GUI automation changes with respect to new navigation menu

This commit has following changes:
    - Modified GUI suites suite setup to use new navigation menus
    - Updated data-test-id xpaths related to navigation menu
      with new ones
    - Modified some test cases name to reflect new menu name
    - Updated GUI suite documentation to reflect new menu structure
    - Removed unsupported KVM suite file
    - Removed LED suite file as it now comes under hardware inventory

Change-Id: Ia6500f3649fa32b60ac439b0c9b96b7e1a427425
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <>
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/control_menu/test_kvm_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/control_menu/test_kvm_sub_menu.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index b65c7f6..0000000
--- a/gui/gui_test/control_menu/test_kvm_sub_menu.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "KVM" sub-menu.
-Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
-Suite Setup     Launch Browser And Login GUI
-Suite Teardown  Close Browser
-Test Setup      Test Setup Execution
-*** Variables ***
-${xpath_kvm_header}      //h1[text()="KVM"]
-${xpath_new_tab_button}  //button[contains(text(),'Open in new tab')]
-${xpath_send_button}     //button[contains(text(),'Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete')]
-*** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To KVM Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to KVM page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_KVM_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_kvm_header}
-Verify Existence Of All Sections In KVM Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in KVM page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_KVM_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_kvm_header}
-    Page Should Contain  Access the KVM console
-Verify Existence Of All Buttons In KVM Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in kvm page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Kvm_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_new_tab_button}
-*** Keywords ***
-Test Setup Execution
-    [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_kvm_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  kvm
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/control_menu/test_server_led_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/control_menu/test_server_led_sub_menu.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 9abd504..0000000
--- a/gui/gui_test/control_menu/test_server_led_sub_menu.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Server LED" sub-menu of "Server control".
-Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
-Suite Setup      Launch Browser And Login GUI
-Suite Teardown   Close Browser
-Test Setup       Test Setup Execution
-*** Variables ***
-${xpath_server_led_heading}  //h1[text()="Server LED"]
-${xpath_led_value}           //*[@data-test-id='serverLed-checkbox-switchIndicatorLed']/following-sibling::label/span
-${xpath_overview_led_value}  //*[@data-test-id='overviewQuickLinks-checkbox-serverLed']/following-sibling::label/span
-${xpath_led_toggle}          //*[@data-test-id='serverLed-checkbox-switchIndicatorLed']
-*** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Server LED Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to server LED page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Server_LED_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_server_led_heading}
-Verify Existence Of All Sections In Server LED Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in Server LED page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Server_LED_Page
-    Page Should Contain  LED light control
-Verify Server Led Sync With Overview Page LED Status
-    [Documentation]  Verify server LED sync with overview page LED status.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Server_Led_Sync_With_Overview_Page_LED_Status
-    ${gui_led_value} =  Get Text  ${xpath_led_value}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_overview_menu}
-    ${overview_led_value} =  Get Text  ${xpath_overview_led_value}
-    Should Be Equal  ${gui_led_value}  ${overview_led_value}
-Verify Server LED ON
-    [Documentation]  Turn ON the server LED button using GUI and verify it via Redfish.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Server_LED_ON
-    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Redfish.Login
-    [Teardown]  Redfish.logout
-    # Turn Off the server LED via Redfish.
-    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/Systems/system  body={"IndicatorLED":"Off"}   valid_status_codes=[200, 204]
-    # Refresh GUI and turn ON the server LED via GUI.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_refresh_button}
-    Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_led_toggle}  0  0
-    Wait Until Element Contains  ${xpath_led_value}  On  timeout=15
-    # Verify server LED via Redfish and GUI.
-    Verify Server LED using Redfish and GUI  On
-Verify Server LED OFF
-    [Documentation]  Turn OFF the server LED button using GUI and verify it via Redfish.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Server_LED_OFF
-    [Setup]  Run Keywords  Test Setup Execution  AND  Redfish.Login
-    [Teardown]  Redfish.logout
-    # Turn ON the server LED via Redfish.
