Added Internal Storage I/O uCode update

Change-Id: I0004f6b68756612eebc7ab8dd11306ba0ab391a1
Signed-off-by: Joy Onyerikwu <>
diff --git a/systest/ucode_update.robot b/systest/ucode_update.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d94f5ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/systest/ucode_update.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  Update internal storage devices uCode for solid-state drives
+...  (SSDs) and hard disk drives (HDDs).
+# 1. Firmware file must be suffixed with an underscore, followed by the size
+# range it supports in terabytes, e.g: if IBM_5100_MJ06.bin supports 960 GB to
+# 1.92TB then change the file name to IBM_5100_MJ06_.96-1.92T.bin
+# 2. uCode files on OS should be in root/SSD_HDDucode and
+# supported extensions are ".lod" (for HDDs) and ".bin" (for SSDS).
+#   OPENBMC_HOST                The BMC host name or IP address.
+#   OPENBMC_PASSWORD            The BMC password.
+#   OPENBMC_USERNAME            The BMC user name.
+#   OS_HOST                     The OS host name or IP address.
+#   OS_USERNAME        .        The OS Host user name.
+#   OS_PASSWORD        .        The OS Host password.
+Resource            ../syslib/utils_os.robot
+Library             ../lib/
+Library             ../lib/
+Library             ../lib/
+Test Setup          Test Setup Execution
+Test Teardown       FFDC On Test Case Fail
+*** Variables ***
+*** Test Cases ***
+Perform Update On Hard Disks
+    [Documentation]  Perform update on hard disks.
+    [Tags]  Perform_Update_On_Hard_Disks
+    Update Hard Disk  ${sdb_info}  sdb
+    Update Hard Disk  ${sda_info}  sda
+Reboot OS And Verify uCode Update
+    [Documentation]  Reboot the OS and verify that the update was successful.
+    [Tags]  Reboot_OS_And_Verify_uCode_Update
+    Host Reboot
+    &{sdb_post_update}=  Get Hard Disk Info  /dev/sdb
+    &{sda_post_update}=  Get Hard Disk Info  /dev/sda
+    Should Not Be Equal  ${sda_info['firmware_revision']}  ${sda_post_update['firmware_revision']}
+    ...  msg=Failed sda uCode update - firmware revision values was unchanged.
+    Log  sda uCode update complete.
+    Should Not Be Equal  ${sdb_info['firmware_revision']}  ${sdb_post_update['firmware_revision']}
+    ...  msg=Failed sdb uCode update - firmware revision values was unchanged.
+    Log  sdb uCode update complete.
+*** Keywords ***
+Test Setup Execution
+    [Documentation]  Get info for hard disks and set suite variables.
+    &{sdb_info}=  Get Hard Disk Info  /dev/sdb
+    &{sda_info}=  Get Hard Disk Info  /dev/sda
+    Log  ${sdb_info}
+    Log  ${sda_info}
+    Set Suite Variable  &{sdb_info}
+    Set Suite Variable  &{sda_info}
+Update Hard Disk
+    [Documentation]  Update hard disk.
+    [Arguments]  ${hard_disk_info}  ${device_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # hard_disk_info  A dictionary of firwmare information for the device
+    #                 which can be obtained via a call to
+    #                 'Get Hard Disk Info'.
+    # name            The name of the hard disk, e.g: sdb, sda.
+    ${ucode_dir_name}=  Set Variable  SSD_HDDucode
+    ${ext}=  Set Variable If
+    ...  "${hard_disk_info['ro']}" == "0"  bin
+    ...  "${hard_disk_info['ro']}" == "1"  lod
+    ${file_names}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  OS Execute Command
+    ...  cd /${OS_USERNAME}/${ucode_dir_name}/ && ls *.${ext}
+    ${file_list}=  Split String  ${file_names}
+    ${ucode_file}=  Find uCode File
+    ...  ${file_list}  ${hard_disk_info['size'][:-1]}
+    ${disk_update}=  Catenate  hdparm --yes-i-know-what-i-am-doing
+    ...  --please-destroy-my-drive --fwdownload
+    ...  /${OS_USERNAME}/${ucode_dir_name}/${ucode_file} /dev/${device_name}
+    OS Execute Command  ${disk_update}
+Find uCode File
+    [Documentation]  Return uCode file that corresponds to device size.
+    [Arguments]  ${file_names}  ${device_size}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # file_list          A list of available ucode file.
+    # size               The size of the hard disk.
+    # For example, given the following input:
+    #
+    # file_list:
+    #  file_list[0]:   IBM_5100_MJ06_.96-1.92T.bin
+    #  file_list[1]:   IBM_5100_MK06_2-3.84T.bin
+    # device_size:     1.8T
+    # This keyword will return "IBM_5100_MJ06_.96-1.92T.bin".
+    :FOR  ${file_name}  IN  @{file_names}
+    \  ${range_string}=  Remove String Using Regexp  ${file_name}  .*_  T.*
+    \  ${range}=  Split String  ${range_string}  -
+    \  Return From Keyword If
+    ...  "${device_size}" >= "${range[0]}" and "${device_size}" <= "${range[1]}"
+    ...  ${file_name}
+    Fail  msg=Failed to find uCode file in list: ${file_names}.
+    [Return]  ${file_name}
\ No newline at end of file