Added testcase for verifying the reboot operation on reboot page

Change-Id: Iecd4f1c05beb4932ae9387831e852a3185ca0ecc
Signed-off-by: Ashwini Chandrappa <>
diff --git a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot
index 61ee371..4afc9e0 100644
--- a/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot
+++ b/gui/gui_test/operations_menu/test_reboot_bmc_sub_menu.robot
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 Documentation  Test OpenBMC GUI "Reboot BMC" sub-menu of "Operation" menu.
 Resource        ../../lib/gui_resource.robot
+Resource        ../../../lib/common_utils.robot
 Suite Setup     Launch Browser And Login GUI
 Suite Teardown  Close Browser
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
 ${xpath_reboot_bmc_button}       //button[contains(text(),'Reboot BMC')]
 ${xpath_reboot_cancel_button}    //button[contains(text(),'Cancel')]
 *** Test Cases ***
 Verify Navigation To Reboot BMC Page
@@ -47,6 +49,24 @@
     Wait Until Element Is Not Visible  ${xpath_reboot_cancel_button}  timeout=15
+Verify BMC Reboot Operation
+    [Documentation]  Verify BMC Reboot operation
+    [Tags]  Verify_BMC_Reboot_Operation
+    Click Element  ${xpath_reboot_bmc_button}
+    Click Element  ${xpath_confirm_button}
+    # Checks BMC gets into Unpingable state and later becomes Pingable.
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  1 min  5 sec  Is BMC Unpingable  ${OPENBMC_HOST}
+    Wait For Host To Ping  ${OPENBMC_HOST}  1 min
+    # Checks BMC gets into ready state.
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  5 min  10 sec  Is BMC Ready
+    Click Element  ${xpath_refresh_button}
+    Wait Until Element Is Visible  ${xpath_reboot_bmc_button}  timeout=10
 *** Keywords ***
 Test Setup Execution