console-server: Assign NULL in declarations for brevity

Declaring and then separately assigning the tty stack variables was
pretty verbose. No complex initialisation was performed that might
justify separating them, so let's combine them.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <>
Change-Id: Ifea0ca68f65a2f2eaec48cac303c70099d6153ab
1 file changed
tree: 7d690fc7c1c5dc2de6c8ee34e22683a61c18b7da
  1. conf/
  2. test/
  3. .clang-format
  4. .clang-tidy
  5. .gitignore
  6. .travis.yml
  8. config.c
  9. console-client.c
  10. console-dbus.c
  11. console-server.c
  12. console-server.h
  13. console-socket.c
  15. log-handler.c
  17. meson_options.txt
  18. OWNERS
  20. ringbuffer.c
  21. socket-handler.c
  22. tty-handler.c
  23. util.c

To Build

To build this project, run the following shell commands:

meson setup build
meson compile -C build

To test:

meson test -C build

To Run Server

Running the server requires a serial port (e.g. /dev/ttyS0):

touch obmc-console.conf
./obmc-console-server --config obmc-console.conf ttyS0

To Connect Client

To connect to the server, simply run the client:


To disconnect the client, use the standard ~. combination.

Underlying design

This shows how the host UART connection is abstracted within the BMC as a Unix domain socket.

               |                                                                                            |
               |       obmc-console-client      unix domain socket         obmc-console-server              |
               |                                                                                            |
               |     +---------------------+                           +------------------------+           |
               |     | client.2200.conf    |  +---------------------+  | server.ttyVUART0.conf  |           |
           +---+--+  +---------------------+  |                     |  +------------------------+  +--------+-------+
Network    | 2200 +-->                     +->+ @obmc-console.host0 +<-+                        <--+ /dev/ttyVUART0 |   UARTs
           +---+--+  | socket-id = "host0" |  |                     |  | socket-id = "host0"    |  +--------+-------+
               |     |                     |  +---------------------+  |                        |           |
               |     +---------------------+                           +------------------------+           |
               |                                                                                            |
               |                                                                                            |
               |                                                                                            |

This supports multiple independent consoles. The socket-id is a unique portion for the unix domain socket created by the obmc-console-server instance. The server needs to know this because it needs to know what to name the pipe; the client needs to know it as it needs to form the abstract socket name to which to connect.