Add Karthik Rajagopalan as reviewer

Change-Id: I31727db53db2096ab9af525b58af7b51aa84d9ac
Signed-off-by: Karthik Rajagopalan <>
1 file changed
tree: 3d4219f9760ea58ac641d80457f2d0a1fb990fa0
  1. cli-app/
  2. docs/
  3. edk/
  4. generator/
  5. sections/
  6. specification/
  7. subprojects/
  8. tests/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .clang-tidy
  11. .gitignore
  12. base64.c
  13. base64.h
  14. common-utils.c
  15. common-utils.h
  16. cper-parse.c
  17. cper-parse.h
  18. cper-parse.i
  19. cper-utils.c
  20. cper-utils.h
  21. ir-parse.c
  22. json-schema.c
  23. json-schema.h
  26. meson.options
  27. OWNERS

CPER JSON Representation & Conversion Library

This repository specifies a structure for representing UEFI CPER records (as described in UEFI Specification Appendix N) in a human-readable JSON format, in addition to a library which can readily convert back and forth between the standard CPER binary format and the specified structured JSON.


Before building this library and its associated tools, you must have meson (>=1.1.1)


This project uses Meson (>=1.1.1). To build for native architecture, simply run:

meson setup build
ninji -C build


This project comes with several binaries to help you deal with CPER binary and CPER-JSON. The first of these is cper-convert, which is a command line tool that can be found in build/. With this, you can convert to and from CPER and CPER-JSON through the command line. An example usage scenario is below:

cper-convert to-cper samples/cper-json-test-arm.json --out cper.dump
cper-convert to-json cper.generated.dump

Another tool bundled with this repository is cper-generate, found in build/. This allows you to generate pseudo-random valid CPER records with sections of specified types for testing purposes. An example use of the program is below:

cper-generate --out cper.generated.dump --sections generic ia32x64

Help for both of these tools can be accessed through using the --help flag in isolation.

Finally, a static library containing symbols for converting CPER and CPER-JSON between an intermediate JSON format can be found generated at lib/libcper-parse.a. This contains the following useful library symbols:

json_object* cper_to_ir(FILE* cper_file);
void ir_to_cper(json_object* ir, FILE* out);


The specification for this project's CPER-JSON format can be found in specification/, defined in both JSON Schema format and also as a LaTeX document. Specification for the CPER binary format can be found in UEFI Specification Appendix N (2021/03/18).

Usage Examples

This library is utilised in a proof of concept displaying CPER communication between a SatMC and OpenBMC board, including a conversion into CPER JSON for logging that utilises this library. You can find information on how to reproduce the prototype at the scripts repository, and example usage of the library itself at the pldm repository.