Add depex support in bios.xml parsing.

Added logic to execute depex expression for every knob in bios.xml.
knob is added to BiosAttributeRegistry only if depex evaluation result
is TRUE.

By giving GET Request to
Output sample showing few knobs added becuase depex evaluation result
was TRUE:

    "AttributeName": "AEPErrorInjEn",
    "CurrentValue": "0x00",
    "DefaultValue": "0x00",
    "DisplayName": "AEPErrorInjEn",
    "HelpText": "Enable/Disable PMem Error Injection",
    "MenuPath": "./",
    "ReadOnly": false,
    "Type": "String",
    "Value": [
            "OneOf": "0x0"
            "OneOf": "0x1"
    "AttributeName": "wrVrefCenter",
    "CurrentValue": "0x01",
    "DefaultValue": "0x01",
    "DisplayName": "wrVrefCenter",
    "HelpText": "Write Vref Centering Disable/Enable",
    "MenuPath": "./",
    "ReadOnly": false,
    "Type": "String",
    "Value": [
            "OneOf": "0x0"
            "OneOf": "0x1"

Following are few knobs rejected becuase depex evaluation
result was FALSE:

<knob  type="scalar" setupType="oneof" name="PfrProvision"
varstoreIndex="04" prompt="PFR Provision"
description="Selectable if PFR is not locked." size="1"
depex="Sif( PfrSupported _EQU_ 0 ) _AND_ Gif( PfrLockStatus _EQU_ 1 OR
PfrProvisionStatus _EQU_ 1 )"
default="0x00" CurrentVal="0x00">
        <option text="Disable" value="0x0"/>
        <option text="Enable" value="0x1"/>

<knob  type="scalar" setupType="oneof" name="SataHotPlugController0_0"
varstoreIndex="01" prompt="
Hot Plug" description="Designates this port as Hot Pluggable." size="1"
depex="Sif( PchSata_0 _EQU_ 0 ) _AND_
Sif( SataExternalController0_0 _EQU_ 1 )" default="0x00"
        <option text="Disabled" value="0x0"/>
        <option text="Enabled" value="0x1"/>

Signed-off-by: Arun Lal K M <>
Change-Id: Iff1ea01fb06200e21cc7f2a2e0fdfdff70376581
diff --git a/include/biosxml.hpp b/include/biosxml.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5be53c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/biosxml.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,884 @@
+#pragma once


+#include "tinyxml2.h"


+#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>

+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>


+#include <map>

+#include <sstream>

+#include <stack>

+#include <string>

+#include <variant>

+#include <vector>


+std::string mapAttrTypeToRedfish(const std::string_view typeDbus)


+    std::string ret;

+    if (typeDbus == "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig.Manager."

+                    "AttributeType.Enumeration")

+    {

+        ret = "Enumeration";

+    }

+    else if (typeDbus == "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig."

+                         "Manager.AttributeType.String")

+    {

+        ret = "String";

+    }

+    else if (typeDbus == "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig."

+                         "Manager.AttributeType.Password")

+    {

+        ret = "Password";

+    }

+    else if (typeDbus == "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig."

+                         "Manager.AttributeType.Integer")

+    {

+        ret = "Integer";

+    }

+    else if (typeDbus == "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig."

+                         "Manager.AttributeType.Boolean")

+    {

+        ret = "Boolean";

+    }

+    else

+    {

+        ret = "UNKNOWN";

+    }


+    return ret;



+namespace bios


+/* Can hold one 'option'

+ * For example

+ *  <option text="TIS" value="0x0"/>

+ */

+using OptionType = std::tuple<std::string, std::variant<int64_t, std::string>>;


+/* Can hold one 'options'

+ * For example

+ *  <options>

+ *		<option text="TIS" value="0x0"/>

+ *		<option text="PTP FIFO" value="0x1"/>

+ *		<option text="PTP CRB" value="0x2"/>

+ *	</options>

+ */

+using OptionTypeVector = std::vector<OptionType>;


+/* Can hold one 'knob'

+ * For example

+ *  <knob  type="scalar" setupType="oneof" name="TpmDeviceInterfaceAttempt"

