Changes in ipmi/test_ipmi_cold_reset.robot

    Test Case

            - Verify Cold Reset Impact On Sensor Threshold Via IPMI

    Modified test case to avoid discrete sensor while selecting sensor random.
    Added condition to avoid the sensor which didn't have single threshold value.
    Added Ping Host keyword in Is BMC Operational Keyword on lib/ipmi_client.robot.

Signed-off-by: ganesanb <>
Change-Id: Iec4f65e42c9a4c7de7cab757401f5338f8e860e8
diff --git a/ipmi/test_ipmi_cold_reset.robot b/ipmi/test_ipmi_cold_reset.robot
index 5e6db28..47784c0 100644
--- a/ipmi/test_ipmi_cold_reset.robot
+++ b/ipmi/test_ipmi_cold_reset.robot
@@ -70,35 +70,41 @@
     [Tags]  Verify_Cold_Reset_Impact_On_Sensor_Threshold_Via_IPMI
     # Get sensor list.
-    ${Sensor_list}=  Get Sensor List
+    ${sensor_list}=  Get Sensor List
     # Get initial sensor threshold readings.
-    ${initial_sensor_threshold}  ${sensor_name}=  Get The Sensor Name And Threshold  ${sensor_list}
+    ${sensor_name}  ${sensor_threshold}=  Get The Sensor Name And Threshold  ${sensor_list}
-    # Identify sensor threshold values to modify.
-    ${threshold_list}  ${threshold_dict}=  Identify Sensor Threshold Values   ${initial_sensor_threshold}
+    ${threshold_key_list}=  Get Dictionary Keys  ${sensor_threshold}
+    ${random_threshold_key}=  Evaluate  random.choice(${threshold_key_list})  random
-    # Set sensor threshold for given sensor and compare with initial reading.
-    ${set_sensor_threshold}=  Set Sensor Threshold For given Sensor
-    ...  ${threshold_dict}  ${sensor_name}
-    Should Not Be Equal  ${set_sensor_threshold}  ${initial_sensor_threshold}
+    ${old_threshold_value}=  Get From Dictionary  ${sensor_threshold}  ${random_threshold_key}
-    # Execute cold reset command via IPMI and check status.
+    # Modify Default Threshold Value For An Sensor To Set An New Threshold Value
+    ${new_settable_threshold_value}=  Modify Default Sensor Threshold Value  ${old_threshold_value}
+    # Set/Get sensor threshold for given sensor and compare with initial reading.
+    ${new_threshold_value}=  Set And Get Sensor Threshold For given Sensor  ${sensor_name}  ${random_threshold_key}
+    ...  ${new_settable_threshold_value}
+    Should Not Be Equal  ${new_threshold_value}  ${old_threshold_value}
+    # Cold Reset Via IPMI raw command.
     Run External IPMI Raw Command  ${IPMI_RAW_CMD['Cold Reset']['reset'][0]}
+    # Get the BMC Status.
     Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  3 min  10 sec  Is BMC Unpingable
-    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  3 min  10 sec  Is BMC Operational
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  10 min  10 sec  Is BMC Operational
     # Get sensor data for the sensor identified.
     ${data_after_coldreset}=  Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  2 min  30 sec
-    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command   sensor | grep -i RPM | grep "${sensor_name}"
+    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command  sensor | grep -i "${sensor_name}"
     # Get sensor threshold readings after BMC restarts.
-    ${sensor_threshold_after_reset}  ${sensor_name_after_reset}=
-    ...  Get The Sensor Name And Threshold  ${data_after_coldreset}
+    ${threshold_value_after_reset}=  Getting Sensor Threshold Value Based On Threshold Key  ${random_threshold_key}  ${sensor_name}
     # Compare with initial sensor threshold values.
-    Should Be Equal  ${sensor_threshold_after_reset}  ${initial_sensor_threshold}
+    Should Be Equal  ${threshold_value_after_reset}  ${old_threshold_value}
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -107,100 +113,135 @@
     # BMC may take time to populate all the sensors once BMC Cold reset completes.
     ${data}=  Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  2 min  30 sec
-    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command   sensor | grep -i RPM
+    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command   sensor
     [Return]  ${data}
-Identify Sensor
-    [Documentation]  To fetch first sensor listed from sensor list IPMI command and return the sensor.
