Test cleanup changes

This would now call directly the REST keyword which does the
same thing in this code.

Change-Id: If31ceeb2e55b0fa83a232f3e008c2a8bdca3dae6
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <gkeishin@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/tests/security/test_ssl.robot b/tests/security/test_ssl.robot
index 405105b..447967d 100644
--- a/tests/security/test_ssl.robot
+++ b/tests/security/test_ssl.robot
@@ -12,15 +12,7 @@
     [Documentation]     This testcase is for testing the SSL connection to the
     ...     OpenBMC machine.
     [Tags]  Test_SSL_Connection
-    Create Session    openbmc    https://${OPENBMC_HOST}/
-    ${headers}=     Create Dictionary   Content-Type=application/json
-    @{credentials} =   Create List     ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}      ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
-    ${data} =   create dictionary   data=@{credentials}
-    ${resp} =   Post Request    openbmc    /login    data=${data}   headers=${headers}
-    ${resp}=    Get Request    openbmc   /list
-    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${jsondata}=    To Json    ${resp.content}
-    Should Not Be Empty     ${jsondata}
+    Initialize OpenBMC
 Test non-SSL Connection to port 80
     [Documentation]     This testcase is for test to check OpenBMC machine