Enable sensitive ME commands in MFG mode

If the system is in manufacturing mode, do not block these commands.

In normal mode, command failed with 0xD4
ipmitool -H $BMCIP -U root -P 0penBmc -C 17 -I lanplus \
-t 0x2c -b 6 raw 0x2E 0x40 0x57 0x01 0x00 0 x30 0 0
Unable to send RAW command(channel=0x6 netfn=0x2e lun=0x0 cmd=0x40 rsp=0xd4)
Insufficient privilege level

Change to MFG mode, the above command get proper response:
 57 01 00

Signed-off-by: Yong Li <yong.b.li@linux.intel.com>
Change-Id: I6b1d1f85a1258b24ba9734891e6a7085a23d6694
1 file changed