-    Redfish.Patch  /redfish/v1/Systems/system  body={"IndicatorLED":"Lit"}   valid_status_codes=[200, 204]
-    # Refresh GUI and turn OFF the server LED via GUI.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_refresh_button}
-    Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_led_toggle}  0  0
-    Wait Until Element Contains  ${xpath_led_value}  Off  timeout=30
-    # Verify server LED via Redfish and GUI.
-    Verify Server LED using Redfish and GUI  Off
-*** Keywords ***
-Test Setup Execution
-    [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_server_led_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  server-led
-Verify Server LED using Redfish and GUI
-    [Documentation]  Verify LED status using Redfish and GUI.
-    [Arguments]  ${expected_led_status}
-    # Description of argument(s):
-    # expected_led_status  Expected value of Server LED.
-    ${gui_led_value} =  Get Text  ${xpath_led_value}
-    ${redfish_led_value}=  Redfish.Get Attribute  /redfish/v1/Systems/system  IndicatorLED
-    ${redfish_led_value}=  Set Variable If
-    ...  '${redfish_led_value}' == 'Lit'  On
-    ...  '${redfish_led_value}' == 'Off'  Off
-    Should Be Equal  ${gui_led_value}  ${expected_led_status}
-    Should Be Equal  ${redfish_led_value}  ${expected_led_status}
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_inventory_and_leds_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_inventory_and_leds_sub_menu.robot
index 78dd8c2..cf6bd1e 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_inventory_and_leds_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_inventory_and_leds_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Hardware Status" sub-menu of "Health" menu.
+Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Inventory and LEDs" sub-menu of "Hardware status" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_hardware_status_heading}  //h1[text()="Hardware status"]
+${xpath_inventory_and_leds_heading}  //h1[text()="Inventory and LEDs"]
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Hardware Status Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to hardware status page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Hardware_Status_Page
+Verify Navigation To Inventory And LEDs Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to inventory page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Inventory_And_LEDs_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_hardware_status_heading}
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_inventory_and_leds_heading}
-Verify Components On Hardware Status Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify whether required components are displayed hardware status page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Components_On_Hardware_Status_Page
+Verify Components On Inventory And LEDs Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify whether required components are displayed under inventory and LEDs page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Components_On_Inventory_And_LEDs_Page
     Page Should Contain  System
     Page Should Contain  BMC manager
@@ -34,11 +34,12 @@
     Page Should Contain  Power supplies
     Page Should Contain  Processors
 *** Keywords ***
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_health_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_hardware_status_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  hardware-status
+    Click Element  ${xpath_hardware_status_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_inventory_and_leds_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  inventory
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_sensors_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_sensors_sub_menu.robot
index 0a93877..21ab456 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_sensors_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/hardware_status_menu/test_sensors_sub_menu.robot
@@ -120,6 +120,6 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_health_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_hardware_status_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_sensor_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  sensors
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_dumps_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_dumps_sub_menu.robot
index 20224e4..de9bed5 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_dumps_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_dumps_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Dumps" sub-menu of "Health" menu.
+Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Dumps" sub-menu of "Logs" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -57,6 +57,6 @@
     [Documentation]  Do test suite setup tasks.
     Launch Browser And Login GUI
-    Click Element  ${xpath_health_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_logs_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_dumps_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  dumps
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot
index c6b4c4e..28a8b9b 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/logs_menu/test_event_logs_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Event logs" sub-menu.
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Event logs" sub-menu of "Logs" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
 Resource        ../../../lib/logging_utils.robot
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 Navigate To Event Logs Page
     [Documentation]  Navigate to the event logs page from main menu.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_health_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_logs_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_event_logs_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  event-logs
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_factory_reset_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_factory_reset_sub_menu.robot
index bec8a03..a8644b4 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_factory_reset_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_factory_reset_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation   Test suite for OpenBMC GUI "Factory reset" sub-menu of "Control" menu.
