Updated CONTRIBUTING.md with all existing python/robot standards.

Change-Id: I19e1c158889a891fe0d0620adb779df58c2a9e51
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <micwalsh@us.ibm.com>
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 9e93f67..bd1e0e9
@@ -5,40 +5,37 @@
 Submitting changes via Gerrit server
--   Reference [openbmc docs](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/contributing.md#submitting-changes-via-gerrit-server)
+-   Reference [OpenBMC docs](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/contributing.md#submitting-changes-via-gerrit-server)
 Robot Coding Guidelines
 -   For this project, we will write Robot keyword definitions in either Robot
-    or python.  Robot code should be quite simple.  Therefore, if algorithm
-    in question is the least bit complex, please write it in python.
+    or Python.  Robot code should be quite simple.  Therefore, if the algorithm
+    in question is the least bit complex, please write it in Python.
+-   Observe a maximum line length of 79 characters.

+-   Avoid trailing space at the end of any line of Robot code.

+-   Avoid the use of tabs.
 -   Robot supports delimiting cells with either two or more spaces or with a
     pipe symbol (e.g. "\|"). Our team has chosen to use spaces rather than the
-    pipe character. Make sure all space delimiters in robot code are the
+    pipe character. Make sure all space delimiters in Robot code are the
     **minimum** of two spaces. There may be some exceptions to this rule.
     Exceptions to two-space delimiter rule:
     - When you wish to line up resource, library or variable values:
       Library         Lib1
       Resource        Resource1
       *** Variables ***
       ${var1}         ${EMPTY}
     - When you wish to line up fields for test templates:
       [Template]  Set System LED State
       # LED Name  LED State
       power       On
       power       Off
     - When you wish to indent if/else or loop bodies for visual effect:
       Run Keyword If  '${this}' == '${that}'
       ...    Log  Bla, bla...
@@ -46,4 +43,282 @@
       ...    Run Keywords  Key1  parms
       ...    AND  Key2  parms
+-   When you define or call a Robot keyword, Robot pays no attention to spaces,

+    underscores or case.  However, our team will observe the following

+    conventions in both our definitions and our calls:

+    - Separate words with single spaces.

+    - Capitalize the first character of each word.

+    - Capitalize all characters in any word that is an acronym (e.g. JSON, BMC,

+      etc).


+    Examples:

+    ```

+    *** Keywords ***


+    This Is Correct


+        # This keyword name is correct.


+    this_is_incorrect


+        # This keyword name is incorrect because of 1) the

+        # underscores instead of spaces and 2) the failure to

+        # capitalize each word in the keyword.


+    soisthis


+        # This keyword name is incorrect because of 1) a failure to

+        # separate words with spaces and 2) a failure to capitalize

+        # each word in the keyword.


+    BMC Is An Acronym


+        # This keyword name is correct.  Note that "BMC" is an

+        # acronym and as such is entirely uppercase.

+    ```

+-   Documentation strings:

+    -  Each documentation string should be phrased as an **English command**.

+       Punctuate it correctly with the first word capitalized and a period at

+       the end.


+       Correct example:

+        ```

+        Boot BMC

+            [Documentation]  Boot the BMC.

+        ```

+        Incorrect example:

+        ```

+        Boot BMC

+            [Documentation]  This keyword boots the BMC.


+            # The doc string above is not phrased as a command.

+        ```

+    -   Doc strings should be just one terse, descriptive sentence.

+        Remember that this doc string shows up in the HTML log file.  Put

+        additional commentary below in standard comment lines.


+        Correct example:

+        ```

+        Stop SOL Console Logging


+            [Documentation]  Stop system console logging and return log output.

+        ```

+        Incorrect example:

+        ```

+        Stop SOL Console Logging


+            [Documentation]  Stop system console logging.  If there are multiple

+            ...              system console processes, they will all be

+            ...              stopped.  If there is no existing log file this

+            ...              keyword will return an error message to that

+            ...              effect (and write that message to targ_file_path,

+            ...              if specified).  NOTE: This keyword will not fail

+            ...              if there is no running system console process.


+            # This doc string is way too long.

+        ```

+-   Tags:

+    -   Create a tag for every test case with a tag name that mirrors the test case

+        name as follows:

+        ```

+        Create Intermediate File


+            [Tags]  Create_Intermediate_File

+        ```

+-   General variable naming conventions:

+    -   Variable names should be lower case with few exceptions:

+        -   Environment variables should be all upper case.

+        -   Variables intended to be set by Robot -v parameters may be all

+            upper case.

+    -   Words within a variable name should be separated by underscores:


+        Correct examples:

+        ```

+        ${host_name}

+        ${program_pid}

+        ```

+        Incorrect examples:

+        ```

+        ${HostName}

+        ${ProgramPid}

+        ```

+-   Special variable naming conventions.


+    For certain very commonly used kinds of variables, please observe these

+    conventions in order to achieve consistency throughout the code.


+    -   hosts


+        When a variable is intended to contain **either** an IP address **or**

+        a host name (either long or short), please give it a suffix of "_host".


