Created New script for IPMI Set/Get SEL Time

Pre-requisite Condition : Client Machine and BMC should be in Same TimeZone (example : UST).
Mismatch of Timezones result in miscalculation of SEL Time due to different Timezone in Client Machine.

IPMI Raw command variables are defined under ../data/
Python basic functionalities are defined under lib/ipmi_client.robot, lib/ and lib/ files.

Test the Set/Get SEL Time functionality and compare the result against BMC Native command (date).

Set the Time Sync Mode from NTP to Manual to Set SEL Time.
Time Sync Mode change performed via REDFISH URI.
Performs the change in Time Sync Mode with Test Setup and Teardown Execution with default NETWORK_TIMEOUT provided under ../lib/resource.robot

NETWORK_RESTART_TIME added for Set SEL Time and Add SEL Entry as the corresponding command takes approx 5 seconds for the operation to reflect.

Current SEL time identified via BMC Native command (date) and perform SEL Time operations.

Script Verifies SEL Time for various scenarios such as,
    - Get current time from BMC and add future year and compare against BMC native command (date),
    - Gets BMC Current Time and Adds 15 minutes and compare against BMC native command (date),
    - Gets BMC Current Time and subtracts 1 day and compare against BMC native command (date),
    - Add SEL Entry for all the above scenarios and compare against BMC native command (date).

Tested: Run robot ipmi/test_ipmi_sel_time.robot

Signed-off-by: chithrag <>
Change-Id: Ied129b96e38351d59780326c71f875dc50ce33f5
diff --git a/data/ b/data/
index 764eb22..fcc97ef 100644
--- a/data/
+++ b/data/
@@ -80,7 +80,28 @@
             "0x0a 0x42",
             "27 00",
             "27 is Reservation ID, LSB, 00 Reservation ID, MSB ",
-        ]
+        ],
+        'Get_SEL_Time':
+        [
+            # raw command
+            '0x0a 0x48',
+        ],
+        'Set_SEL_Time':
+        [
+            # raw command, expected output(s), comment
+            '0x0a 0x49',
+            'rsp=0xd5',
+            'not supported in present state',
+            'rsp=0xc7',
+            'Request data length invalid',
+        ],
+        'Create_SEL':
+        [
+            # raw command
+            "0x0a 0x44 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04",
+            "0x00 0xa0 0x04 0x07",
+        ],