Test boot count after BMC reboot.

This change includes:
  - Added test case to check boot count after BMC reboot.
  - Added keyword to get boot count based on bootime change.
  - Added keyword to set boot count.

Resolve openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#352

Change-Id: I6b831c96cae188788fb2161a8cafddf15ac1b326
Signed-off-by: Sweta Potthuri <spotthur@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/lib/utils.robot b/lib/utils.robot
index 09f98f7..002b6d8 100755
--- a/lib/utils.robot
+++ b/lib/utils.robot
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 ${BOOT_TIME}     ${0}
 ${BOOT_COUNT}    ${0}
+${count}  ${0}
 ${devicetree_base}  /sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -849,3 +850,28 @@
     # Remove the tarball file from BMC
     Execute Command On BMC  rm /tmp/debug-tarball.tar.xz
+Get BMC Boot Count
+    [Documentation]  Get BMC boot count based on boot time.
+    ${cur_btime}=  Get BMC Boot Time
+    # Set global variable BOOT_TIME to current boot time if current boot time
+    # is changed. Also increase value of global variable BOOT_COUNT by 1.
+    Run Keyword If  ${cur_btime} > ${BOOT_TIME}
+    ...  Run Keywords  Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_TIME}  ${cur_btime}
+    ...  AND
+    ...  Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_COUNT}  ${BOOT_COUNT + 1}
+    [Return]  ${BOOT_COUNT}
+Set BMC Boot Count
+    [Documentation]  Set BMC boot count to given value.
+    [Arguments]  ${count}
+    # Description of arguments:
+    # count  boot count value.
+    ${cur_btime}=  Get BMC Boot Time
+    # Set global variable BOOT_COUNT to given value.
+    Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_COUNT}  ${count}
+    # Set BOOT_TIME variable to current boot time.
+    Set Global Variable  ${BOOT_COUNT}  ${count}
diff --git a/tests/test_general_bmc_system.robot b/tests/test_general_bmc_system.robot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d50f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_general_bmc_system.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  Basic BMC Linux kernel stability test.
+Resource           ../lib/utils.robot
+Resource           ../lib/connection_client.robot
+Resource           ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource           ../lib/state_manager.robot
+Suite Setup        Open Connection And Log In
+Suite Teardown     Close All Connections
+# TODO: Collect proc data from system as part of FFDC
+# Refer openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#353
+Test Teardown      FFDC On Test Case Fail
+*** Variables ***
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Boot Count After BMC Reboot
+    [Documentation]  Verify boot count increments on BMC reboot.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Boot_Count_After_BMC_Reboot
+    Set BMC Boot Count  ${0}
+    Initiate BMC Reboot
+    ${boot_count}=  Get BMC Boot Count
+    Should Be Equal  ${boot_count}  ${1}
+    ...  msg=Boot count is not incremented.