+        Examples:

+        ```

+        openbmc_host

+        os_host

+        pdu_host

+        openbmc_serial_host

+        ```

+    -   host names


+        For host names (long or short, e.g. "bmc1" or "bmc1.ibm.com"), use a

+        suffix of _host_name.


+        Examples:

+        ```

+        openbmc_host_name

+        os_host_name

+        pdu_host_name

+        openbmc_serial_host_name

+        ```

+    -   Short host names


+        For short host names (e.g. "bmc1"), use a suffix of _host_short_name.


+        Examples:

+        ```

+        openbmc_host_short_name

+        os_host_short_name

+        pdu_host_short_name

+        openbmc_serial_host_short_name

+        ```

+    -   IP addresses


+        For IP addresses, use a suffix of _ip.


+        Example:

+        ```

+        openbmc_ip

+        os_ip

+        pdu_ip

+        openbmc_serial_ip

+        ```

+-   Files and directories:

+    -   Files:

+        -   If your variable is to contain only the file's name, use a suffix

+            of _file_name.


+            Examples:

+            ```

+            ffdc_file_name = "bmc1.170428.120200.ffdc"

+            ```

+        -   If your variable is to contain the path to a file, use a suffix of

+            _file_path.  Bear in mind that a file path can be relative or

+            absolute so that should not be a consideration in whether to use

+            the "_file_path" suffix.


+            Examples:

+            ```

+            status_file_path = "bmc1.170428.120200.status"

+            status_file_path = "subdir/bmc1.170428.120200.status"

+            status_file_path = "./bmc1.170428.120200.status"

+            status_file_path = "../bmc1.170428.120200.status"

+            status_file_path = "/home/user1/status/bmc1.170428.120200.status"

+            ```

+            To re-iterate, it doesn't matter whether the contents of the

+            variable are a relative or absolute path (as shown in the

+            examples above).  A file path is simply a value with enough

+            information in it for the program to find the file.


+        -   If the variable **must** contain an absolute path (which should be

+            the rare case), use a suffix _abs_file_path.


+    -   Directories:

+        -   Directory variables should follow the same conventions as file

+            variables.


+        -   If your variable is to contain only the directory's name, use a

+            suffix of _dir_name.


+            Example:

+            ```

+            ffdc_dir_name = "ffdc"

+            ```

+        -   If your variable is to contain the path to a directory, use a

+            suffix of _dir_path.  Bear in mind that a dir path can be

+            relative or absolute so that should not be a consideration in

+            whether to use _dir_path.


+            Examples:

+            ```

+            status_dir_path = "status/"

+            status_dir_path = "subdir/status"

+            status_dir_path = "./status/"

+            status_dir_path = "../status/"

+            status_dir_path = "/home/user1/status/"

+            ```

+            To re-iterate, it doesn't matter whether the contents of

+            the variable are a relative or absolute path (as shown in

+            the examples above).  A dir path is simply a value with

+            enough information in it for the program to find the

+            directory.


+        -   If the variable **must** contain an absolute path (which

+            should be the rare case), use a suffix _abs_dir_path.

+        -   IMPORTANT:  As a programming convention, do pre-

+            processing on all dir_path variables to ensure that they

+            contain a trailing slash.  If we follow that convention

+            religiously, that when changes are made in other parts of

+            the program, the programmer can count on the value having

+            a trailing slash.  Therefore they can safely do this kind

+            of thing:

+            ```

+            my_file_path = my_dir_path + my_file_name

+            ```

+-   Traditional comments (i.e. using the hashtag style comments)

+    -   Please leave one space following the hashtag.

+        ```

+        #wrong


+        # Right

+        ```

+    -   Please use proper English punction:

+        -   Capitalize the first word in the sentence or phrase.

+        -   End sentences (or stand-alone phrases) with a period.


+    -   Do not keep commented out code in your program.  Instead, remove it

+        entirely.


+Python Coding Guidelines
+-   Run pep8 on all Python files and correct errors.


+    Example as run from a Linux command line:

+    ```

+    pep8 my_pgm.py


+    my_pgm.py:41:1: E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1

+    my_pgm.py:58:52: W291 trailing whitespace

+    ```

+-   Include doc strings in every function and follow the guidelines in

+    https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/.


+    Example:

+    ```

+        r"""

+        Return the function name associated with the indicated stack frame.


+        Description of argument(s):

+        stack_frame_ix                  The index of the stack frame whose

+                                        function name should be returned.  If

+                                        the caller does not specify a value,

+                                        this function will set the value to 1

+                                        which is the index of the caller's

+                                        stack frame.  If the caller is the

+                                        wrapper function "print_func_name",

+                                        this function will bump it up by 1.

+        """

+    ```

+-   As shown in the prior example, if your function has any arguments, include

+    a "Description of argument(s)" section.  This effectively serves as the

+    help text for anyone wanting to use or understand your function.  Include

+    real data examples wherever possible and applicable.

+-   Function definitions:

+    -   Put each function parameter on its own line:

+        ```

+        def func1(parm1,


+                  parm2):

+        ```

+-   Do not keep commented out code in your program.  Instead, remove it

+    entirely.