Changed old power off and on interface with new xyz in powercap
test file.

This change includes:
   - Replaced old power on and off interface with new xyz
   - Fixes inundation of spaces
   - Capitalized first letter of each word in keyword name
   - Added tags to test cases with test case name

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#362

Change-Id: Ie6a5e76c456da734f8e44d8cc7c429b30379e129
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <>
diff --git a/tests/test_occ_powercap.robot b/tests/test_occ_powercap.robot
index 35b1a2c..4ccf6d8 100644
--- a/tests/test_occ_powercap.robot
+++ b/tests/test_occ_powercap.robot
@@ -1,182 +1,179 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation           This suite is for testing OCC: Power capping setting
+Documentation  This suite is for testing OCC: Power capping setting
-Resource                ../lib/rest_client.robot
-Resource                ../lib/resource.txt
-Resource                ../lib/utils.robot
-Resource                ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
-Resource                ../lib/boot/boot_resource_master.robot
+Resource       ../lib/rest_client.robot
+Resource       ../lib/resource.txt
+Resource       ../lib/utils.robot
+Resource       ../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource       ../lib/state_manager.robot
-Suite Setup             Check OCC Readiness
-Test Teardown           FFDC On Test Case Fail
+Suite Setup    Check OCC Readiness
+Test Teardown  FFDC On Test Case Fail
-Force Tags   powercapping
+Force Tags  powercapping
 *** Variables ***
 *** Test Cases ***
 Get OCC status
-    [Documentation]     This testcase is to test the OCCstatus for the system
-    ...                 is Enabled or not
+    [Documentation]  This testcase is to test the OCCstatus for the system
+    ...              is Enabled or not
     [Tags]  Get_OCC_status
     ${status}=  Get OCC status
-    Should Be Equal     ${status}   Enabled
+    Should Be Equal  ${status}  Enabled
-Set and Get PowerCap
-    [Documentation]     This testcase is to test get/set powercap feature.
-    ...                 In the testcase we are reading min, max value and then
-    ...                 try set the random in that range.
-    ...                 Existing Issue:
-    [Tags]  known_issue
+Set And Get Powercap
+    [Documentation]  This testcase is to test get/set powercap feature.
+    ...              In the testcase we are reading min, max value and then
+    ...              try set the random in that range.
+    ...              Existing Issue:
+    [Tags]  Set_And_Get_Powercap  known_issue
-    ${min}=     Get Minimum PowerCap
-    log     ${min}
-    ${max}=     Get Maximum PowerCap
-    log     ${max}
-    ${rand_power_cap}=      Evaluate    random.randint(${min}, ${max})   modules=random
-    log     ${rand_power_cap}
-    ${resp}=    Set PowerCap    ${rand_power_cap}
-    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    Sleep   ${DBUS_POLL_INTERVAL}
-    ${power_cap}=       Get PowerCap
-    Should Be Equal     ${power_cap}    ${rand_power_cap}
-    ${user_power_cap}=  Get User PowerCap
-    Should Be Equal     ${user_power_cap}    ${rand_power_cap}
+    ${min}=  Get Minimum Powercap
+    Log  ${min}
+    ${max}=  Get Maximum Powercap
+    Log  ${max}
+    ${rand_power_cap}=  Evaluate  random.randint(${min}, ${max})  modules=random
+    Log  ${rand_power_cap}
+    ${resp}=  Set Powercap  ${rand_power_cap}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${power_cap}=  Get Powercap
+    Should Be Equal  ${power_cap}  ${rand_power_cap}
+    ${user_power_cap}=  Get User Powercap
+    Should Be Equal  ${user_power_cap}  ${rand_power_cap}
-Set Less Than Minimum PowerCAP
-    [Documentation]     Test set powercap with less than min powercap value
-    ...                 Existing Issue:
-    [Tags]  known_issue
+Set Less Than Minimum Powercap
+    [Documentation]  Test set powercap with less than min powercap value
+    ...              Existing Issue:
+    [Tags]  Set_Less_Than_Minimum_Powercap  known_issue
-    ${org_power_cap}=       Get PowerCap
-    ${min}=     Get Minimum PowerCap
-    ${sample_invalid_pcap}=     Evaluate    ${min}-${100}
-    ${resp}=  Set PowerCap    ${sample_invalid_pcap}
-    Sleep   ${DBUS_POLL_INTERVAL}
-    Should Not Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${power_cap}=       Get PowerCap
-    Should Be Equal     ${org_power_cap}    ${power_cap}
+    ${org_power_cap}=  Get Powercap
+    ${min}=  Get Minimum Powercap
+    ${sample_invalid_pcap}=  Evaluate  ${min}-${100}
+    ${resp}=  Set Powercap  ${sample_invalid_pcap}
+    Should Not Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${power_cap}=  Get Powercap
+    Should Be Equal  ${org_power_cap}  ${power_cap}
-Set More Than Maximum PowerCAP