+ *  varstoreIndex="14" prompt="Attempt PTP TPM Device Interface"

+ *  description="Attempt PTP TPM Device Interface: PTP FIFO, PTP CRB" size="1"

+ *  offset="0x0005" depex="Sif( _LIST_ TpmDevice _EQU_ 0 1 ) _AND_ Sif(

+ *  TpmDeviceInterfacePtpFifoSupported _EQU_ 0 OR

+ *  TpmDeviceInterfacePtpCrbSupported _EQU_ 0 )" default="0x00"

+ *CurrentVal="0x00"> <options> <option text="TIS" value="0x0"/> <option

+ *text="PTP FIFO" value="0x1"/> <option text="PTP CRB" value="0x2"/>

+ *		</options>

+ *	</knob>

+ */

+using BiosBaseTableTypeEntry =

+    std::tuple<std::string, bool, std::string, std::string, std::string,

+               std::variant<int64_t, std::string>,

+               std::variant<int64_t, std::string>, OptionTypeVector>;


+/* Can hold one 'biosknobs'

+ * biosknobs has array of 'knob' */

+using BiosBaseTableType = std::map<std::string, BiosBaseTableTypeEntry>;


+namespace knob


+/* These are the operators we support in a 'depex' expression

+ * Note: We also support '_LIST_', 'Sif', 'Gif', 'Dif', and 'NOT'. But they are

+ * handeled sepeartely. */

+enum class DepexOperators


+    unknown = 0,

+    OR,

+    AND,

+    LTE,

+    LT,

+    EQU,

+    NEQ,




+namespace option


+/* Can hold one 'option' */

+struct option


+    option(std::string text, std::string value) :

+        text(std::move(text)), value(std::move(value))

+    {}


+    std::string text;

+    std::string value;


+} // namespace option


+/* Can hold one 'knob' */

+struct knob


+    knob(std::string nameStr, std::string currentValStr, int currentVal,

+         std::string descriptionStr, std::string defaultStr,

+         std::string promptStr, std::string depexStr,

+         std::string& setupTypeStr) :

+        nameStr(std::move(nameStr)),

+        currentValStr(std::move(currentValStr)), currentVal(currentVal),

+        descriptionStr(std::move(descriptionStr)),

+        defaultStr(std::move(defaultStr)), promptStr(std::move(promptStr)),

+        depexStr(std::move(depexStr)), depex(false),

+        readOnly(("ReadOnly" == setupTypeStr) ? true : false)

+    {}


+    bool depex;

+    bool readOnly;

+    int currentVal;


+    std::string nameStr;

+    std::string currentValStr;

+    std::string descriptionStr;

+    std::string defaultStr;

+    std::string promptStr;

+    std::string depexStr;


+    /* Can hold one 'options' */

+    std::vector<option::option> options;


+} // namespace knob


+/* Class capable of computing 'depex' expression. */

+class Depex


+  public:

+    Depex(std::vector<knob::knob>& knobs) : mKnobs(knobs)

+    {}


+    /* Compute 'depex' expression of all knobs in 'biosknobs'. */

+    void compute()

+    {

+        mError.clear();


+        for (auto& knob : mKnobs)

+        {

+            /* if 'depex' == "TRUE" no need to execute expression. */

+            if ("TRUE" == knob.depexStr)

+            {

+                knob.depex = true;

+            }

+            else if (!knob.readOnly)

+            {

+                int value = 0;


+                if (!evaluateExpression(knob.depexStr, value))

+                {

+                    mError.emplace_back("bad depex: " + knob.depexStr +

+                                        " in knob: " + knob.nameStr);

+                }

+                else

+                {

+                    if (value)

+                    {

+                        knob.depex = true;

+                    }

+                }

+            }

+        }

+    }


+    /* Returns the number of 'knob's which have a bad 'depex' expression. */

+    size_t getErrorCount()

+    {

+        return mError.size();

+    }


+    /* Prints all the 'knob's which have a bad 'depex' expression. */

+    void printError()

+    {

+        for (auto& error : mError)

+        {

+            phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(

+                error.c_str());

+        }

+    }


+  private:

+    /* Returns 'true' if the argument string is a number. */

+    bool isNumber(const std::string& s)

+    {

+        return !s.empty() &&

+               std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](unsigned char c) {

+                   return !std::isdigit(c);

+               }) == s.end();

+    }


+    /* Returns 'true' if the argument string is hex representation of a number.

