Group certificate management test cases

Change-Id: I3a9b18c56f849b28accecd3a3523d196d8438afa
Signed-off-by: manashsarma <>
diff --git a/redfish/dmtf_tools/test_redfishtool_certificate.robot b/redfish/dmtf_tools/test_redfishtool_certificate.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c4dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redfish/dmtf_tools/test_redfishtool_certificate.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Suite to test certificate via DMTF redfishtool.
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           String
+Library           Collections
+Resource          ../../lib/resource.robot
+Resource          ../../lib/bmc_redfish_resource.robot
+Resource          ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource          ../../lib/certificate_utils.robot
+Suite Setup       Suite Setup Execution
+*** Variables ***
+${root_cmd_args} =  SEPARATOR=
+...  redfishtool raw -r ${OPENBMC_HOST} -u ${OPENBMC_USERNAME} -p ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD} -S Always
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Server Certificate Valid CertKey
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace server certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_Server_Certificate_Valid_CertKey
+    Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate  Server  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Client Certificate Valid CertKey
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace client certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_Client_Certificate_Valid_CertKey
+    Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate  Client  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+Verify Redfishtool Replace CA Certificate Valid Cert
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace CA certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_CA_Certificate_Valid_Cert
+    Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate  CA  Valid Certificate  ok
+Verify Redfishtool Client Certificate Install Valid CertKey
+    [Documentation]  Verify client certificate installation.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Client_Certificate_Install_Valid_CertKey
+    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  Client  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+Verify Redfishtool CA Certificate Install Valid Cert
+    [Documentation]  Verify CA Certificate installation.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_CA_Certificate_Install_Valid_Cert
+    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  CA  Valid Certificate  ok
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Server Certificate Errors
+    [Documentation]  Verify error while replacing invalid server certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_Server_Certificate_Errors
+    [Template]  Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate
+    Server  Empty Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
+    Server  Empty Certificate Valid Privatekey  error
+    Server  Valid Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Client Certificate Errors
+    [Documentation]  Verify error while replacing invalid client certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_Client_Certificate_Errors
+    [Template]  Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate
+    Client  Empty Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
+    Client  Empty Certificate Valid Privatekey  error
+    Client  Valid Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
+Verify Redfishtool Replace CA Certificate Errors
+    [Documentation]  Verify error while replacing invalid CA certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Replace_CA_Certificate_Errors
+    [Template]  Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate
+    CA  Empty Certificate  error
+Verify Redfishtool Client Certificate Install Errors
+    [Documentation]  Verify error while installing invalid client certificate.
+    [Tags]  Verify_Redfishtool_Client_Certificate_Install_Errors
+    [Template]  Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate
+    Client  Empty Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
+    Client  Empty Certificate Valid Privatekey  error
+    Client  Valid Certificate Empty Privatekey  error
+*** Keywords ***
+Is HTTP error Expected
+    [Documentation]  Check if the HTTP error is expected.
+    [Arguments]  ${cmd_output}  ${error_expected}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # cmd_output      Output of an HTTP operation.
+    # error_expected  Expected error.
+    @{words} =  Split String  ${error_expected}  ,
+    @{errorString}=  Split String  ${cmd_output}  ${SPACE}
+    Should Contain Any  ${errorString}  @{words}
+Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate
+    [Documentation]  Install and verify certificate using Redfishtool.
+    [Arguments]  ${cert_type}  ${cert_format}  ${expected_status}  ${delete_cert}=${True}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # cert_type           Certificate type (e.g. "Client" or "CA").
+    # cert_format         Certificate file format
+    # expected_status     Expected status of certificate install Redfishtool
+    #                     request (i.e. "ok" or "error").
+    # delete_cert         Certificate will be deleted before installing if this True.
+    Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'CA' and '${delete_cert}' == '${True}'
+    ...  Delete All CA Certificate Via Redfisthtool
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'Client' and '${delete_cert}' == '${True}'
+    ...  Redfishtool Delete Certificate Via BMC CLI  ${cert_type}
+    ${cert_file_path}=  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl  ${cert_format}
+    ${bytes}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${file_data}=  Decode Bytes To String  ${bytes}  UTF-8
+    ${certificate_uri}=  Set Variable If
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'  ${REDFISH_LDAP_CERTIFICATE_URI}
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'  ${REDFISH_CA_CERTIFICATE_URI}
+    ${cert_id}=  Redfishtool Install Certificate File On BMC
+    ...  ${certificate_uri}  ${expected_status}  data=${file_data}
+    Logging  Installed certificate id: ${cert_id}
+    # Adding delay after certificate installation.
