libpldm: Reorganize source and test files

Primarily this is about moving specification-specific files into
'dsp/' (in the "DMTF Standard Publication" sense[1]) subdirectories of
both src/ and tests/.


libpldm is a concrete C implementation of the PLDM family of
specifications. This invokes some accidental complexity[2] such as the
msgbuf APIs and other concerns.


Separate the essential complexity (everything under the dsp/
subdirectories) from the accidental complexity (almost everything else).

While doing so, I took the opportunity to drop the 'libpldm_' prefix
and '_test' suffix from a variety of tests. The 'libpldm_' prefix is a
hangover from the days when libpldm was a subproject of OpenBMC's pldm
repo. The '_test' suffix feels redundant given the parent directory

Note that we maintain separation of the src/ and tests/. The test suite
is implemented in C++ while libpldm's APIs are declared and defined in
C. The ability to chop all the tests and C++ out of the implementation
by ignoring a subtree seems like a desirable property when vendoring the
library into other projects.

Finally, update the x86_64 GCC ABI dump, as rearranging the source
causes a lot of churn in its definitions.

Change-Id: Icffcc6cf48b3101ecd38168827c0a81cffb8f083
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <>
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 27103ef..0a2e811 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -12,21 +12,17 @@
         gmock_dep = gtest_proj.dependency('gmock')
+test_include_dirs = [ libpldm_include_dir, include_directories('../src') ]
 tests = [
-  'libpldm_base_test',
-  'libpldm_bios_table_test',
-  'libpldm_bios_test',
-  'libpldm_firmware_update_test',
-  'libpldm_fru_test',
-  'libpldm_pdr_test',
-  'libpldm_platform_test',
-  'libpldm_utils_test',
+  'utils',
 # The 'test' transport APIs will never be marked stable as they are just for
 # testing.
 if get_option('abi').contains('testing')
@@ -41,8 +37,6 @@
-test_include_dirs = [ libpldm_include_dir, include_directories('../src') ]
 foreach t : tests
   test(t, executable(t.underscorify(), t + '.cpp',
                      implicit_include_directories: false,
@@ -54,11 +48,6 @@
        workdir: meson.current_source_dir())
-test('bios_table_iter', executable('bios_table_iter',
-                                   'bios_table_iter.c',
-                                   implicit_include_directories: false,
-                                   include_directories: test_include_dirs))
 test('msgbuf_generic', executable('msgbuf_generic',
                                   implicit_include_directories: false,