+     */

+    bool isHexNotation(std::string const& s)

+    {

+        return, 2, "0x") == 0 && s.size() > 2 &&

+               s.find_first_not_of("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", 2) ==

+                   std::string::npos;

+    }


+    /* Function to find current value of a 'knob'

+     * search is done using 'knob' attribute 'name' */

+    bool getValue(std::string& variableName, int& value)

+    {

+        for (auto& knob : mKnobs)

+        {

+            if (knob.nameStr == variableName)

+            {

+                value = knob.currentVal;

+                return true;

+            }

+        }


+        std::string error =

+            "Unable to find knob: " + variableName + " in knob list\n";

+        phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(error.c_str());


+        return false;

+    }


+    /* Get the expression enclosed within brackets, i.e., between '(' and ')' */

+    bool getSubExpression(const std::string& expression,

+                          std::string& subExpression, size_t& i)

+    {

+        int level = 1;

+        subExpression.clear();


+        for (; i < expression.length(); i++)

+        {

+            if (expression[i] == '(')

+            {

+                ++level;

+            }

+            else if (expression[i] == ')')

+            {

+                --level;

+                if (level == 0)

+                {

+                    break;

+                }

+            }


+            subExpression.push_back(expression[i]);

+        }


+        if (!subExpression.empty())

+        {

+            return true;

+        }


+        return false;

+    }


+    /* Function to handle operator '_LIST_'

+     * Convert a '_LIST_' expression to a normal expression

+     * Example "_LIST_ VariableA _EQU_ 0 1" is converted to "VariableA _EQU_ 0

+     * OR VariableA _EQU_ 1" */

+    bool getListExpression(const std::string& expression,

+                           std::string& subExpression, size_t& i)

+    {

+        subExpression.clear();


+        int cnt = 0;

+        std::string variableStr;

+        std::string operatorStr;


+        for (; i < expression.length(); i++)

+        {

+            if (expression[i] == '(')

+            {

+                return false;

+            }

+            else if (expression[i] == ')')

+            {

+                break;

+            }

+            else if (expression[i] == ' ')

+            {

+                /* whitespace */

+                continue;

+            }

+            else

+            {

+                std::string word;


+                /* Get the next word in expression string */

+                while ((i < expression.length()) && (expression[i] != ' '))

+                {

+                    word.push_back(expression[i++]);

+                }


+                if (word == "_OR_" || word == "OR" || word == "_AND_" ||

+                    word == "AND" || word == "NOT")

+                {

+                    i = i - word.length();

+                    break;

+                }


+                ++cnt;


+                if (cnt == 1)

+                {

+                    variableStr = word;

+                }

+                else if (cnt == 2)

+                {

+                    operatorStr = word;

+                }

+                else

+                {

+                    if (cnt > 3)

+                    {

+                        subExpression += " OR ";

+                    }


+                    subExpression += "( ";

+                    subExpression += variableStr;

+                    subExpression += " ";

+                    subExpression += operatorStr;

+                    subExpression += " ";

+                    subExpression += word;

+                    subExpression += " )";

+                }

+            }

+        }


+        if (!subExpression.empty())

+        {

+            return true;

+        }


+        return false;

+    }


+    /* Function to handle operator 'NOT'

+     * 1) Find the variable

+     * 2) apply NOT on the variable */

+    bool getNotValue(const std::string& expression, size_t& i, int& value)

+    {

+        std::string word;


+        for (; i < expression.length(); i++)

+        {

+            if (expression[i] == ' ')

+            {

+                /* whitespace */

+                continue;

+            }

+            else

+            {

+                /* Get the next word in expression string */

+                while ((i < expression.length()) && (expression[i] != ' '))

+                {

+                    word.push_back(expression[i++]);

+                }


+                break;

+            }

+        }


+        if (!word.empty())

