phosphor: distro: remove meta-poky content

There are two items in the phosphor distro configuration that originate
in the meta-poky layer.  If we can remove these there isn't any need
to include meta-poky in the build layer configuration.

poky-work-exclude: This file is empty; removing is a noop.
poky-sanity.bbclass: This is for sanity checking of the Poky reference
  distro, and not the OpenBMC distro (phosphor).

Change-Id: I5aeffa4b1c71275b7ec2871f79a7bfb4fbcbc9e0
Signed-off-by: Brad Bishop <>
diff --git a/conf/distro/include/ b/conf/distro/include/
index abb4178..6bfef37 100644
--- a/conf/distro/include/
+++ b/conf/distro/include/
@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@
-# add poky sanity bbclass
-INHERIT += "poky-sanity"
 # QA check settings - a little stricter than the OE-Core defaults
 WARN_TO_ERROR_QA = "already-stripped compile-host-path install-host-path \
                     installed-vs-shipped ldflags pn-overrides rpaths staticdev \
@@ -74,7 +71,6 @@
 WARN_QA_remove = "${WARN_TO_ERROR_QA}"
 ERROR_QA_append = " ${WARN_TO_ERROR_QA}"
-require conf/distro/include/
 require conf/distro/include/
 DISTRO = "openbmc-phosphor"