-    [Arguments]  ${data}
-    # Description of Argument(s):
-    # ${data}     All the sensors listed with ipmi sensor list command.
-    # Find Sensor detail of sensor list first entry.
-    ${data}=  Split To Lines  ${data}
-    ${data}=  Set Variable  ${data[0]}
-    [Return]  ${data}
-Get The Sensor Reading And Name
-    [Documentation]  To get the sensor reading of the given sensor using IPMI.
-    [Arguments]  ${Sensors_all}
-    # Description of Argument(s):
-    # ${Sensors_all}     All the sensors listed with ipmi sensor list command.
-    # Split Sensor details in a list.
-    ${sensor}=  Identify Sensor  ${Sensors_all}
-    ${data}=  Split String  ${sensor}  |
-    # Locate the sensor name.
-    ${sensor_name}=  Set Variable  ${data[0]}
-    # Function defined in lib/
-    ${sensor_name}=  Remove Whitespace  ${sensor_name}
-    [Return]  ${data}  ${sensor_name}
 Get The Sensor Name And Threshold
     [Documentation]  To get the sensor threshold for given sensor using IPMI.
-    [Arguments]  ${Sensor_list}
+    [Arguments]  ${sensor_list}
     # Description of Argument(s):
-    #    ${Sensor_list}    All the sensors listed with ipmi sensor list command.
+    #    ${sensor_list}    All the sensors listed with ipmi sensor list command.
-    # Gets the sensor data and sensor name for the required sensor.
-    ${data}  ${sensor_name}=  Get The Sensor Reading And Name  ${Sensor_list}
-    # Gets the threshold values in a list.
-    ${threshold}=  Set Variable  ${data[5:9]}
+    @{tmp_list}=  Create List
-    [Return]  ${threshold}  ${sensor_name}
+    @{sensor_list_lines}=  Split To Lines  ${sensor_list}
-Identify Sensor Threshold Values
-    [Documentation]  Identify New Sensor Threshold Values with adding 100 to old threshold values.
-    [Arguments]  ${old_threshold}
-    # Description of Argument(s):
-    #    ${old_threshold}   original threshold values list of the given sensor.
-    # Retrieves modified threshold values of the original threshold value.
-    ${threshold_list}  ${threshold_dict}=  Modify And Fetch Threshold  ${old_threshold}  ${thresholds_list}
-    [Return]  ${threshold_list}  ${threshold_dict}
-Set Sensor Threshold For given Sensor
-    [Documentation]  Set Sensor Threshold for given sensor with given Upper and Lower critical
-    ...              and non-critical values Via IPMI.
-    [Arguments]  ${threshold_dict}  ${sensor}
-    # Description of Argument(s):
-    #    ${threshold_dict}    New thresholds dictionary to be set
-    #                         E.g. {'lcr': 2600, 'lnc': 'na', 'unc': 'na', 'ucr': 12200}
-    #    ${sensor}            Sensor name, eg: SENSOR_1, FAN_1
-    # The return data will be newly set threshold value for the given sensor.
-    # Set critical and non-critical values for the given sensor.
-    FOR  ${criticals}  IN  @{threshold_dict}
-        # Set Lower/Upper critical and non-critical values if a threshold is available.
-        Run keyword if  '${threshold_dict['${criticals}']}' != 'na'
-        ...  Run IPMI Standard Command
-        ...  sensor thresh "${sensor}" ${criticals} ${threshold_dict['${criticals}']}
-        # Allow Network restart sleep time for the readings to get reflected.
-        Sleep  ${NETWORK_RESTART_TIME}
+    # Omit the discrete sensor and create an threshold sensor name list
+    FOR  ${sensor}  IN  @{sensor_list_lines}
+      ${discrete_sensor_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Contain  ${sensor}  discrete
+      Continue For Loop If  '${discrete_sensor_status}' == 'True'
+      ${sensor_details}=  Split String  ${sensor}  |
+      ${get_sensor_name}=  Get From List  ${sensor_details}  0
+      ${sensor_name}=  Set Variable  ${get_sensor_name.strip()}
+      Append To List  ${tmp_list}  ${sensor_name}
-    # Get sensor list for the sensor name identified.