+        {

+            if (getValue(word, value))

+            {

+                value = !value;

+                return true;

+            }

+        }


+        return false;

+    }


+    /* 1) Pop one operator from operator stack, example 'OR'

+     * 2) Pop two variable from variable stack, example VarA and VarB

+     * 3) Push back result of 'VarA OR VarB' to variable stack

+     * 4) Repeat till operator stack is empty

+     *

+     * The last variable in variable stack is the output of the expression. */

+    bool evaluateExprStack(std::stack<int>& values,

+                           std::stack<knob::DepexOperators>& operators,

+                           int& output)

+    {

+        if (values.size() != (operators.size() + 1))

+        {

+            return false;

+        }


+        while (!operators.empty())

+        {

+            int b =;

+            values.pop();


+            int a =;

+            values.pop();


+            switch (

+            {

+                case knob::DepexOperators::OR:

+                    values.emplace(a | b);

+                    break;


+                case knob::DepexOperators::AND:

+                    values.emplace(a & b);

+                    break;


+                case knob::DepexOperators::EQU:

+                    if (a == b)

+                    {

+                        values.emplace(1);

+                        break;

+                    }


+                    values.emplace(0);

+                    break;


+                case knob::DepexOperators::NEQ:

+                    if (a != b)

+                    {

+                        values.emplace(1);

+                        break;

+                    }


+                    values.emplace(0);

+                    break;


+                case knob::DepexOperators::LTE:

+                    if (a <= b)

+                    {

+                        values.emplace(1);

+                        break;

+                    }


+                    values.emplace(0);

+                    break;


+                case knob::DepexOperators::LT:

+                    if (a < b)

+                    {

+                        values.emplace(1);

+                        break;

+                    }


+                    values.emplace(0);

+                    break;


+                case knob::DepexOperators::MODULO:

+                    if (b == 0)

+                    {

+                        return false;

+                    }

+                    values.emplace(a % b);

+                    break;


+                default:

+                    return false;

+            }


+            operators.pop();

+        }


+        if (values.size() == 1)

+        {

+            output =;

+            values.pop();


+            return true;

+        }


+        return false;

+    }


+    /* Evaluvate one 'depex' expression

+     * 1) Find a word in expression string

+     * 2) If word is a variable push to variable stack

+     * 3) If word is a operator push to operator stack

+     *

+     * Execute the stack at end to get the result of expression. */

+    bool evaluateExpression(const std::string& expression, int& output)

+    {

+        if (expression.empty())

+        {

+            return false;

+        }


+        size_t i;

+        int value;

+        std::stack<int> values;

+        std::stack<knob::DepexOperators> operators;

+        std::string subExpression;


+        for (i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++)

+        {

+            if (expression[i] == ' ')

+            {

+                /* whitespace */

+                continue;

+            }

+            else

+            {

+                std::string word;


+                /* Get the next word in expression string */

+                while ((i < expression.length()) && (expression[i] != ' '))

+                {

+                    word.push_back(expression[i++]);

+                }


+                if (word == "_OR_" || word == "OR")

+                {

+                    /* OR and AND has more precedence than other operators

+                     * To handle statements like "a != b or c != d"

+                     * we need to execute, for above example, both '!=' before

+                     * 'or' */

+                    if (!operators.empty())

+                    {

+                        if (!evaluateExprStack(values, operators, value))

+                        {

+                            return false;

+                        }


+                        values.emplace(value);

+                    }


+                    operators.emplace(knob::DepexOperators::OR);

+                }

+                else if (word == "_AND_" || word == "AND")

+                {

+                    /* OR and AND has more precedence than other operators

+                     * To handle statements like "a == b and c == d"

+                     * we need to execute, for above example, both '==' before

+                     * 'and' */

+                    if (!operators.empty())

+                    {

+                        if (!evaluateExprStack(values, operators, value))

+                        {

+                            return false;

+                        }


+                        values.emplace(value);

+                    }


+                    operators.emplace(knob::DepexOperators::AND);

+                }

+                else if (word == "_LTE_")

+                {

+                    operators.emplace(knob::DepexOperators::LTE);

