docs: checklists: Modernize process for updating the ABI dump

We've since added `scripts/abi-dump-updater` to configure the build
appropriately, so describing using that instead. Before that it's
necessary to have a local build of the OpenBMC CI docker image, so also
point to the documentation for building it.

Change-Id: If0117c8c8a93c1d0c308cc202e8ee972e1bfed42
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <>
diff --git a/docs/checklists/ b/docs/checklists/
index cc297fc..7781052 100644
--- a/docs/checklists/
+++ b/docs/checklists/
@@ -213,14 +213,34 @@
 ## Updating an ABI dump
-Each of the following must succeed:
+To update the ABI dump you'll need to build an appropriate OpenBMC CI container
+image of your own. Some hints on how to do this locally can be found [in the
+openbmc/docs repository][openbmc-docs-local-ci]. You can list your locally built
+images with `docker images`.
-- [ ] Enter the OpenBMC CI Docker container
-  - Approximately:
-    `docker run --cap-add=sys_admin --rm=true --privileged=true -u $USER -w $(pwd) -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -e MAKEFLAGS= -it openbmc/ubuntu-unit-test:2024-W21-ce361f95ff4fa669`
-- [ ] `CC=gcc CXX=g++; [ $(uname -m) = 'x86_64' ] && meson setup -Dabi=deprecated,stable build`
-- [ ] `meson compile -C build`
-- [ ] `./scripts/abi-dump-formatter < build/src/current.dump > abi/x86_64/gcc.dump`
+export OPENBMC_CI_IMAGE=openbmc/ubuntu-unit-test:2024-W21-ce361f95ff4fa669
+the ABI dump can be updated with:
+docker run \
+  --cap-add=sys_admin \
+  --rm=true \
+  --privileged=true \
+  -u $USER \
+  -w $(pwd) \
+  -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
+  -e MAKEFLAGS= \
+  ./scripts/abi-dump-updater
 ## Removing an API