libpldm: Migrate to subproject

Organize files in libpldm to make it a subproject

In the current state, libpldm is not readily consumable
as a subproject.This commit does all the necessary re-organisation
of the source code to make it work as a subproject.

There are no .c/.h files changes in this commit, only meson
changes and re-organising the code structure.

Signed-off-by: Manojkiran Eda <>
Change-Id: I20a71c0c972b1fd81fb359d604433618799102c6
diff --git a/tests/libpldm_utils_test.cpp b/tests/libpldm_utils_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6212c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/libpldm_utils_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include <cstring>
+#include <vector>
+#include "libpldm/utils.h"
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+TEST(Crc32, CheckSumTest)
+    const char* password = "123456789";
+    auto checksum = crc32(password, 9);
+    EXPECT_EQ(checksum, 0xcbf43926);
+TEST(Crc8, CheckSumTest)
+    const char* data = "123456789";
+    auto checksum = crc8(data, 9);
+    EXPECT_EQ(checksum, 0xf4);
+TEST(Ver2string, Ver2string)
+    ver32_t version{0x61, 0x10, 0xf7, 0xf3};
+    const char* vstr = "3.7.10a";
+    char buffer[1024];
+    auto rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, (signed)std::strlen(vstr));
+    EXPECT_STREQ(vstr, buffer);
+    version = {0x00, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf1};
+    vstr = "1.0.0";
+    rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, (signed)std::strlen(vstr));
+    EXPECT_STREQ(vstr, buffer);
+    version = {0x00, 0xf7, 0x01, 0x10};
+    vstr = "10.01.7";
+    rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, (signed)std::strlen(vstr));
+    EXPECT_STREQ(vstr, buffer);
+    version = {0x00, 0xff, 0xf1, 0xf3};
+    vstr = "3.1";
+    rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, (signed)std::strlen(vstr));
+    EXPECT_STREQ(vstr, buffer);
+    version = {0x61, 0xff, 0xf0, 0xf1};
+    vstr = "1.0a";
+    rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, (signed)std::strlen(vstr));
+    EXPECT_STREQ(vstr, buffer);
+    rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, 3);
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, 2);
+    EXPECT_STREQ("1.", buffer);
+    rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, 0);
+    rc = ver2str(&version, buffer, 0);
+    EXPECT_EQ(rc, -1);
+TEST(BcdConversion, BcdCoversion)
+    EXPECT_EQ(12u, bcd2dec8(0x12));
+    EXPECT_EQ(99u, bcd2dec8(0x99));
+    EXPECT_EQ(1234u, bcd2dec16(0x1234));
+    EXPECT_EQ(9999u, bcd2dec16(0x9999));
+    EXPECT_EQ(12345678u, bcd2dec32(0x12345678));
+    EXPECT_EQ(99999999u, bcd2dec32(0x99999999));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x12u, dec2bcd8(12));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x99u, dec2bcd8(99));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x1234u, dec2bcd16(1234));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x9999u, dec2bcd16(9999));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x12345678u, dec2bcd32(12345678));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x99999999u, dec2bcd32(99999999));
+TEST(TimeLegal, TimeLegal)
+    EXPECT_EQ(true, is_time_legal(30, 25, 16, 18, 8, 2019));
+    EXPECT_EQ(true, is_time_legal(30, 25, 16, 29, 2, 2020)); // leap year
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(30, 25, 16, 18, 8, 1960));  // year illegal
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(30, 25, 16, 18, 15, 2019)); // month illegal
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(30, 25, 16, 18, 0, 2019));  // month illegal
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(30, 25, 16, 0, 8, 2019));   // day illegal
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(30, 25, 16, 29, 2, 2019));  // day illegal
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(30, 25, 25, 18, 8, 2019));  // hours illegal
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(30, 70, 16, 18, 8, 2019)); // minutes illegal
+    EXPECT_EQ(false, is_time_legal(80, 25, 16, 18, 8, 2019)); // seconds illegal