Base test cases for server health via GUI header.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1279

Change-Id: I76a2e07ef4d852d06b2ff1be029fb79b38149bf6
Signed-off-by: Sivas SRR <>
diff --git a/gui/obmc_gui/test/gui_header/test_obmc_gui_server_health.robot b/gui/obmc_gui/test/gui_header/test_obmc_gui_server_health.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4023a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/obmc_gui/test/gui_header/test_obmc_gui_server_health.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  Test Open BMC GUI server health under GUI Header.
+Resource        ../../lib/resource.robot
+Resource        ../../../../lib/boot_utils.robot
+Suite Setup     Launch Browser And Login OpenBMC GUI
+Suite Teardown  Logout And Close Browser
+Test Setup      Click Element  ${xpath_select_server_health}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Event Log Text Appears By Clicking Server Health
+    [Documentation]  Check that "Event Log" text appears by clicking server
+    ...  health in GUI header.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Event_Log_Text_Appears_By_Clicking_Server_Health
+    Wait Until Page Contains Element  event-log
+    Page should contain  Event log
+Verify Filters By Severity Elements Appears
+    [Documentation]  Check that event log filters appears by clicking server
+    ...  health in GUI header.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Filters_By_Severity_Elements_Appears
+    # Types of event severity: All, High, Medium, Low.
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_all}  limit=1
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_high}  limit=1
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_medium}  limit=1
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_event_severity_low}  limit=1
+Verify Drop Down Button User Timezone Appears
+    [Documentation]  Check that drop down button of user timezone appears by
+    ...  clicking server health in GUI header.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Drop_Down_Button_User_Timezone_Appears
+    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_drop_down_timezone_edt}
+    # Ensure that page is not in refreshing state.
+    # It helps to click the drop down element.
+    Wait Until Page Does Not Contain Element  ${xpath_refresh_circle}
+    Click Element  class:dropdown__button
+    Page Should Contain Button  ${xpath_drop_down_timezone_utc}