To check common code misspellings, syntax and standard checks.

Requirement Python 3.x and above

It is recommended to run these tools against the code before pushing to gerrit. It helps catches those silly mistake earlier before the review.

1. codespell

Project codespell designed primarily for checking misspelled words in source code

    $ pip install codespell


    $ codespell templates/test_openbmc_setup.robot
    templates/test_openbmc_setup.robot:13: setings ==> settings

2. robotframework-lint

Project robotframework-lint for static analysis for robot framework plain text files.

    $ pip install –upgrade robotframework-lint


    $ rflint redfish/service_root/test_service_root_security.robot
    + redfish/service_root/test_service_root_security.robot
    W: 19, 100: Line is too long (exceeds 100 characters) (LineTooLong)

You can refer a script with example as well custom rules