+    Sleep  30s
+    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${bmc_cert_content}=  Run Keyword If  '${expected_status}' == 'ok'
+    ...  Redfishtool GetAttribute  ${certificate_uri}/${cert_id}  CertificateString
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_status}' == 'ok'  Should Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
+    [Return]  ${cert_id}
+Delete All CA Certificate Via Redfisthtool
+    [Documentation]  Delete all CA certificate via Redfish.
+    ${cmd_output}=  Redfishtool Get  /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/Truststore/Certificates
+    ${json_object}=  To JSON  ${cmd_output}
+    ${cert_list}=  Set Variable  ${json_object["Members"]}
+    FOR  ${cert}  IN  @{cert_list}
+      Redfishtool Delete  ${cert[""]}  ${root_cmd_args}  ${HTTP_NO_CONTENT}
+    END
+Redfishtool Delete Certificate Via BMC CLI
+    [Documentation]  Delete certificate via BMC CLI.
+    [Arguments]  ${cert_type}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # cert_type           Certificate type (e.g. "Client" or "CA").
+    ${certificate_file_path}  ${certificate_service}  ${certificate_uri}=
+    ...  Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
+    ...    Set Variable  /etc/nslcd/certs/cert.pem  phosphor-certificate-manager@nslcd.service
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'
+    ...    Set Variable  ${ROOT_CA_FILE_PATH}  phosphor-certificate-manager@authority.service
+    ${file_status}  ${stderr}  ${rc}=  BMC Execute Command
+    ...  [ -f ${certificate_file_path} ] && echo "Found" || echo "Not Found"
+    Return From Keyword If  "${file_status}" != "Found"
+    BMC Execute Command  rm ${certificate_file_path}
+    BMC Execute Command  systemctl restart ${certificate_service}
+    BMC Execute Command  systemctl daemon-reload
+Redfishtool Install Certificate File On BMC
+    [Documentation]  Install certificate file in BMC using POST operation.
+    [Arguments]  ${uri}  ${status}=ok  &{kwargs}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # uri         URI for installing certificate file via Redfishtool.
+    #             e.g. "/redfish/v1/AccountService/LDAP/Certificates".
+    # status      Expected status of certificate installation via Redfishtool.
+    #             e.g. error, ok.
+    # kwargs      A dictionary of keys/values to be passed directly to
+    #             POST Request.
+    Initialize OpenBMC  20  ${quiet}=${1}  ${OPENBMC_USERNAME}  ${OPENBMC_PASSWORD}
+    ${headers}=  Create Dictionary  Content-Type=application/octet-stream
+    ...  X-Auth-Token=${XAUTH_TOKEN}
+    Set To Dictionary  ${kwargs}  headers  ${headers}
+    ${ret}=  Post Request  openbmc  ${uri}  &{kwargs}
+    ${content_json}=  To JSON  ${ret.content}
+    ${cert_id}=  Set Variable If  '${ret.status_code}' == '${HTTP_OK}'  ${content_json["Id"]}  -1
+    Run Keyword If  '${status}' == 'ok'
+    ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ret.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${status}' == 'error'
+    ...  Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ret.status_code}  ${HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}
+    Delete All Sessions
+    [Return]  ${cert_id}
+Verify Redfishtool Replace Certificate
+    [Documentation]  Verify replace server certificate.
+    [Arguments]   ${cert_type}  ${cert_format}  ${expected_status}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # cert_type        Certificate type (e.g. "Client", "Server" or "CA").
+    # cert_format      Certificate file format
+    #                  (e.g. "Valid_Certificate_Valid_Privatekey").
+    # expected_status  Expected status of certificate replace Redfishtool
+    #                  request (i.e. "ok" or "error").
+    # Install certificate before replacing client or CA certificate.
