Verify functionality
Add more tests into test_openbmctool.robot:
- fru status
- fru print
- fru list
- fru list of a single fru
- sensors print
- sensors list
- sensors list of a single sensor
- health check
- service data
Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1303
Change-Id: Ia559b4e31278dd6f72145968364f648dc1b76ffd
Signed-off-by: Steven Sombar <>
diff --git a/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool.robot b/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool.robot
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 6d88499..da8ad89
--- a/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool.robot
+++ b/tests_openbmctool/test_openbmctool.robot
@@ -1,24 +1,249 @@
*** Settings ***
-Documentation Verify functionality.
+Documentation Verify functionality.
-Library ../lib/
-Library ../lib/
-Library ../lib/
-Resource ../lib/resource.txt
+# This module tests the functionality of
+# The following tests are perfomed:
+# FRU status
+# FRU print
+# FRU list
+# FRU list of a single FRU
+# sensors print
+# sensors list
+# sensors list of a single sensor
+# health check
+# service data
+# It is the responsibility of the user to include's
+# directory PATH in $PATH.
+# Test Parameters:
+# OPENBMC_HOST The BMC host name or IP address.
+# OPENBMC_USERNAME The username to login to the BMC.
+# TODO:
+# chassis tests
+# sel tests
+# dump
+# bmc (same as mc)
+# gardclear
+# firmware commands
+Library String
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library ../lib/
+Library ../lib/
+Library ../lib/
+Library ../lib/
+Resource ../syslib/utils_os.robot
+Resource ../lib/resource.txt
+Suite Setup Suite Setup Execution
*** Variables ***
-${min_num_sensors} ${30}
+${min_number_items} ${30}
+${min_number_sensors} ${15}
*** Test Cases ***
-Verify FRU Status
- [Documentation] Verify that the fru status command works.
- [Tags] Verify_FRU_Status
+Verify Openbmctool FRU Commands
+ [Documentation] Verify FRU commands work.
+ [Tags] Verify_Openbmctool_FRU_Commands
- Rprintn
- ${rc} ${output}= Openbmctool Execute Command fru status | egrep -v '^$|^Component' | wc -l
- ${num_sensors}= Convert to Integer ${output}
+ Verify FRU Status
+ Verify FRU Print
+ Verify FRU List
+ # Verify FRU List With Single FRU
+ # Known issue - FRU list with single FRU is not working yet.
+ # See
+Verify Openbmctool Sensors Commands
+ [Documentation] Verify sensors commands work.
+ [Tags] Verify_Openbmctool_Sensors_Commands
+ Verify Sensors Print
+ Verify Sensors List
+ # Verify Sensors List With Single Sensor
+ # Known issue - sensors list with single sensor is
+ # not working yet. See
+Verify Openbmctool Health Check Commands
+ [Documentation] Verify health check command works.
+ [Tags] Verify_Openbmctool_Health_Check_Commands
+ Verify Health Check
+Verify Openbmctool Service Data Commands
+ [Documentation] Verify collect service data command works.
+ [Tags] Verify_Openbmctool_Service Data Commands
+ Verify Collect Service Data
+*** Keywords ***
+Verify FRU Status
+ [Documentation] Verify that the 'fru status' command works.
+ ${fru_status}= Get Fru Status
+ ${num_frus}= Get Length ${fru_status}
+ Rprint Vars num_frus
+ Check Greater Than Minimum ${num_frus} ${min_number_items} frus
+Verify FRU Print
+ [Documentation] Verify that the 'fru print' command works.
+ ${rc} ${num_frus}= Openbmctool Execute Command
+ ... fru print | wc -l
+ Rprint Vars num_frus
+ Check Greater Than Minimum ${num_frus} ${min_number_items} frus
+Verify FRU List
+ [Documentation] Verify that the 'fru list' command works.
+ # Note: The output from 'fru list' is the same as 'fru print'.
+ ${rc} ${num_frus}= Openbmctool Execute Command
+ ... fru list | wc -l
+ Rprint Vars num_frus
+ Check Greater Than Minimum ${num_frus} ${min_number_items} frus
+Verify FRU List With Single FRU
+ [Documentation] Verify that 'fru list' with parameter works.
+ # Get the name of one FRU, in this case the first one listed.
+ ${fru_status}= Get Fru Status
+ ${fruname}= Set Variable ${fru_status[0]['component']}
+ Rprint Vars fruname
+ Should Not Be Empty ${fruname} msg=Could not find a FRU.
+ # Get a fru list specifiying just the FRU.
