[Subtree] Bring openbmc machines to top level

The new subtree model brings the subtrees up from the openbmc-machines

Change-Id: I58a03ae1be374bc79ae1438e65e888375d12d0c0
Signed-off-by: Dave Cobbley <david.j.cobbley@linux.intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <bradleyb@fuzziesquirrel.com>
3 files changed
tree: c8be64c5872573568fc54218d0f42610ebd50871
  1. conf/
  2. meta-evb-aspeed/
  3. meta-evb-nuvoton/
  4. meta-evb-raspberrypi/
  5. README.md

OpenBMC Evaluation Board (EVB)

This is the OpenBMC Evaluation Board (EVB) layer. The boards in the EVB layer are for evaluation and reference. The Board Support Package (BSP) layer should be used to support a hardware device in a system. Therefore, there should not be any EVB layers in a system's bblayers.conf, the BSP layer should be used instead. Boards might be found be in both the EVB layer and the BSP layer.