrVersion;
+    uint8_t dirVersion;
+    uint8_t returnedEntries;
+    uint8_t remainingEntries;
+    uint8_t data[1];
+struct MDRiiGetDataInfoRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
+// MDR II data set information inquiry response
+struct MDRiiGetDataInfoResponse
+    uint8_t mdrVersion;
+    DataIdStruct dataSetId;
+    uint8_t validFlag;
+    uint32_t dataLength;
+    uint32_t dataVersion;
+    uint32_t timeStamp;
+// MDR II Pull Agent get data block command
+struct MDRiiGetDataBlockRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    uint16_t lockHandle;
+    uint32_t xferOffset;
+    uint32_t xferLength;
+// MDR II Pull Agent get data block response
+struct MDRiiGetDataBlockResponse
+    uint32_t xferLength;
+    uint32_t checksum;
+    uint8_t data[msgPayloadSize];
+// ====================== MDR II Push Command Structures ======================
+// MDR II Push Agent send dir info command
+struct MDRiiSendDirRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    uint8_t dirVersion;
+    uint8_t dirIndex;
+    uint8_t returnedEntries;
+    uint8_t remainingEntries;
+    Mdr2DirEntry data[1]; // place holder for N directory entries
+struct MDRiiOfferDataInfo
+    uint16_t agentId;
+// MDR II Client send data set info offer response
+struct MDRiiOfferDataInfoResponse
+    DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
+// MDR II Push Agent send data set info command
+struct MDRiiSendDataInfoRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
+    uint8_t validFlag;
+    uint32_t dataLength;
+    uint32_t dataVersion; // Roughly equivalent to the "file name"
+    uint32_t
+        timeStamp; // More info on the identity of this particular set of data
+// MDR II Push Agent send data block command
+struct MDRiiSendDataBlockRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    uint16_t lockHandle;
+    uint32_t xferOffset;
+    uint32_t xferLength;
+    uint32_t checksum;
+// MDR II Pull Agent lock data set command
+struct MDRiiLockDataRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
+    uint16_t timeout;
+// MDR II Pull Agent lock data set response
+struct MDRiiLockDataResponse
+    uint8_t mdrVersion;
+    uint16_t lockHandle;
+    uint32_t dataLength;
+    uint32_t xferAddress;
+    uint32_t xferLength;
+// MDR II Pull Agent unlock data set command
+struct MDRiiUnlockDataRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    uint16_t lockHandle;
+// MDR II Push Agent send data start command
+struct MDRiiDataStartRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    DataIdStruct dataSetInfo;
+    uint32_t dataLength;
+    uint32_t xferAddress;
+    uint32_t xferLength;
+    uint16_t timeout;
+// MDR II Client send data start response
+struct MDRiiDataStartResponse
+    uint8_t xferStartAck;
+    uint16_t sessionHandle;
+// MDR II
+struct MDRiiDataDoneRequest
+    uint16_t agentId;
+    uint16_t lockHandle;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+class SharedMemoryArea
+  public:
+    SharedMemoryArea(uint32_t addr, uint32_t areaSize) :
+        vPtr(nullptr), physicalAddr(addr), size(areaSize)
+    {
+        Initialize(addr, areaSize);
+    }
+    ~SharedMemoryArea()
+    {
+        if ((vPtr != nullptr) && (vPtr != MAP_FAILED))
+        {
+            if (0 != munmap(vPtr, size))
+            {
+                phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
+                    "Ummap share memory failed");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    void *vPtr;
+  private:
+    uint32_t physicalAddr;
+    uint32_t size;
+    void Initialize(uint32_t addr, uint32_t areaSize);
+class MDRV2
+  public:
+    MDRV2()
+    {
+        timer =
+            std::make_unique<phosphor::Timer>([&](void) { timeoutHandler(); });
+    }
+    int agentLookup(const uint16_t &agentId);
+    int findLockHandle(const uint16_t &lockHandle);
+    int syncDirCommonData(uint8_t idIndex, uint32_t size,
+                          const std::string &service);
+    int findDataId(const uint8_t *dataInfo, const size_t &len,
+                   const std::string &service);
+    uint16_t getSessionHandle(Mdr2DirStruct *dir);
+    bool smbiosIsUpdating(uint8_t index);
+    uint32_t calcChecksum32(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len);
+    bool storeDatatoFlash(MDRSMBIOSHeader *mdrHdr, uint8_t *data);
+    bool smbiosUnlock(uint8_t index);
+    void timeoutHandler();
+    bool smbiosTryLock(uint8_t flag, uint8_t index, uint16_t *session,
+                       uint16_t timeout);
+    int sdplusMdrv2GetProperty(const std::string &name,
+                               sdbusplus::message::variant<uint8_t> &value,
+                               const std::string &service);
+    Mdr2DirStruct smbiosDir{smbiosAgentVersion,
+                            1,
+                            1,
+                            1,
+                            0,
+                            0,
+                            {40,
+                             41,
+                             42,
+                             43,
+                             44,
+                             45,
+                             46,
+                             47,
+                             48,
+                             49,
+                             50,
+                             51,
+                             52,
+                             53,
+                             54,
+                             0x42,
+                             0,
+                             smbiosTableStorageSize,
+                             smbiosTableVersion,
+                             smbiosTableTimestamp,
+                             MDR2SMBIOSStatusEnum::mdr2Init,
+                             MDR2DirLockEnum::mdr2DirUnlock,
+                             0,
+                             smbiosSMMemoryOffset,
+                             smbiosSMMemorySize,
+                             smbiosTableStorageSize,
+                             smbiosTableStorage}};
+    std::unique_ptr<SharedMemoryArea> area;
+    std::unique_ptr<phosphor::Timer> timer;
+  private:
+    uint8_t lockIndex = 0;
+    uint8_t smbiosTableStorage[smbiosTableStorageSize];