openpower-pnor-code-mgmt: srcrev bump 0d2f932124..e499446423

Lei YU (25):
      Add repo specific items in .gitignore
      Refactor: Split item_updater to common and ubi
      Refactor: Move watch to ubi
      Refactor: Move determinId to ubi
      Refactor: Remove unused isLowestPriority()
      Refactor: Split Activation into common and ubi
      Refactor: Move serialize to ubi
      Refactor: Make createActivation() common
      Static layout: Generate tar.gz for static layout pnor
      Static layout: Add dummy item_updater
      Static layout: Read PNOR VERSION using pflash
      Static layout: Add dummy activation_static
      Static layout: Implement PNOR code update
      Static layout: Implement gard reset
      Static layout: Implement factory reset
      Static layout: Use pflash to get partitions to clear
      Static layout: Do not update PNOR when host is on
      Static layout: Do not crash on empty PNOR
      test: Fix parallel build error on tests
      test: Add sources of static PNOR
      test: Add test for GetVersions()
      test: Add test for getPartsToClear
      Refactor: Fix issues found by cppcheck
      Install services to systemd unit dir
      Refactor: Use hiomapd instead of mboxd

Change-Id: I4a17a3fac35fe33371e37eb71e0aa75130295c58
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
1 file changed
tree: 2a61f7be4ac93a29d6bc72692ef80abb67d6294d
  1. classes/
  2. conf/
  3. recipes-bsp/
  4. recipes-phosphor/
  5. COPYING.apache-2.0


meta-openpower is the OpenPOWER layer and should be included in all OpenPOWER systems' bblayers.conf. More information on OpenPOWER can be found here.