-    [Documentation]     Test set powercap with more than max powercap value
-    ...                 Existing Issue:
-    [Tags]  known_issue
+Set More Than Maximum Powercap
+    [Documentation]  Test set powercap with more than max powercap value
+    ...              Existing Issue:
+    [Tags]  Set_More_Than_Maximum_Powercap  known_issue
-    ${org_power_cap}=       Get PowerCap
-    ${min}=     Get Maximum PowerCap
-    ${sample_invalid_pcap}=     Evaluate    ${min}+${100}
-    ${resp}=  Set PowerCap    ${sample_invalid_pcap}
-    Sleep   ${DBUS_POLL_INTERVAL}
-    Should Not Be Equal As Strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${power_cap}=       Get PowerCap
-    Should Be Equal     ${org_power_cap}    ${power_cap}
+    ${org_power_cap}=  Get Powercap
+    ${min}=  Get Maximum Powercap
+    ${sample_invalid_pcap}=  Evaluate  ${min}+${100}
+    ${resp}=  Set Powercap  ${sample_invalid_pcap}
+    Should Not Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${power_cap}=  Get Powercap
+    Should Be Equal  ${org_power_cap}  ${power_cap}
-Disable PowerCap
-    [Documentation]     Test set powercap with 0 and make sure powercap is
-    ...                 disabled by checking whether the value is set to 0
-    [Tags]  Disable_PowerCap
+Disable Powercap
+    [Documentation]  Test set powercap with 0 and make sure powercap is
+    ...              disabled by checking whether the value is set to 0
+    [Tags]  Disable_Powercap
-    ${resp}=  Set PowerCap    ${0}
-    should be equal as strings      ${resp.status_code}     ${HTTP_OK}
-    Sleep   ${DBUS_POLL_INTERVAL}
-    ${power_cap}=       Get PowerCap
-    Should Be Equal     ${power_cap}    ${0}
-    ${user_power_cap}=  Get User PowerCap
-    Should Be Equal     ${user_power_cap}    ${0}
+    ${resp}=  Set Powercap  ${0}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${power_cap}=  Get Powercap
+    Should Be Equal  ${power_cap}  ${0}
+    ${user_power_cap}=  Get User Powercap
+    Should Be Equal  ${user_power_cap}  ${0}
 Get System Power Consumption
-    [Documentation]   Get the current system power consumption and check if the
-    ...               value is greater than zero
+    [Documentation]  Get the current system power consumption and check if the
+    ...              value is greater than zero
     [Tags]  Get_System_Power_Consumption
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request   ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/system_power
-    should be equal as strings   ${resp.status_code}   ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    Should Be True   ${jsondata["data"]["value"]} > 0
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/system_power
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    Should Be True  ${jsondata["data"]["value"]} > 0
 *** Keywords ***
-Get Minimum PowerCap
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request
-    ...    ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/min_cap
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
+Get Minimum Powercap
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request
+    ...  ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/min_cap
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    [Return]  ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
-Get Maximum PowerCap
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request   ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/max_cap
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
+Get Maximum Powercap
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/max_cap
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    [Return]  ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
-Get User PowerCap
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request   ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/user_cap
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
+Get User Powercap
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/user_cap
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    [Return]  ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
-Set PowerCap
-    [Arguments]    ${powercap_value}
-    @{pcap_list}=   Create List     ${powercap_value}
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{pcap_list}
-    ${resp}=   openbmc post request
-    ...    ${SENSORS_URI}host/powercap/action/setValue      data=${data}
-    [Return]    ${resp}
+Set Powercap
+    [Arguments]  ${powercap_value}
+    @{pcap_list}=  Create List  ${powercap_value}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{pcap_list}
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request
+    ...  ${SENSORS_URI}host/powercap/action/setValue  data=${data}
+    [Return]  ${resp}
-Get PowerCap
-    ${resp}=   OpenBMC Get Request
-    ...    ${SENSORS_URI}host/powercap
