Enhance dbus error reporting and logging

When an error condition is encountered in a sdbus method handler,
don't try to send a reply with an outstanding error condition, which
will end up being rejected by DBus. Use helper sd_bus_set_error_x()
whose return value will be the error itself and can be returned
directly. Additionally, add more informational debug messages
in several occasions.

Tested: manually insert "goto" to trigger the error conditions and
verify that dbus-monitor no longer see rejected message replies.

Resolve openbmc/opembmc#3488

Change-Id: Ic5c3624f21db3c2d0dbaca6f11e8054adc4c0585
Signed-off-by: Kun Yi <kunyi731@gmail.com>
1 file changed
tree: 1a3969c24b15bfb897796ce1903f817dc60a4bf1
  1. .clang-format
  2. bootstrap.sh
  3. configure.ac
  4. kcsbridged.c
  5. kcsbridged.service
  8. Makefile.am
  9. org.openbmc.HostIpmi.conf
  10. README.md


To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

1. ./bootstrap.sh
2. ./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS}
3. make

To full clean the repository again run ./bootstrap.sh clean.