Unit test script that runs within a docker image

Recursively determine dependencies per package starting from the package
to be unit tested. This will then download, build, and install those
dependencies returning up the call stack as they are installed with the
package to be unit tested last. A `make check` is issued to execute the
unit tests for that package after its installed.

Change-Id: I194ab0be2408dc0755e75029c7d1f54c5afcdba1
Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth <msbarth@us.ibm.com>
diff --git a/build-unit-test-docker.sh b/build-unit-test-docker.sh
index 0d0d2a8..8449d2f 100755
--- a/build-unit-test-docker.sh
+++ b/build-unit-test-docker.sh
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
+# Disable autom4te cache as workaround to permission issue
+AUTOM4TE="begin-language: \"Autoconf-without-aclocal-m4\"\nargs: --no-cache\n\
+end-language: \"Autoconf-without-aclocal-m4\""
 # Determine the architecture
 ARCH=$(uname -m)
 case ${ARCH} in
@@ -43,6 +48,7 @@
     cmake \
     python \
     python-dev \
+    python-git \
     python-setuptools \
     pkg-config \
     autoconf \
@@ -64,6 +70,8 @@
 RUN grep -q ${GROUPS} /etc/group || groupadd -g ${GROUPS} ${USER}
 RUN grep -q ${UID} /etc/passwd || useradd -d ${HOME} -m -u ${UID} -g ${GROUPS} ${USER}
+RUN echo '${AUTOM4TE}' > ${AUTOM4TE_CFG}
 RUN /bin/bash
diff --git a/run-unit-test-docker.sh b/run-unit-test-docker.sh
index de0bf22..a5a43b8 100755
--- a/run-unit-test-docker.sh
+++ b/run-unit-test-docker.sh
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
 docker run --cap-add=sys_admin --rm=true \
-    -e EXIT_USER=${USER} \
     -w "${WORKSPACE}" -v "${WORKSPACE}":"${WORKSPACE}" \
diff --git a/scripts/unit-test.py b/scripts/unit-test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3828369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/unit-test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This script determines the given package's openbmc dependencies from its
+configure.ac file where it downloads, configures, builds, and installs each of
+these dependencies. Then the given package is configured, built, and installed
+prior to executing its unit tests.
+from urlparse import urljoin
+import os
+import sys
+def clone_pkg(pkg):
+    pkg_repo = urljoin('https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz/openbmc/', pkg)
+    os.chdir(WORKSPACE)
+    os.system("git clone "+pkg_repo)  # TODO Replace with subprocess call
+def build_depends(pkg, pkgdir, dep_installed):
+    """
+    For each package(pkg), starting with the package to be unit tested,
+    parse its 'configure.ac' file from within the package's directory(pkgdir)
+    for each package dependency defined recursively doing the same thing
+    on each package found as a dependency.
+    Parameter descriptions:
+    pkg                 Name of the package
+    pkgdir              Directory where package source is located
+    dep_installed       Current list of dependencies and installation status
+    """
+    os.chdir(pkgdir)
+    # Open package's configure.ac
+    with open("configure.ac", "rt") as infile:
+        for line in infile:  # TODO Handle line breaks
+            # Find any defined dependency
+            for macro_key in DEPENDENCIES:
+                if not line.startswith(macro_key):
+                    continue
+                for dep_key in DEPENDENCIES[macro_key]:
+                    if line.find(dep_key) == -1:
+                        continue
+                    dep_pkg = DEPENDENCIES[macro_key][dep_key]
+                    # Dependency package not already known
+                    if dep_installed.get(dep_pkg) is None:
+                        # Dependency package not installed
+                        dep_installed[dep_pkg] = False
+                        clone_pkg(dep_pkg)
+                        # Determine this dependency package's
+                        # dependencies and install them before
+                        # returning to install this package
+                        dep_pkgdir = os.path.join(WORKSPACE, dep_pkg)
+                        dep_installed = build_depends(dep_pkg, dep_pkgdir,
+                                                      dep_installed)
+                    else:
+                        # Dependency package known and installed
+                        if dep_installed[dep_pkg]:
+                            continue
+                        else:
+                            # Cyclic dependency failure
+                            raise Exception("Cyclic dependencies \
+                                   found in "+pkg)
+    # Build & install this package
+    if not dep_installed[pkg]:
+        conf_flags = ""
+        os.chdir(pkgdir)
+        # Add any necessary configure flags for package
+        if CONFIGURE_FLAGS.get(pkg) is not None:
+            conf_flags = " ".join(CONFIGURE_FLAGS.get(pkg))
+        os.system("./bootstrap.sh && ./configure " +
+                  conf_flags + "&& make && make install")
+        dep_installed[pkg] = True
+    return dep_installed
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+        'phosphor-objmgr': ['--enable-unpatched-systemd']
+    }
+    # DEPENDENCIES = [MACRO]:[library/header]:[GIT REPO]
+        'AC_CHECK_LIB': {'mapper': 'phosphor-objmgr'},
+        'AC_CHECK_HEADER': {'host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h': 'phosphor-host-ipmid'}
+    }
+    # Get workspace directory (package source to be tested)
+    WORKSPACE = os.environ.get('WORKSPACE')
+    if WORKSPACE is None:
+        raise Exception("Environment variable 'WORKSPACE' not set")
+    # Determine package name
+    UNIT_TEST_PKG = os.environ.get('UNIT_TEST_PKG')
+    if UNIT_TEST_PKG is None:
+        raise Exception("Environment variable 'UNIT_TEST_PKG' not set")
+    prev_umask = os.umask(000)
+    # Determine dependencies and install them
+    dep_installed = dict()
+    dep_installed[UNIT_TEST_PKG] = False
+    dep_installed = build_depends(UNIT_TEST_PKG,
+                                  os.path.join(WORKSPACE, UNIT_TEST_PKG),
+                                  dep_installed)
+    os.chdir(os.path.join(WORKSPACE, UNIT_TEST_PKG))
+    # Run package unit tests
+    os.system("make check")  # TODO Verify all fails halt Jenkins
+    os.umask(prev_umask)