+                }

+                else if (word == "_LT_")

+                {

+                    operators.emplace(knob::DepexOperators::LT);

+                }

+                else if (word == "_NEQ_")

+                {

+                    operators.emplace(knob::DepexOperators::NEQ);

+                }

+                else if (word == "_EQU_")

+                {

+                    operators.emplace(knob::DepexOperators::EQU);

+                }

+                else if (word == "%")

+                {

+                    operators.emplace(knob::DepexOperators::MODULO);

+                }

+                else

+                {

+                    /* Handle 'Sif(', 'Gif(', 'Dif(' and '('

+                     * by taking the inner/sub expression and evaluating it */

+                    if (word.back() == '(')

+                    {

+                        if (!getSubExpression(expression, subExpression, i))

+                            break;


+                        if (!evaluateExpression(subExpression, value))

+                            break;

+                    }

+                    else if (word == "_LIST_")

+                    {

+                        if (!getListExpression(expression, subExpression, i))

+                            break;


+                        --i;


+                        if (!evaluateExpression(subExpression, value))

+                            break;

+                    }

+                    else if (word == "NOT")

+                    {

+                        if (!getNotValue(expression, i, value))

+                            break;

+                    }

+                    else if (isNumber(word) || isHexNotation(word))

+                    {

+                        try

+                        {

+                            value = std::stoi(word);

+                        }

+                        catch (std::exception& ex)

+                        {

+                            phosphor::logging::log<

+                                phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(ex.what());

+                            return false;

+                        }

+                    }

+                    else

+                    {

+                        if (!getValue(word, value))

+                            break;

+                    }


+                    values.emplace(value);

+                }

+            }

+        }


+        if (i == expression.length())

+        {

+            if (evaluateExprStack(values, operators, output))

+            {

+                return true;

+            }

+        }


+        return false;

+    }


+  private:

+    /* To store all 'knob's in 'biosknobs' */

+    std::vector<knob::knob>& mKnobs;


+    /* To store all bad 'depex' expression */

+    std::vector<std::string> mError;



+class Xml


+  public:

+    Xml(const char* filePath) : mDepex(std::make_unique<Depex>(mKnobs))

+    {

+        if (!getKnobs(filePath))

+        {

+            std::string error =

+                "Unable to get knobs in file: " + std::string(filePath);

+            throw std::runtime_error(error);

+        }

+    }


+    /* Fill Bios table with all 'knob's which have output of 'depex' expression

+     * as 'true' */

+    bool getBaseTable(bios::BiosBaseTableType& baseTable)

+    {

+        baseTable.clear();


+        for (auto& knob : mKnobs)

+        {

+            if (knob.depex)

+            {

+                std::string text =

+                    "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig.Manager.BoundType.OneOf";

+                bios::OptionTypeVector options;


+                for (auto& option : knob.options)

+                {

+                    options.emplace_back(text, option.value);

+                }


+                bios::BiosBaseTableTypeEntry baseTableEntry = std::make_tuple(

+                    "xyz.openbmc_project.BIOSConfig.Manager.AttributeType."

+                    "String",

+                    false, knob.nameStr, knob.descriptionStr, "./",

+                    knob.currentValStr, knob.defaultStr, options);


+                baseTable.emplace(knob.nameStr, baseTableEntry);

+            }

+        }


+        if (!baseTable.empty())

+        {

+            return true;

+        }


+        return false;

+    }


+    /* Execute all 'depex' expression */

+    bool doDepexCompute()

+    {

+        mDepex->compute();


+        if (mDepex->getErrorCount())

+        {

+            mDepex->printError();

+            return false;

+        }


+        return true;

+    }


+  private:

+    /* Get 'option' */

+    void getOption(tinyxml2::XMLElement* pOption)

+    {

+        if (pOption)

+        {

+            std::string valueStr;

+            std::string textStr;


+            if (pOption->Attribute("text"))

+                valueStr = pOption->Attribute("text");


+            if (pOption->Attribute("value"))

+                textStr = pOption->Attribute("value");


+            mKnobs.back().options.emplace_back(pOption->Attribute("text"),

+                                               pOption->Attribute("value"));

