Add allows us to manually run all CI-tested packages through
a new Docker base image. This enables updating the base image without
too much hassle (short of fixing all the compile/test failures).
The Jenkins configuration file from [0] should be passed through the
--config option. Alternatively, individual repositories can be tested by
passing the --repository option and pointing to a local clone of
Tested: Ran `DISTRO=ubuntu:artful ./test-distro` to verify packages.
Despite some test failures in the packages tested, the script worked as
Change-Id: Iebf57ae59a25cb12cd11cf40083ec0647224b60c
Signed-off-by: Andrew Jeffery <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6a5f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+set -eou pipefail
+set -x
+util_ensure_available() {
+ local bin=$1
+ if ! which ${bin}
+ then
+ echo Please install ${bin}
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+jenkins_get_job_config() {
+ local host="$1"
+ local job="$2"
+ local config="$(mktemp --suffix=.xml config.XXXXXX)"
+ local url="https://${host}/job/${job}/config.xml"
+ wget --output-document="${config}" "${url}"
+ echo ${config}
+jenkins_get_job_repos() {
+ local config="$1"
+ if [ -n "${REPO}" ]
+ then
+ echo "${REPO}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # xmllint is rubbish, so we need sed(1) to separate the results
+ xmllint --xpath '//' "${config}" | sed -e 's/<pattern>//g' -e 's/<\/pattern>/\n/g'
+: "${}"
+: "${JENKINS_JOB:=openbmc-repository-ci}"
+util_ensure_available wget
+util_ensure_available xmllint
+util_ensure_available git
+while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
+ key="$1"
+ case "${key}" in
+ -c|--config)
+ CONFIG="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -r|--repo|--repository)
+ REPO="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -h|--help)
+ echo USAGE: DISTRO=DOCKERBASE $0 --config config.xml
+ echo
+ echo DOCKERBASE is the Docker Hub tag of the base image against which to
+ echo build and test the repositories described in config.xml. Individual
+ echo repositories can be tested against DOCKERBASE with the --repository
+ echo option \(in place of --config\).
+ *)
+ (>&2 echo Unrecognised argument \'$1\')
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ -z "${CONFIG}" ]
+ CONFIG="$(jenkins_get_job_config "${JENKINS_HOST}" "${JENKINS_JOB}")"
+export UNIT_TEST_PKG=
+export WORKSPACE=
+git_clone_repo() {
+ local prj_package="$1"
+ local package="$(basename "${prj_package}")"
+ local workspace="$2"
+ if [ -d "${prj_package}" ]
+ then
+ git clone "${prj_package}" "${workspace}"/"${package}"
+ return
+ fi
+ git clone"${package}" "${workspace}"/"${package}"
+jenkins_get_job_repos "${CONFIG}" | while read GERRIT_PROJECT
+ WORKSPACE="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir openbmc-build-scripts.XXXXXX)"
+ git clone . "${WORKSPACE}"/openbmc-build-scripts
+ git_clone_repo "${GERRIT_PROJECT}" "${WORKSPACE}"
+ ./
+ rm -rf "${WORKSPACE}"