+Documentation   Test suite for OpenBMC GUI "Factory reset" sub-menu of "Operation" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@
     [Documentation]  Do test suite setup tasks.
     Launch Browser And Login GUI
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_operations_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_factory_reset_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  factory-reset
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_firmware_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_firmware_sub_menu.robot
index d438ad2..aab4574 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_firmware_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_firmware_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC Firmware Update" sub menu of "Configuration".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC Firmware Update" sub menu of "Operations".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -44,6 +44,6 @@
    [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
     Launch Browser And Login GUI
-    Click Element  ${xpath_server_configuration}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_operations_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_firmware_update_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  firmware
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot
index d83008a..61ee371 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Reboot BMC" sub-menu of "Server control".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Reboot BMC" sub-menu of "Operation" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -52,6 +52,6 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_operations_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_reboot_bmc_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  reboot-bmc
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_server_power_operations_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_server_power_operations_sub_menu.robot
index 42c12c1..52d3123 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_server_power_operations_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_server_power_operations_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Server power operations" sub-menu of "Server control".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Server power operations" sub-menu of "Operations".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
 Resource        ../../../lib/state_manager.robot
@@ -175,6 +175,6 @@
 Navigate to Server Power Operation Page
     [Documentation]  Go to server power operation page.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_operations_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_server_power_operations_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  server-power-operations
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_sol_console_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_sol_console_sub_menu.robot
index ede2ff8..a33c104 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_sol_console_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_sol_console_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Serial over LAN Console" sub-menu of "Control".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Serial over LAN Console" sub-menu of "Operations".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -42,6 +42,6 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_operations_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_sol_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  serial-over-lan
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/resource_management_menu/test_power_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/resource_management_menu/test_power_sub_menu.robot
index b5d180f..c0bc5d8 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/resource_management_menu/test_power_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/resource_management_menu/test_power_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Manage power usage" sub-menu of "Server control".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Power" sub-menu of "Resource Management".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -11,32 +11,32 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_manage_power_heading}      //h1[text()="Manage power usage"]
-${xpath_power_ops_checkbox}        //*[@data-test-id='managePowerUsage-checkbox-togglePowerCapField']
-${xpath_cap_input_button}          //*[@data-test-id='managePowerUsage-input-powerCapValue']
-${xpath_submit_button}             //*[@data-test-id='managePowerUsage-button-savePowerCapValue']
+${xpath_power_heading}             //h1[text()="Power"]
+${xpath_power_ops_checkbox}        //*[@data-test-id='power-checkbox-togglePowerCapField']
+${xpath_cap_input_button}          //*[@data-test-id='power-input-powerCapValue']
+${xpath_submit_button}             //*[@data-test-id='power-button-savePowerCapValue']
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Manage Power Usage Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to manage power usage page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Manage_Power_Usage_Page
+Verify Navigation To Power Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to power page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Power_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_manage_power_heading}
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_power_heading}
-Verify Existence Of All Sections In Manage Power Usage Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in Manage Power Usage page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Manage_Power_Usage_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Sections In Power Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in power page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Power_Page
     Page Should Contain  Current power consumption
     Page Should Contain  Power cap setting
     Page Should Contain  Power cap value
-Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Manage Power Usage Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in manage power usage page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Manage_Power_Usage_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Power Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in power page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Power_Page
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_power_ops_checkbox}
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_cap_input_button}
@@ -141,6 +141,6 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_manage_power_usage_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  manage-power-usage
+    Click Element  ${xpath_resource_management_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_power_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  power
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_certificates_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_certificates_sub_menu.robot
index 10e6947..9642af0 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_certificates_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_certificates_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "SSL Certificates" sub-menu of "Access control".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Certificates" sub-menu of "Security and access".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
 Resource        ../../../lib/certificate_utils.robot
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_certificate_heading}       //h1[text()="SSL certificates"]
+${xpath_certificate_heading}       //h1[text()="Certificates"]
 ${xpath_add_certificate_button}    //button[contains(text(),"Add new certificate")]
