New for help writing wrapper functions.

Change-Id: I6f3f3063fdee96d75d9fc015e2ec337377be372c
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8434a40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This module provides functions which are useful for writing python wrapper
+functions (i.e. in this context, a wrapper function is one whose aim is to
+call some other function on the caller's behalf but to provide some additional
+functionality over and above what the base function provides).
+import sys
+import inspect
+def create_wrapper_def_and_call(base_func_name,
+                                wrap_func_name):
+    r"""
+    Return a wrapper function definition line and a base function call line.
+    This is a utility for helping to create wrapper functions.
+    For example, if there existed a function with the following definition
+    line:
+    def sprint_foo_bar(headers=1):
+    And the user wished to write a print_foo_bar wrapper function, they could
+    call create_wrapper_def_and_call as follows:
+    func_def_line, call_line = create_wrapper_def_and_call("sprint_foo_bar",
+                                                           "print_foo_bar")
+    They would get the following results:
+    func_def_line                   def print_foo_bar(headers=1):
+    call_line                       sprint_foo_bar(headers=headers)
+    The func_def_line is suitable as the definition line for the wrapper
+    function.  The call_line is suitable for use in the new wrapper function
+    wherever it wishes to call the base function.  By explicitly specifying
+    each parm in the definition and the call line, we allow the caller of the
+    wrapper function to refer to any given parm by name rather than having to
+    specify parms positionally.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    base_func_name                  The name of the base function around which
+                                    a wrapper is being created.
+    wrap_func_name                  The name of the wrapper function being
+                                    created.
+    """
+    # Get caller's module name.  Note: that for the present we've hard-coded
+    # the stack_frame_ix value because we expect a call stack to this function
+    # to be something like this:
+    # caller
+    #   create_print_wrapper_funcs
+    #     create_func_def_string
+    #       create_wrapper_def_and_call
+    stack_frame_ix = 3
+    frame = inspect.stack()[stack_frame_ix]
+    module = inspect.getmodule(frame[0])
+    mod_name = module.__name__
+    # Get a reference to the base function.
+    base_func = getattr(sys.modules[mod_name], base_func_name)
+    # Get the argument specification for the base function.
+    base_arg_spec = inspect.getargspec(base_func)
+    base_arg_list = base_arg_spec[0]
+    num_args = len(base_arg_list)
+    # Get the variable argument specification for the base function.
+    var_args = base_arg_spec[1]
+    if var_args is None:
+        var_args = []
+    else:
+        var_args = ["*" + var_args]
+    if base_arg_spec[3] is None:
+        base_default_list = []
+    else:
+        base_default_list = list(base_arg_spec[3])
+    num_defaults = len(base_default_list)
+    num_non_defaults = num_args - num_defaults
+    # Create base_arg_default_string which is a reconstruction of the base
+    # function's argument list.
+    # Example base_arg_default_string:
+    # headers, last=2, first=[1]
+    # First, create a new list where each entry is of the form "arg=default".
+    base_arg_default_list = list(base_arg_list)
+    for ix in range(num_non_defaults, len(base_arg_default_list)):
+        base_default_ix = ix - num_non_defaults
+        if type(base_default_list[base_default_ix]) is str:
+            default_string = "'" + base_default_list[base_default_ix] + "'"
+            # Convert "\n" to "\\n".
+            default_string = default_string.replace("\n", "\\n")
+        else:
+            default_string = str(base_default_list[base_default_ix])
+        base_arg_default_list[ix] += "=" + default_string
+    base_arg_default_string = ', '.join(base_arg_default_list + var_args)
+    # Create the argument string which can be used to call the base function.
+    # Example call_arg_string:
+    # headers=headers, last=last, first=first
+    call_arg_string = ', '.join([val + "=" + val for val in base_arg_list] +
+                                var_args)
+    # Compose the result values.
+    func_def_line = "def " + wrap_func_name + "(" + base_arg_default_string +\
+        "):"
+    call_line = base_func_name + "(" + call_arg_string + ")"
+    return func_def_line, call_line
+def create_func_def_string(base_func_name,
+                           wrap_func_name,
+                           func_body_template,
+                           replace_dict):
+    r"""
+    Create and return a complete function definition as a string.  The caller
+    may run "exec" on the resulting string to create the desired function.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    base_func_name                  The name of the base function around which
+                                    a wrapper is being created.
+    wrap_func_name                  The name of the wrapper function being
+                                    created.
+    func_body_template              A function body in the form of a list.
+                                    Each list element represents one line of a
+                                    function  This is a template in so far as
+                                    text substitions will be done on it to
+                                    arrive at a valid function definition.
+                                    This template should NOT contain the
+                                    function definition line (e.g. "def
+                                    func1():").  create_func_def_string will
+                                    pre-pend the definition line.  The
+                                    template should also contain the text
+                                    "<call_line>" which is to be replaced by
+                                    text which will call the base function
+                                    with appropriate arguments.
+    replace_dict                    A dictionary indicating additional text
+                                    replacements to be done.  For example, if
+                                    the template contains a "<sub1>" (be sure
+                                    to include the angle brackets), and the
+                                    dictionary contains a key/value pair of
+                                    'sub1'/'replace1', then all instances of
+                                    "<sub1>" will be replaced by "replace1".
+    """
+    # Create the initial function definition list as a copy of the template.
+    func_def = list(func_body_template)
+    # Call create_wrapper_def_and_call to get func_def_line and call_line.
+    func_def_line, call_line = create_wrapper_def_and_call(base_func_name,
+                                                           wrap_func_name)
+    # Insert the func_def_line composed by create_wrapper_def_and_call is the
+    # first list entry.
+    func_def.insert(0, func_def_line)
+    # Make sure the replace_dict has a 'call_line'/call_line pair so that any
+    # '<call_line>' text gets replaced as intended.
+    replace_dict['call_line'] = call_line
+    # Do the replacements.
+    for key, value in replace_dict.items():
+        func_def = [w.replace("<" + key + ">", value) for w in func_def]
+    return '\n'.join(func_def) + "\n"