+        }

+    }


+    /* Get 'options' */

+    void getOptions(tinyxml2::XMLElement* pKnob)

+    {

+        uint16_t reserveCnt = 0;


+        /* Get node options inside knob */

+        tinyxml2::XMLElement* pOptions = pKnob->FirstChildElement("options");


+        if (pOptions)

+        {

+            for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* pOption =

+                     pOptions->FirstChildElement("option");

+                 pOption; pOption = pOption->NextSiblingElement("option"))

+            {

+                ++reserveCnt;

+            }


+            mKnobs.back().options.reserve(reserveCnt);


+            /* Loop through all option inside options */

+            for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* pOption =

+                     pOptions->FirstChildElement("option");

+                 pOption; pOption = pOption->NextSiblingElement("option"))

+            {

+                getOption(pOption);

+            }

+        }

+    }


+    /* Get 'knob' */

+    void getKnob(tinyxml2::XMLElement* pKnob)

+    {

+        if (pKnob)

+        {

+            int currentVal = 0;

+            std::string nameStr;

+            std::string currentValStr;

+            std::string descriptionStr;

+            std::string defaultStr;

+            std::string depexStr;

+            std::string promptStr;

+            std::string setupTypeStr;


+            if (!pKnob->Attribute("name") || !pKnob->Attribute("CurrentVal"))

+            {

+                return;

+            }


+            nameStr = pKnob->Attribute("name");

+            currentValStr = pKnob->Attribute("CurrentVal");


+            try

+            {

+                currentVal = std::stoi(currentValStr);

+            }

+            catch (std::exception& ex)

+            {

+                phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(

+                    ex.what());

+                return;

+            }


+            if (pKnob->Attribute("description"))

+                descriptionStr = pKnob->Attribute("description");


+            if (pKnob->Attribute("default"))

+                defaultStr = pKnob->Attribute("default");


+            if (pKnob->Attribute("depex"))

+                depexStr = pKnob->Attribute("depex");


+            if (pKnob->Attribute("prompt"))

+                promptStr = pKnob->Attribute("prompt");


+            if (pKnob->Attribute("setupType"))

+                setupTypeStr = pKnob->Attribute("setupType");


+            mKnobs.emplace_back(nameStr, currentValStr, currentVal,

+                                descriptionStr, defaultStr, promptStr, depexStr,

+                                setupTypeStr);


+            getOptions(pKnob);

+        }

+    }


+    /* Get 'biosknobs' */

+    bool getKnobs(const char* biosXmlFilePath)

+    {

+        uint16_t reserveCnt = 0;


+        mKnobs.clear();


+        tinyxml2::XMLDocument biosXml;


+        /* Load the XML file into the Doc instance */

+        biosXml.LoadFile(biosXmlFilePath);


+        /* Get 'SYSTEM' */

+        tinyxml2::XMLElement* pRootElement = biosXml.RootElement();

+        if (pRootElement)

+        {

+            /* Get 'biosknobs' inside 'SYSTEM' */

+            tinyxml2::XMLElement* pBiosknobs =

+                pRootElement->FirstChildElement("biosknobs");

+            if (pBiosknobs)

+            {

+                for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* pKnob =

+                         pBiosknobs->FirstChildElement("knob");

+                     pKnob; pKnob = pKnob->NextSiblingElement("knob"))

+                {

+                    ++reserveCnt;

+                }


+                /* reserve before emplace_back will avoids realloc(s) */

+                mKnobs.reserve(reserveCnt);


+                for (tinyxml2::XMLElement* pKnob =

+                         pBiosknobs->FirstChildElement("knob");

+                     pKnob; pKnob = pKnob->NextSiblingElement("knob"))

+                {

+                    getKnob(pKnob);

+                }

+            }

+        }


+        if (!mKnobs.empty())

+        {

+            return true;

+        }


+        return false;

+    }


+  private:

+    /* To store all 'knob's in 'biosknobs' */

+    std::vector<knob::knob> mKnobs;


+    /* Object of Depex class to compute 'depex' expression */

+    std::unique_ptr<Depex> mDepex;


+} // namespace bios