-${xpath_generate_csr_button}       //*[@data-test-id='sslCertificates-button-generateCsr']
+${xpath_generate_csr_button}       //*[@data-test-id='certificates-button-generateCsr']
 ${xpath_generate_csr_heading}      //h5[contains(text(), "Generate a Certificate Signing Request")]
 ${xpath_select_certificate_type}   //*[@data-test-id='modalGenerateCsr-select-certificateType']
 ${xpath_select_country}            //*[@data-test-id='modalGenerateCsr-select-country']
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To SSL Certificate Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to SSL certificate page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_SSL_Certificate_Page
+Verify Navigation To Certificate Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to certificate page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Certificate_Page
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_certificate_heading}
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_access_control_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_ssl_certificates_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  ssl-certificates
+    Click Element  ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_certificates_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  certificates
 Suite Setup Execution
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_ldap_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_ldap_sub_menu.robot
index e298b16..d8ec11d 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_ldap_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_ldap_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "LDAP" sub-menu of "Access control".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "LDAP" sub-menu of "Security and access".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
 Resource        ../../../lib/bmc_ldap_utils.robot
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
     Launch Browser And Login GUI
-    # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/access-control/ldap  LDAP page.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_access_control_menu}
+    # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/security-and-access/ldap  LDAP page.
+    Click Element  ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_ldap_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  ldap
     Element Should Be Enabled   ${xpath_enable_ldap_checkbox}
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@
     # password  The password to be used for login.
     Login GUI  ${username}  ${password}
-    # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/access-control/ldap  LDAP page.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_access_control_menu}
+    # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/security-and-access/ldap  LDAP page.
+    Click Element  ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_ldap_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  ldap
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_multiple_interfaces.robot b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_multiple_interfaces.robot
index 0980b0c..fa48614 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_multiple_interfaces.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_multiple_interfaces.robot
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${bmc_url}             https://${OPENBMC_HOST}
-${bmc_url_1}           https://${OPENBMC_HOST_1}
-${CA_FILE_PATH}        ${EMPTY}
+${bmc_url}                     https://${OPENBMC_HOST}
+${bmc_url_1}                   https://${OPENBMC_HOST_1}
+${LDAP_FILE_PATH}              ${EMPTY}
+${CA_FILE_PATH}                ${EMPTY}
 ${xpath_add_new_certificate}   //*[contains(text(), ' Add new certificate ')]
 ${xpath_certificate_type}      //*[@id="certificate-type"]
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 Navigate To SSL Certificate Page
     [Documentation]  Navigate to SSL Certificate page.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_access_control_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_ssl_certificates_sub_menu}
-    Page Should Contain  SSL certificates
+    Click Element  ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_certificates_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  certificates
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot
index c999ce9..c5e177a 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_policies_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation    Test OpenBMC GUI "Security settings" sub-menu of "Server configuration" menu.
+Documentation    Test OpenBMC GUI "Policies" sub-menu of "Security and access" menu.
 Resource         ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -11,32 +11,32 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_security_settings_heading}  //h1[text()="Security settings"]
-${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle}             //*[@data-test-id='security-toggle-bmcShell']
-${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle}        //*[@data-test-id='security-toggle-networkIpmi']
+${xpath_policies_heading}           //h1[text()="Policies"]
+${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle}             //*[@data-test-id='policies-toggle-bmcShell']
+${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle}        //*[@data-test-id='polices-toggle-networkIpmi']
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Security Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to security settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Security_Settings_Page
+Verify Navigation To Policies Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to Policies page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Policies_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_security_settings_heading}
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_policies_heading}
-Verify Existence Of All Sections In Security Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in security settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Security_Settings_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Sections In Policies Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in policies page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Policies_Page
     Page Should Contain  Network services
     Page Should Contain  BMC shell (via SSH)
     Page Should Contain  Network IPMI (out-of-band IPMI)
-Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Security Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of All Buttons in security settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Security_Settings_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Policies Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of All Buttons in policies page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Policies_Page
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_bmc_ssh_toggle}
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_network_ipmi_toggle}
@@ -47,6 +47,6 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_server_configuration}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_security_settings_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  security-settings
+    Click Element  ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_policies_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  policies
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_sessions_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_sessions_sub_menu.robot
index db9b7fb..36fe289 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_sessions_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_sessions_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Client sessions" sub-menu of "Access Control" menu.
+Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Sessions" sub-menu of "Security and access" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -11,16 +11,16 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_client_sessions_heading}  //h1[text()="Client sessions"]
+${xpath_sessions_heading}  //h1[text()="Sessions"]
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Client Sessions Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to client sessions page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Client_Sessions_Page
+Verify Navigation To Sessions Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to sessions page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Sessions_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_client_sessions_heading}
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_sessions_heading}
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -28,6 +28,6 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_access_control_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_client_sessions_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  client-sessions
+    Click Element  ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_sessions_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  5 sec  Location Should Contain  sessions
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_user_management_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_user_management_sub_menu.robot
index e446f54..958bfb6 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_user_management_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/security_and_access_menu/test_user_management_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Local user management" sub-menu of "Access control".
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "User management" sub-menu of "Security and access".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -10,53 +10,53 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_local_user_management_heading }  //h1[text()="Local user management"]
+${xpath_user_management_heading}         //h1[text()="User management"]
 ${xpath_select_user}                     //input[contains(@class,"custom-control-input")]
 ${xpath_account_policy}                  //button[contains(text(),'Account policy settings')]
 ${xpath_add_user}                        //button[contains(text(),'Add user')]
-${xpath_edit_user}                       //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-tableRowAction-edit-0']
-${xpath_delete_user}                     //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-tableRowAction-delete-1']
-${xpath_account_status_enabled_button}   //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-radioButton-statusEnabled']
-${xpath_account_status_disabled_button}  //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-radioButton-statusDisabled']
-${xpath_username_input_button}           //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-input-username']
-${xpath_privilege_list_button}           //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-select-privilege']
-${xpath_password_input_button}           //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-input-password']
-${xpath_password_confirm_button}         //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-input-passwordConfirmation']
-${xpath_cancel_button}                   //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-button-cancel']
-${xpath_submit_button}                   //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-button-submit']
+${xpath_edit_user}                       //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-tableRowAction-edit-0']
+${xpath_delete_user}                     //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-tableRowAction-delete-1']
+${xpath_account_status_enabled_button}   //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-radioButton-statusEnabled']
+${xpath_account_status_disabled_button}  //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-radioButton-statusDisabled']
+${xpath_username_input_button}           //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-input-username']
+${xpath_privilege_list_button}           //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-select-privilege']
+${xpath_password_input_button}           //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-input-password']
+${xpath_password_confirm_button}         //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-input-passwordConfirmation']
+${xpath_cancel_button}                   //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-button-cancel']
+${xpath_submit_button}                   //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-button-submit']
 ${xpath_add_user_heading}                //h5[contains(text(),'Add user')]
 ${xpath_policy_settings_header}          //*[text()="Account policy settings"]
-${xpath_auto_unlock}                     //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-radio-automaticUnlock']
-${xpath_manual_unlock}                   //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-radio-manualUnlock']
-${xpath_max_failed_login}                //*[@data-test-id='localUserManagement-input-lockoutThreshold']
+${xpath_auto_unlock}                     //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-radio-automaticUnlock']
+${xpath_manual_unlock}                   //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-radio-manualUnlock']
+${xpath_max_failed_login}                //*[@data-test-id='userManagement-input-lockoutThreshold']
 ${test_user_password}                    TestPwd1
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Local User Management Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to local user management page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Local_User_Management_Page
+Verify Navigation To User Management Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to user management page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_User_Management_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_local_user_management_heading}
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_user_management_heading}
-Verify Existence Of All Sections In Local User Management Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in local user management page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Local_User_Management_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Sections In User Management Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in user management page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_User_Management_Page
     Page should contain  View privilege role descriptions
-Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Local User Management Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in Manage Power Usage page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Local_User_Management_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In User Management Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in user managemnet page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_User_Management_Page
     Page Should Contain Checkbox  ${xpath_select_user}
-Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Local User Management Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in local user management page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Local_User_Management_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Buttons In User Management Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in user management page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_User_Management_Page
     Page should contain Button  ${xpath_account_policy}
     Page should contain Button  ${xpath_add_user}
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/access-control/local-user-management  Local users page.