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
+Get Powercap
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request
+    ...  ${SENSORS_URI}host/powercap
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    [Return]  ${jsondata["data"]["value"]}
 Get OCC status link
-    ${resp}=    OpenBMC Get Request
-    ...     ${SENSORS_URI}host/list
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    log     ${jsondata}
-    : FOR    ${ELEMENT}    IN    @{jsondata["data"]}
-    \   log     ${ELEMENT}
-    \   ${found}=   Get Lines Matching Pattern      ${ELEMENT}      *host/cpu*/OccStatus
-    \   Return From Keyword If     '${found}' != ''     ${found}
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request
+    ...  ${SENSORS_URI}host/list
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    Log  ${jsondata}
+    : FOR  ${ELEMENT}  IN  @{jsondata["data"]}
+    \  Log  ${ELEMENT}
+    \  ${found}=  Get Lines Matching Pattern  ${ELEMENT}  *host/cpu*/OccStatus
+    \  Return From Keyword If  '${found}' != ''  ${found}
 Get OCC status
     ${occstatus_link}=  Get OCC status link
-    ${data}=   create dictionary   data=@{EMPTY}
-    ${resp}=   openbmc post request    ${occstatus_link}/action/getValue      data=${data}
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    [Return]    ${jsondata["data"]}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{EMPTY}
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request
+    ...  ${occstatus_link}/action/getValue  data=${data}
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    [Return]  ${jsondata["data"]}
 Get Chassis URI
-    ${resp}=    OpenBMC Get Request     ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    log     ${jsondata}
-    : FOR    ${ELEMENT}    IN    @{jsondata["data"]}
-    \   log     ${ELEMENT}
-    \   ${found}=   Get Lines Matching Pattern      ${ELEMENT}      *control/chassis*
-    \   Return From Keyword If     '${found}' != ''     ${found}
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${OPENBMC_BASE_URI}control/
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    Log  ${jsondata}
+    : FOR  ${ELEMENT}  IN  @{jsondata["data"]}
+    \  Log  ${ELEMENT}
+    \  ${found}=  Get Lines Matching Pattern  ${ELEMENT}  *control/chassis*
+    \  Return From Keyword If  '${found}' != ''  ${found}
 Check OCC Readiness
-    [Documentation]   Poweron If BMC power state is off. Check the OCC powercap
-    ...               if the interface attributes are activated.
+    [Documentation]  Poweron If BMC power state is off. Check the OCC powercap
+    ...              if the interface attributes are activated.
-    ${status}=
-    ...   Run Keyword and Return Status    Check Power Off States
-    Run Keyword If   '${status}' == '${True}'
-    ...   BMC Power On
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds   5min  10sec
-    ...   Powercap Attributes Activated
+    ${status}=  Run Keyword and Return Status  Is Host Off
+    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == '${True}'  Initiate Host Boot
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  5min  10sec  Powercap Attributes Activated
 Powercap Attributes Activated
-    [Documentation]   Verify if the response contains the pre-define list
+    [Documentation]  Verify if the response contains the pre-define list
-    @{precheck}=   Create List   ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/user_cap
-    ...                          ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/system_power
-    ...                          ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/curr_cap
-    ...                          ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/max_cap
-    ...                          ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/min_cap
+    @{precheck}=  Create List  ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/user_cap
+    ...                        ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/system_power
+    ...                        ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/curr_cap
+    ...                        ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/max_cap
+    ...                        ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/min_cap
-    ${resp}=    OpenBMC Get Request  ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/
-    ${jsondata}=   To Json    ${resp.content}
-    List Should Contain Sub List   ${jsondata["data"]}    ${precheck}
-    ...     msg=Failed to activate powercap interface attributes
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Get Request  ${SENSORS_URI}powercap/
+    ${jsondata}=  To JSON  ${resp.content}
+    List Should Contain Sub List  ${jsondata["data"]}  ${precheck}
+    ...  msg=Failed to activate powercap interface attributes