-    ${data}=  Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  2 min  30 sec
-    ...  Run IPMI Standard Command   sensor | grep -i RPM | grep "${sensor}"
+    ${sensor_count}=  Get Length  ${tmp_list}
-    # Get new threshold value set from sensor list.
-    ${threshold_new}  ${sensor_name}=  Get The Sensor Name And Threshold  ${data}
+    FOR  ${RANGE}  IN RANGE  0  ${sensor_count}
+      ${random_sensor}  ${sensor_threshold}=  Selecting Random Sensor Name And Threshold Value  ${tmp_list}  ${sensor_list}
+      ${threshold_dict_count}=  Get Length  ${sensor_threshold}
+      Exit For Loop If  '${threshold_dict_count}' != '0'
+      Remove Values From List  ${tmp_list}  ${random_sensor}
+    END
-    [Return]  ${threshold_new}
+    [Return]  ${random_sensor}  ${sensor_threshold}
+Selecting Random Sensor Name And Threshold Value
+    [Documentation]  Select Random Sensor Name And Threshold Values.
+    [Arguments]  ${tmp_list}  ${sensor_list}
+    # Selecting random sensors from sensor list
+    ${random_sensor_name}=  Evaluate  random.choice(${tmp_list})  random
+    # Create Dictionary For Threshold Key With Threshold Values
+    &{tmp_dict}=  Create Dictionary
+    ${sensor_threshold}=  Get Lines Containing String  ${sensor_list}  ${random_sensor_name}
+    @{ipmi_sensor}=  Split String  ${sensor_threshold}  |
+    ${get_ipmi_lower_non_recoverable_threshold}=  Get From List  ${ipmi_sensor}  4
+    ${ipmi_lower_non_recoverable_threshold}=  Set Variable  ${get_ipmi_lower_non_recoverable_threshold.strip()}
+    ${lower_non_recoverable_threshold_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Not Contain
+    ...  ${ipmi_lower_non_recoverable_threshold}  na
+    Run Keyword If  '${lower_non_recoverable_threshold_status}' == 'True'
+    ...  Set To Dictionary  ${tmp_dict}  lnr  ${ipmi_lower_non_recoverable_threshold}
+    ${get_ipmi_lower_critical_threshold}=  Get From List  ${ipmi_sensor}  5
+    ${ipmi_lower_critical_threshold}=  Set Variable  ${get_ipmi_lower_critical_threshold.strip()}
+    ${lower_critical_threshold_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Not Contain
+    ...  ${ipmi_lower_critical_threshold}  na
+    Run Keyword If  '${lower_critical_threshold_status}' == 'True'
+    ...  Set To Dictionary  ${tmp_dict}  lcr  ${ipmi_lower_critical_threshold}
+    ${get_ipmi_lower_non_critical_threshold}=  Get From List  ${ipmi_sensor}  6
+    ${ipmi_lower_non_critical_threshold}=  Set Variable  ${get_ipmi_lower_non_critical_threshold.strip()}
+    ${lower_non_critical_threshold_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Not Contain
+    ...  ${ipmi_lower_non_critical_threshold}  na
+    Run Keyword If  '${lower_non_critical_threshold_status}' == 'True'
+    ...  Set To Dictionary  ${tmp_dict}  lnc  ${ipmi_lower_non_critical_threshold}
+    ${get_ipmi_upper_non_critical_threshold}=  Get From List  ${ipmi_sensor}  7
+    ${ipmi_upper_non_critical_threshold}=  Set Variable  ${get_ipmi_upper_non_critical_threshold.strip()}
+    ${upper_non_critical_threshold_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Not Contain
+    ...  ${ipmi_upper_non_critical_threshold}  na
+    Run Keyword If  '${upper_non_critical_threshold_status}' == 'True'
+    ...  Set To Dictionary  ${tmp_dict}  unc  ${ipmi_upper_non_critical_threshold}