+    # Navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx/#/access-control/user-management  user management page.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_access_control_menu}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_local_user_management_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  local-user-managemen
+    Click Element  ${xpath_secuity_and_accesss_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_user_management_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  user-managemen
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_date_and_time_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_date_and_time_sub_menu.robot
index eba2f9b..377f460 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_date_and_time_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_date_and_time_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Date and time settings" sub-menu of "Configuration".
+Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Date and time" sub-menu of "Settings".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -10,45 +10,45 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_date_time_heading}     //h1[text()="Date and time settings"]
-${xpath_select_manual}         //*[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-radio-configureManual"]
-${xpath_select_ntp}            //*[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-radio-configureNTP"]
-${xpath_manual_date}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-manualDate"]
-${xpath_manual_time}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-manualTime"]
-${xpath_ntp_server1}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-ntpServer1"]
-${xpath_ntp_server2}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-ntpServer2"]
-${xpath_ntp_server3}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-input-ntpServer3"]
-${xpath_select_save_settings}  //button[@data-test-id="dateTimeSettings-button-saveSettings"]
+${xpath_date_time_heading}     //h1[text()="Date and time"]
+${xpath_select_manual}         //*[@data-test-id="dateTime-radio-configureManual"]
+${xpath_select_ntp}            //*[@data-test-id="dateTime-radio-configureNTP"]
+${xpath_manual_date}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTime-input-manualDate"]
+${xpath_manual_time}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTime-input-manualTime"]
+${xpath_ntp_server1}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTime-input-ntpServer1"]
+${xpath_ntp_server2}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTime-input-ntpServer2"]
+${xpath_ntp_server3}           //input[@data-test-id="dateTime-input-ntpServer3"]
+${xpath_select_save_settings}  //button[@data-test-id="dateTime-button-saveSettings"]
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Date And Time Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to date and time settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
+Verify Navigation To Date And Time Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to date and time page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Date_And_Time_Page
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_date_time_heading}
-Verify Existence Of All Sections In Date And Time Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in date and time settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Sections In Date And Time Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in date and time page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Date_And_Time__Page
     Page Should Contain  Configure settings
-Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Date And Time Settings Page
+Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Date And Time Page
     [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in date and time settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Date_And_Time_Page
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_select_manual}
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_select_ntp}
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_select_save_settings}
-Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Date And Time Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all input boxes in date time settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Date_And_Time_Settings_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Input Boxes In Date And Time Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all input boxes in date time page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Input_Boxes_In_Date_And_Time_Page
     Click Element At Coordinates  ${xpath_select_manual}  0  0
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_manual_date}
@@ -119,6 +119,6 @@
 Navigate To Date and Time Page
     [Documentation]  Navigate to the date and time page from main menu.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_server_configuration}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_date_time_settings_sub_menu}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  date-time-settings
+    Click Element  ${xpath_settings_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_date_time_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  date-time
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_network_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_network_sub_menu.robot
index 9dab942..acffb72 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_network_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_network_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Network settings" sub-menu of
-...             "Server configuration".
+Documentation   Test OpenBMC GUI "Network" sub-menu of "Settings".
