Create a script for generating index files

OpenBMC CI logs will be moved to GitHub Pages or to IBM Cloud Object
Storage for developers inside and outside of IBM to view them. Neither
of these services create index files that allow us to view the
directory structure of our logs. This change adds a script that
generates the required index files for these logs.

Change-Id: I0f463cf0c4b22d5edbaf4cf71f7df996856dd15f
Signed-off-by: Charles Paul Hofer <>
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4df6638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Create index files that can be displayed as web pages in a given directory
+and all its sub-directories. There are options to exclude certain files and
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+def main(i_raw_args):
+    l_args = parse_args(i_raw_args)
+    create_index_file(l_args.logs_dir_path, '/', l_args.exclude)
+def create_index_file(i_dir_path, i_pretty_dir_path, i_exclude_list):
+    r"""
+    Create HTML index files for a given directory and all its sub-directories.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    i_dir_path          The directory to generate an index file for.
+    i_pretty_dir_path   A pretty version of i_dir_path that can be shown to
+                        readers of the HTML page. For example, if i_dir_path
+                        is set to '/home/johndoe/logs/`, the caller may wish
+                        to only show '/logs/' in the HTML index pages.
+    i_exclude_list      A Python list of files and directories to exclude from
+    """
+    l_index_file_path = os.path.join(i_dir_path, 'index.html')
+    l_sub_dir_list = os.listdir(i_dir_path)
+    # Created a sorted list of sub-directories in this directory
+    l_dirs = sorted(
+        [d for d
+         in l_sub_dir_list
+         if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(i_dir_path, d))
+            and d not in i_exclude_list])
+    # Create a sorted list of files in this directory
+    l_files = sorted(
+        [f for f
+         in l_sub_dir_list
+         if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(i_dir_path, f))
+            and f not in i_exclude_list])
+    # Open up the index file we're going to write to.
+    with open(l_index_file_path, 'w+') as l_index_file:
+        l_index_file.write(
+            '<html>\n'
+            '<head><title>' + i_pretty_dir_path + '</title></head>\n'
+            '<body>\n'
+            '<h2>OpenBMC Logs</h2>\n'
+            '<h3>' + i_pretty_dir_path + '</h3>\n')
+        # Only show the link to go up a directory if this is not the root.
+        if not i_pretty_dir_path == '/':
+            l_index_file.write('<a href=".."><img src="/dir.png"> ..</a><br>\n')
+        # List directories first.
+        for l_dir in l_dirs:
+            l_index_file.write(
+                '<a href="%s"><img src="/dir.png"> %s</a><br>\n'
+                % (l_dir, l_dir))
+            create_index_file(
+                os.path.join(i_dir_path, l_dir),
+                i_pretty_dir_path + l_dir + '/',
+                i_exclude_list)
+        # List files second.
+        for l_file in l_files:
+            l_index_file.write('<a href="%s"><img src="/file.png"> %s</a><br>\n'
+                               % (l_file, l_file))
+        l_index_file.write('</body>\n</html>')
+def parse_args(i_raw_args):
+    r"""
+    Parse the given list as command-line arguments and return an object with
+    the argument values.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    i_raw_args  A list of command-line arguments, usually taken from
+                sys.argv[1:].
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="%(prog)s will create index files that can be displayed "
+                    "as web pages in a given directory and all its "
+                    "sub-directories.",
+        formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+    parser.add_argument(
+        'logs_dir_path',
+        help='Directory containing the logs that should be uploaded.')
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '--exclude',
+        nargs='+',
+        default=['.git', 'index.html'],
+        help='A space-delimited list of files to exclude from the index.'
+    )
+    return parser.parse_args(i_raw_args)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv[1:])
\ No newline at end of file