+    ${get_ipmi_upper_critical_threshold}=  Get From List  ${ipmi_sensor}  8
+    ${ipmi_upper_critical_threshold}=  Set Variable  ${get_ipmi_upper_critical_threshold.strip()}
+    ${upper_critical_threshold_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Not Contain
+    ...  ${ipmi_upper_critical_threshold}  na
+    Run Keyword If  '${upper_critical_threshold_status}' == 'True'
+    ...  Set To Dictionary  ${tmp_dict}  ucr  ${ipmi_upper_critical_threshold}
+    ${get_ipmi_upper_non_recoverable_threshold}=  Get From List  ${ipmi_sensor}  9
+    ${ipmi_upper_non_recoverable_threshold}=  Set Variable  ${get_ipmi_upper_non_recoverable_threshold.strip()}
+    ${upper_non_recoverable_threshold_status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Not Contain
+    ...  ${ipmi_upper_non_recoverable_threshold}  na
+    Run Keyword If  '${upper_non_recoverable_threshold_status}' == 'True'
+    ...  Set To Dictionary  ${tmp_dict}  unr  ${ipmi_upper_non_recoverable_threshold}
+    [Return]  ${random_sensor_name}  ${tmp_dict}
+Modify Default Sensor Threshold Value
+    [Documentation]  Modify Default Sensor Threshold Value with adding 100 to old threshold values.
+    [Arguments]  ${old_threshold}
+    ${new_threshold}=  Evaluate  ${old_threshold} + 100
+    [Return]  ${new_threshold}
+Set And Get Sensor Threshold For given Sensor
+    [Documentation]  Set/Get Sensor Threshold for given sensor Via IPMI.
+    [Arguments]  ${sensor_name}  ${random_threshold_key}  ${new_settable_threshold_value}
+    # Set New Threshold Value To The Randomly Selected Sensor.
+    Run IPMI Standard Command  sensor thresh "${sensor_name}" ${random_threshold_key} ${new_settable_threshold_value}
+    Sleep  10s
+    ${sensor_new_threshold_value}=  Getting Sensor Threshold Value Based On Threshold Key  ${random_threshold_key}  ${sensor_name}
+    [Return]  ${sensor_new_threshold_value}
+Getting Sensor Threshold Value Based On Threshold Key
+    [Documentation]  Getting Particular Sensor Threshold Value Based On Sensor Name And Threshold Key.
+    [Arguments]  ${threshold_key}  ${sensor_name}
+    # After Setting Threshold Value, Get New Sensor Threshold Value.
+    ${new_data}=  Run IPMI Standard Command  sensor | grep -i "${sensor_name}"
+    ${new_sensor_details}=  Split String  ${new_data}  |
+    ${index_value}=  Set Variable If
+    ...  '${threshold_key}' == 'lnr'  ${4}
+    ...  '${threshold_key}' == 'lcr'  ${5}
+    ...  '${threshold_key}' == 'lnc'  ${6}
+    ...  '${threshold_key}' == 'unc'  ${7}
+    ...  '${threshold_key}' == 'ucr'  ${8}
+    ...  '${threshold_key}' == 'unr'  ${9}
+    ${get_sensor_new_threshold_value}=  Get From List  ${new_sensor_details}  ${index_value}
+    ${sensor_new_threshold_value}=  Set Variable  ${get_sensor_new_threshold_value.strip()}
+    [Return]  ${sensor_new_threshold_value}
diff --git a/lib/utils.robot b/lib/utils.robot
index 5eb7802..4f0b6e7 100755
--- a/lib/utils.robot
+++ b/lib/utils.robot
@@ -1078,3 +1078,7 @@
     ${pldm_output}=  pldmtool  bios GetBIOSAttributeCurrentValueByHandle -a ${attribute_name}
     [Return]  ${pldm_output}
+    Wait Until Keyword Succeeds  5 min  5 sec  Ping Host  ${OPENBMC_HOST}
+    Redfish.login
+    ${bmc_status}=  Redfish.Get Attribute  /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc  Status
+    Should Be Equal  ${bmc_status["State"]}  Enabled