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
 Resource        ../../../lib/bmc_network_utils.robot
@@ -11,25 +10,25 @@
 *** Variables ***
-${xpath_network_setting_heading}  //h1[text()="Network settings"]
+${xpath_network_heading}          //h1[text()="Network"]
 ${xpath_interface}                //h2[text()="Interface"]
 ${xpath_system}                   //h2[text()="System"]
 ${xpath_static_ipv4}              //h2[text()="IPV4"]
 ${xpath_static_dns}               //h2[text()="Static DNS"]
-${xpath_hostname_input}           //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-hostname"]
-${xpath_network_save_settings}    //button[@data-test-id="networkSettings-button-saveNetworkSettings"]
-${xpath_default_gateway_input}    //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-gateway"]
-${xpath_mac_address_input}        //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-macAddress"]
-${xpath_static_input_ip0}         //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-0"]
-${xpath_static_input_ip1}         //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-1"]
+${xpath_hostname_input}           //*[@data-test-id="network-input-hostname"]
+${xpath_network_save_settings}    //button[@data-test-id="network-button-saveNetworkSettings"]
+${xpath_default_gateway_input}    //*[@data-test-id="network-input-gateway"]
+${xpath_mac_address_input}        //*[@data-test-id="network-input-macAddress"]
+${xpath_static_input_ip0}         //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-0"]
+${xpath_static_input_ip1}         //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-1"]
 ${xpath_add_static_ip}            //button[contains(text(),"Add static IP")]
 ${xpath_setting_success}          //*[contains(text(),"Successfully saved network settings.")]
 ${xpath_add_dns_server}           //button[contains(text(),"Add DNS server")]
-${xpath_network_interface}        //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-select-interface"]
-${xpath_input_netmask_addr0}      //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-subnetMask-0"]
-${xpath_input_netmask_addr1}      //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-subnetMask-1"]
+${xpath_network_interface}        //*[@data-test-id="network-select-interface"]
+${xpath_input_netmask_addr0}      //*[@data-test-id="network-input-subnetMask-0"]
+${xpath_input_netmask_addr1}      //*[@data-test-id="network-input-subnetMask-1"]
 ${xpath_delete_static_ip}         //*[@title="Delete IPv4 row"]
-${xpath_input_dns_server}         //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-dnsAddress-0"]
+${xpath_input_dns_server}         //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-0"]
 ${xpath_delete_dns_server}        //*[@title="Delete DNS row"]
 ${xpath_delete_static_ip}         //*[@title="Delete IPv4 row"]
@@ -54,16 +53,16 @@
 *** Test Cases ***
-Verify Navigation To Network Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to network settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Network_Settings_Page
+Verify Navigation To Network Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify navigation to network page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Navigation_To_Network_Page
-    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_network_setting_heading}
+    Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_network_heading}
-Verify Existence Of All Sections In Network Settings Page
+Verify Existence Of All Sections In Network Page
     [Documentation]  Verify existence of all sections in network settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Network_Settings_Page
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Sections_In_Network_Page
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_interface}
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_system}
@@ -72,18 +71,18 @@
     Page Should Contain Button   ${xpath_delete_static_ip}
-Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Network Settings Page
-    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in network settings page.
-    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Network_Settings_Page
+Verify Existence Of All Buttons In Network Page
+    [Documentation]  Verify existence of all buttons in network page.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Existence_Of_All_Buttons_In_Network_Page
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_add_static_ip}
     Page Should Contain Element  ${xpath_add_dns_server}
-Verify Network Settings From Server Configuration
-    [Documentation]  Verify ability to select "Network Settings" sub-menu option
-    ...  of "Server Configuration".
-    [Tags]  Verify_Network_Settings_From_Server_Configuration
+Verify Network From Server Configuration
+    [Documentation]  Verify ability to select "Network" sub-menu option
+    ...  of "Settings".
