Checklist for making changes to libpldm


  • Public API: Any definitions and declarations under include/libpldm

Adding a new API

  • [ ] My new public struct definitions are not marked __attribute__((packed))

  • [ ] If my work interacts with the PLDM wire format, then I have done so using the msgbuf APIs found in src/msgbuf.h (and under src/msgbuf/) to minimise concerns around spatial memory safety and endian-correctness.

  • [ ] If I've added support for a new PLDM message type, then I've implemented both the encoder and decoder for that message. Note this applies for both request and response message types.

  • [ ] My new function symbols are marked with LIBPLDM_ABI_TESTING in the implementation

  • [ ] I've implemented test cases with reasonable branch coverage of each new function I've added

  • [ ] I've guarded the test cases of functions marked LIBPLDM_ABI_TESTING so that they are not compiled when the corresponding function symbols aren't visible

  • [ ] If I've added support for a new message type, then my commit message specifies all of:

    • [ ] The relevant DMTF specification by its DSP number and title
    • [ ] The relevant version of the specification
    • [ ] The section of the specification that defines the message type
  • [ ] If my work impacts the public API of the library, then I've added an entry to describing my work

Stabilising an existing API

  • [ ] The API of interest is currently marked LIBPLDM_ABI_TESTING

  • [ ] My commit message links to a publicly visible patch that makes use of the API

  • [ ] My commit updates the annotation from LIBPLDM_ABI_TESTING to LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE only for the function symbols demonstrated by the patch linked in the commit message.

  • [ ] I've removed guards from the function's tests so they are always compiled

  • [ ] If I've updated the ABI dump, then I've used the OpenBMC CI container to do so.

Updating an ABI dump

Each of the following must succeed:

  • [ ] Enter the OpenBMC CI Docker container
    • Approximately: docker run --cap-add=sys_admin --rm=true --privileged=true -u $USER -w $(pwd) -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -e MAKEFLAGS= -it openbmc/ubuntu-unit-test:2024-W21-ce361f95ff4fa669
  • [ ] CC=gcc CXX=g++; [ $(uname -m) = 'x86_64' ] && meson setup -Dabi=deprecated,stable build
  • [ ] meson compile -C build
  • [ ] ./scripts/abi-dump-formatter < build/src/current.dump > abi/x86_64/gcc.dump

Removing an API

  • [ ] If the function is marked LIBPLDM_ABI_TESTING, then I have removed it

  • [ ] If the function is marked LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE, then I have changed the annotation to LIBPLDM_ABI_DEPRECATED and left it in-place.

  • [ ] If the function is marked LIBPLDM_ABI_DEPRECATED, then I have removed it only after satisfying myself that each of the following is true:

    • [ ] There are no known users of the function left in the community
    • [ ] There has been at least one tagged release of libpldm subsequent to the API being marked deprecated

Testing my changes

Each of the following must succeed when executed in order. Note that to avoid [googletest bug #4232][googletest-issue-4232] you must avoid using GCC 12 (shipped in Debian Bookworm).


  • [ ] meson setup -Dabi-compliance-check=disabled build

  • [ ] meson compile -C build && meson test -C build

  • [ ] meson configure --buildtype=release build

  • [ ] meson compile -C build && meson test -C build

  • [ ] meson configure --buildtype=debug build

  • [ ] meson configure -Dabi=deprecated,stable build

  • [ ] meson compile -C build && meson test -C build