+    ${cert_id}=  Run Keyword If  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'
+    ...    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  ${cert_type}  Valid Certificate Valid Privatekey  ok
+    ...  ELSE IF  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'
+    ...    Verify Redfishtool Install Certificate  ${cert_type}  Valid Certificate  ok
+    ${cert_file_path}=  Generate Certificate File Via Openssl  ${cert_format}
+    ${bytes}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${file_data}=  Decode Bytes To String  ${bytes}  UTF-8
+    ${certificate_uri}=  Set Variable If
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'Server'  ${REDFISH_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_URI}/1
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'Client'  ${REDFISH_LDAP_CERTIFICATE_URI}/1
+    ...  '${cert_type}' == 'CA'  ${REDFISH_CA_CERTIFICATE_URI}/${cert_id}
+    ${certificate_dict}=  Create Dictionary${certificate_uri}
+    ${dict_objects}=  Create Dictionary  CertificateString=${file_data}
+    ...  CertificateType=PEM  CertificateUri=${certificate_dict}
+    ${string}=  Convert To String  ${dict_objects}
+    ${string}=  Replace String  ${string}  '  "
+    ${payload}=  Set Variable  '${string}'
+    ${expected_resp}=  Set Variable If  '${expected_status}' == 'ok'  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ...  '${expected_status}' == 'error'  ${HTTP_NOT_FOUND}
+    ${response}=  Redfishtool Post
+    ...  ${payload}  /redfish/v1/CertificateService/Actions/CertificateService.ReplaceCertificate  expected_error=${expected_resp}
+    ${cert_file_content}=  OperatingSystem.Get File  ${cert_file_path}
+    ${bmc_cert_content}=  Redfishtool GetAttribute  ${certificate_uri}  CertificateString
+    Run Keyword If  '${expected_status}' == 'ok'
+    ...    Should Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
+    ...  ELSE
+    ...    Should Not Contain  ${cert_file_content}  ${bmc_cert_content}
+Redfishtool Get
+    [Documentation]  Execute redfishtool for GET operation.
+    [Arguments]  ${uri}  ${cmd_args}=${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}=""
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # uri             URI for GET operation (e.g. /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/).
+    # cmd_args        Commandline arguments.
+    # expected_error  Expected error optionally provided in testcase (e.g. 401 /
+    #                 authentication error, etc. ).
+    ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} GET ${uri}
+    Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
+    [Return]  ${cmd_output}
+Redfishtool GetAttribute
+    [Documentation]  Execute redfishtool for GET operation.
+    [Arguments]  ${uri}  ${Attribute}  ${cmd_args}=${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}=""
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # uri             URI for GET operation (e.g. /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/).
+    # Attribute       The specific attribute to be retrieved with the URI.
+    # cmd_args        Commandline arguments.
+    # expected_error  Expected error optionally provided in testcase (e.g. 401 /
+    #                 authentication error, etc. ).
+    ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} GET ${uri}
+    Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
+    ${json_object}=  To JSON  ${cmd_output}
+    [Return]  ${json_object["CertificateString"]}
+Redfishtool Post
+    [Documentation]  Execute redfishtool for  Post operation.
+    [Arguments]  ${payload}  ${uri}  ${cmd_args}=${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}=""
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # payload         Payload with POST operation (e.g. data for user name, password, role,
+    #                 enabled attribute)
+    # uri             URI for POST operation (e.g. /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/).
+    # cmd_args        Commandline arguments.
+    # expected_error  Expected error optionally provided in testcase (e.g. 401 /
+    #                 authentication error, etc. ).
+    ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} POST ${uri} --data=${payload}
+    Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
+    [Return]  ${cmd_output}
+Redfishtool Delete
+    [Documentation]  Execute redfishtool for  Post operation.
+    [Arguments]  ${uri}  ${cmd_args}=${root_cmd_args}  ${expected_error}=""
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # uri             URI for DELETE operation.
+    # cmd_args        Commandline arguments.
+    # expected_error  Expected error optionally provided in testcase (e.g. 401 /
+    #                 authentication error, etc. ).
+    ${rc}  ${cmd_output}=  Run and Return RC and Output  ${cmd_args} DELETE ${uri}
+    Run Keyword If  ${rc} != 0  Is HTTP error Expected  ${cmd_output}  ${expected_error}
+    [Return]  ${cmd_output}
+Suite Setup Execution
+    [Documentation]  Do suite setup execution.
+    ${tool_exist}=  Run  which redfishtool
+    Should Not Be Empty  ${tool_exist}
+    # Create certificate sub-directory in current working directory.
+    Create Directory  certificate_dir