Create new script for IPMI System Info Parameters 0 to 5

Following parameters are verfied in the script,
1. Set In Progress - param 0
2. System Firmware Version - param 1
3. System Name - param 2
4. Primary Operating System Name - param 3
5. Operating System Name - param 4
6. Present OS Version Number - param 5

Testcases Created:
  - Verify System Info Set In Progress
  - Verify System Info Set In Progress After BMC Reboot
  - Verify Get System Info Set In Progress With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify Set System Info Set In Progress With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify Set System Info Set In Progress With Invalid State
  - Verify System Info System Firmware Version
  - Verify Get System Info System Firmware Version With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify Set System Info System Firmware Version With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify System Info System Name
  - Verify Get System Info System Name With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify Set System Info System Name With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify System Info Primary Operating System Name
  - Verify System Info Primary Operating System Name After BMC Reboot
  - Verify Get System Info Primary Operating System Name With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify Set System Info Primary Operating System Name With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify System Info Operating System Name
  - Verify System Info Operating System Name After BMC Reboot
  - Verify Get System Info Operating System Name With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify Set System Info Operating System Name With Invalid Data Length
  - Verify System Info Present OS Version Number
  - Verify Get System Info Present OS Version Number With Invalid Data Request
  - Verify Set System Info Present OS Version Number With Invalid Data Request

For Param 0 - Set In Progress, validation for change in set-in-progress/ set-complete are verified with valid request data bytes and invalid request data bytes. Since it is volatile, the response bytes are verified after cold reset.

For param 1 - System Firmware Version, the request data bytes are generated randomly and verified with response data byte, and verified  invalid request data byte.

For param 3 - System Name, the request data bytes are generated randomly and verified with response data byte, and verified  invalid request data byte.

For param 3 - Primary Operating System Name,  the request data bytes are identified in variables section and verified with response data byte, and verified invalid request data byte given as invalid_os_name in variable section. Since it is non-volatile,  the response bytes are verified with os_version_name after cold reset.

For param 4 -  Operating System Name,  the request data bytes are identified in variables section and verified with response data byte, and verified invalid request data byte given as invalid_os_name in variable section. Since it is volatile,  the response bytes are verified with default value after cold reset.

For param 5 -  Present OS Version Number,  the request data bytes are identified in variables section and verified with response data byte, and verified invalid request data byte given as invalid_os_name in variable section.

Request data for system info parameter present in data/
Functions used like 'Prefix Bytes' are defined under lib/ and 'Split String With Index' in lib/ - already committed in -

Tested: Run robot ipmi\test_ipmi_systeminfo_parameters.robot

Signed-off-by: chithrag <>
Change-Id: Ic0016db9d3707cac496a5b9dbc15ac0f348a51a4
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
index 4198cf4..4b68d4f 100644
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -462,5 +462,99 @@
             "Insufficient privilege level",
             "Reservation cancelled or invalid",
+    },
+    'System_Info':
+    {
+        'param0_Set_In_Progress':
+        {
+            'Get':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x59 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00",
+                "Request data length invalid",
+            ],
+            'Set':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x58 0x00 0x00",
+                "Request data length invalid",
+                "Invalid data field in request",
+            ],
+        },
+        'param1_System_Firmware_Version':
+        {
+            'Get':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x59 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00",
+                "Request data length invalid",
+            ],
+            'Set':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x58 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x0e",
+                "Invalid data field in request",
+            ],
+        },
+        'param2_System_Name':
+        {
+            'Get':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x59 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00",
+                "Request data length invalid",
+            ],
+            'Set':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x58 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x0e",
+                "Invalid data field in request",
+            ],
+        },
+        'param3_Primary_Operating_System_Name':
+        {
+            'Get':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x59 0x00 0x03 0x00 0x00",
+                "Request data length invalid",
+            ],
+            'Set':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x58 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x0e",
+                "Invalid data field in request",
+            ],
+        },
+        'param4_Operating_System_Name':
+        {
+            'Get':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x59 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00",
+                "Request data length invalid",
+            ],
+            'Set':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x58 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x0e",
+                "Invalid data field in request",
+            ],
+        },
+        'param5_Present_OS_Version_number':
+        {
+            'Get':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x59 0x00 0x05 0x00 0x00",
+                "Request data length invalid",
+            ],
+            'Set':
+            [
+                # raw command, expected output(s)
+                "0x06 0x58 0x05 0x00 0x00 0x0e",
+                "Invalid data field in request",
+            ]
+        }