Make phosphor-ipmi-net parameterized per iface
The end goal is to run one netipmid bridge per interface, so that
stopping that bridge will effectively shut down RMCP+ to that interface.
Including this package (phosphor-ipmi-net) in a yocto build will
automatically enable RMCP+ on the default interface (eth0). To change
the default interface enabled, set the value in a bbappend:
RMCPP_IFACE = "eth2"
If more than one network device for RMCP+ is needed, then a bbappend
should be added to enable netipmid on that device using syntax like
as follows:
${PN}@${ALT_RMCPP_IFACE}.service \
${PN}@${ALT_RMCPP_IFACE}.socket \
Change-Id: I00e560b7d9e8da1d5125d74958696972d6f69d8a
Signed-off-by: Vernon Mauery <>
4 files changed