+    [Tags]  Verify_Network_From_Server_Configuration
     Page Should Contain  IP address
@@ -274,9 +273,9 @@
    [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
     Launch Browser And Login GUI
-    Click Element  ${xpath_server_configuration}
-    Click Element  ${xpath_select_network_settings}
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  network-settings
+    Click Element  ${xpath_settings_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_network_sub_menu}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  network
     ${host_name}  ${BMC_IP}=  Get Host Name IP  host=${OPENBMC_HOST}
     Set Suite Variable  ${BMC_IP}
@@ -313,7 +312,7 @@
     ${length}=  Get Length   ${static_name_servers}
     FOR  ${i}  IN RANGE  ${length}
       Click Button  ${xpath_add_dns_server}
-      Input Text  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-dnsAddress-${i}"]
+      Input Text  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-${i}"]
       ...  ${static_name_servers}[${i}]
@@ -382,8 +381,8 @@
     ${length}=  Get Length  ${static_name_servers}
     FOR  ${i}  IN RANGE  ${length}
-       Page Should Contain Element  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-dnsAddress-${i}"]
-       Textfield Value Should Be   //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-dnsAddress-${i}"]
+       Page Should Contain Element  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-${i}"]
+       Textfield Value Should Be   //*[@data-test-id="network-input-dnsAddress-${i}"]
        ...  ${static_name_servers}[${i}]
@@ -407,9 +406,9 @@
     Click Button  ${xpath_add_static_ip}
     Input Text
-    ...  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]  ${ip_address}
+    ...  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]  ${ip_address}
     Input Text
-    ...  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-subnetMask-${location}"]  ${subnet_mask}
+    ...  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-subnetMask-${location}"]  ${subnet_mask}
     Click Button  ${xpath_network_save_settings}
     Run keyword if  '${expected_status}' != 'Valid format'
@@ -434,7 +433,7 @@
     ${delete_ip_buttons}=  Get WebElements  ${xpath_delete_static_ip}
     FOR  ${location}  IN RANGE  len(${ip_addresses})
-       ${gui_ip}=  Get Value  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]
+       ${gui_ip}=  Get Value  //*[@data-test-id="networ-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]
        Run Keyword If  '${gui_ip}' == '${ip_address}' and '${gui_ip}' != '${BMC_IP}'
        ...  Run Keywords  Click Element  ${delete_ip_buttons}[${location}]
        ...  AND  Exit For Loop
@@ -460,12 +459,12 @@
     Should Contain  ${ip_addresses}  ${ip}  msg=${ip} does not exist on BMC
     FOR  ${location}  IN RANGE  len(${ip_addresses})
-       ${gui_ip}=  Get Value  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]
+       ${gui_ip}=  Get Value  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]
        Run Keyword If  '${gui_ip}' == '${ip}'
        ...  Run Keywords
-       ...  Clear Element Text  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]
+       ...  Clear Element Text  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]
        ...  AND  Input Text
-       ...  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]  ${new_ip}
+       ...  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${location}"]  ${new_ip}
        ...  AND  Exit For Loop
     Click Button  ${xpath_network_save_settings}
@@ -484,7 +483,7 @@
     ${static_ipv4_addresses}=  Create List
     FOR   ${locator}   IN RANGE  len(${availble_ip_addresses})
-       ${ip_address}=  Get value  //*[@data-test-id="networkSettings-input-staticIpv4-${locator}"]
+       ${ip_address}=  Get value  //*[@data-test-id="network-input-staticIpv4-${locator}"]
        Append To List  ${static_ipv4_addresses}  ${ip_address}
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_power_restore_policy_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_power_restore_policy_sub_menu.robot
index e076dbf..5260465 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_power_restore_policy_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/settings_menu/test_power_restore_policy_sub_menu.robot
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *** Settings ***
-Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Power restore policy" sub-menu of "Server control" menu.
+Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Power restore policy" sub-menu of "Settings" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
@@ -49,6 +49,6 @@
 Test Setup Execution
     [Documentation]  Do test case setup tasks.
-    Click Element  ${xpath_control_menu}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_settings_menu}
     Click Element  ${xpath_power_restore_policy_sub_menu}
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  30 sec  10 sec  Location Should Contain  power-restore-policy