+ ${rc} ${output}= Openbmctool Execute Command
+ ... fru list ${fruname} | wc -l
+ ${fru_detail}= Convert to Integer ${output}
+ Rprint Vars fru_detail
+ Should Be True ${fru_detail} <= ${min_number_items}
+ ... msg=Too many lines reported for fru status ${fruname}
+ Should Be True ${fru_detail} > ${4}
+ ... msg=Too few lines reported for fru status ${fruname}
+Verify Sensors Print
+ [Documentation] Verify that sensors print works.
+ ${sensor_status}= Get Sensors Print
+ ${num_sensors}= Get Length ${sensor_status}
Rprint Vars num_sensors
- Should Be True ${num_sensors} >= ${min_num_sensors}
- ... msg=There should be at least ${min_num_sensors} sensors.
+ Check Greater Than Minimum ${num_sensors} ${min_number_sensors} sensors
+Verify Sensors List
+ [Documentation] Verify that sensors list works.
+ # Note: The output from 'sensors list' is the same as 'sensors print'.
+ ${sensor_status}= Get Sensors List
+ ${num_sensors}= Get Length ${sensor_status}
+ Rprint Vars num_sensors
+ Check Greater Than Minimum ${num_sensors} ${min_number_sensors} sensors
+Verify Sensors List With Single Sensor
+ [Documentation] Verify that sensors list with parameter works.
+ ${sensor}= Set Variable ambient
+ ${rc} ${num_sensors}= Openbmctool Execute Command
+ ... sensors list ${sensor} | wc -l
+ Rprint Vars sensor num_sensors
+ ${num_sensors}= Convert to Integer ${num_sensors}
+ Should Be True ${num_sensors} < ${10}
+ ... msg=Too many lines reported for list sensor ${sensor}
+Verify Health Check
+ [Documentation] Verify health_check operation.
+ ${rc} ${health}= Openbmctool Execute Command health_check
+ Rprint Vars health
+ # Sample output:
+ # Hardware Status: OK
+ # Performance: OK
+ # Instead of OK could also say Degraded or Critical.
+ Should Contain ${health} Hardware Status:
+ ... msg=No hardware status reported by health_check.
+ Should Contain ${health} Performance:
+ ... msg=No performance reported by health_check.
+Verify Collect Service Data
+ [Documentation] Verify collect_service_data operation.
+ ${rc} ${service_data}= Openbmctool Execute Command collect_service_data
+ Rprint Vars service_data
+ # Sample output:
+ # Inventory collected and stored in /tmp/
+ # Sensor readings collected and stored in /tmp/
+ # System LED status collected and stored in /tmp/
+ # sel short list collected and stored in /tmp/
+ # fully parsed sels collected and stored in /tmp/
+ # Attempting to get a full BMC enumeration
+ # RAW BMC data collected and saved into /tmp/
+ # Collecting bmc dump files
+ # data collection complete
+ Should Contain ${service_data} inventory.txt
+ ... msg=No inventory.txt collected by collect_service_data.
+ Should Contain ${service_data} sensorReadings.txt
+ ... msg=No sensorReadings.txt reported by health_check.
+ Should Contain ${service_data} ledStatus.txt
+ ... msg=No ledStatus.txt reported by health_check.
+ Should Contain ${service_data} SELshortlist.txt
+ ... msg=No SELshortlist.txt reported by health_check.
+ Should Contain ${service_data} parsedSELs.txt
+ ... msg=No parsedSELs.txt reported by health_check.
+ Should Contain ${service_data} bmcFullRaw.txt
+ ... msg=No bmcFullRaw.txt reported by health_check.
+ Should Contain ${service_data} data collection complete
+ ... msg='data collection complete' not reported by health_check.
+Check Greater Than Minimum
+ [Documentation] Value should be greater than minimum, otherwise fail.
+ [Arguments] ${value_to_test} ${minimum_value} ${label}
+ # Description of argument(s):
+ # value_to_test Value to compare to the minimum.
+ # minimum_value The minimum acceptable value.
+ # label Name to print if failure.
+ ${value_to_test}= Convert to Integer ${value_to_test}
+ Should Be True ${value_to_test} > ${minimum_value}
+ ... msg=There should be at least ${minimum_value} ${label}.
+Suite Setup Execution
+ [Documentation] Verify connectivity to run openbmctool commands.
+ # Verify connectivity to the BMC host.
+ ${bmc_version}= Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get BMC Version
+ Run Keyword If '${bmc_version[0]}' == 'FAIL' Fail
+ ... msg=Could not connect to BMC ${OPENBMC_HOST} to get firmware version.
+ # Verify can find the openbmctool.
+ ${openbmctool_file_path}= which
+ Rprintn
+ Rprint Vars openbmctool_file_path
+ # Get the version number from openbmctool.
+ ${openbmctool_version}= Get Openbmctool Version
+ Rprint Vars openbmctool_version OPENBMC_HOST bmc_version[1]