Making adjustments for coming state changes.  I also rewrote some robot
keywords in python.

Note that the changes for the new "bmc" values are not present yet
since the product code for that is not yet available to me.

Change-Id: I30ea13930512ae1ffcf29000d0e4661352a797d7
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
index eb379a4..653dde1 100755
--- a/lib/
+++ b/lib/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 import os
 import time
 import subprocess
+import glob
 from robot.utils import DotDict
 from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
@@ -193,9 +194,38 @@
     Print the formatted boot_resuls_table to the console.
-    grp.rprint(header_footer)
-    grp.rprint(boot_results.sprint_report())
-    grp.rprint(header_footer)
+    grp.rqprint(header_footer)
+    grp.rqprint(boot_results.sprint_report())
+    grp.rqprint(header_footer)
+def select_boot(state):
+    r"""
+    Select a boot test to be run based on our current state and return the
+    chosen boot type.
+    Description of arguments:
+    state  The state of the machine, which will include the power state..
+    """
+    if 'chassis' in state:
+        # New style state.
+        if state['chassis'] == 'Off':
+            boot = 'BMC Power On'
+        else:
+            boot = 'BMC Power Off'
+    else:
+        # Old style state.
+        if state['power'] == 0:
+            boot = 'BMC Power On'
+        else:
+            boot = 'BMC Power Off'
+    return boot
@@ -231,3 +261,102 @@
+def print_last_boots():
+    r"""
+    Print the last ten boots done with their time stamps.
+    """
+    # indent 0, 90 chars wide, linefeed, char is "="
+    grp.rqprint_dashes(0, 90)
+    grp.rqprintn("Last 10 boots:\n")
+    last_ten = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LAST_TEN}")
+    for boot_entry in last_ten:
+        grp.rqprint(boot_entry)
+    grp.rqprint_dashes(0, 90)
+def print_test_start_message(boot_keyword):
+    r"""
+    Print a message indicating what boot test is about to run.
+    Description of arguments:
+    boot_keyword  The name of the boot which is to be run
+                  (e.g. "BMC Power On").
+    """
+    doing_msg = gp.sprint_timen("Doing \"" + boot_keyword + "\".")
+    grp.rqprint(doing_msg)
+    last_ten = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LAST_TEN}")
+    last_ten.append(doing_msg)
+    if len(last_ten) > 10:
+        del last_ten[0]
+def print_defect_report():
+    r"""
+    Print a defect report.
+    """
+    grp.rqprintn()
+    # indent=0, width=90, linefeed=1, char="="
+    grp.rqprint_dashes(0, 90, 1, "=")
+    grp.rqprintn("Copy this data to the defect:\n")
+    parm_list = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${parm_list}")
+    grp.rqpvars(*parm_list)
+    grp.rqprintn()
+    print_last_boots()
+    grp.rqprintn()
+    state = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${state}")
+    grp.rqpvar(state)
+    # At some point I'd like to have the 'Call FFDC Methods' return a list
+    # of files it has collected.  In that case, the following "ls" command
+    # would no longer be needed.  For now, however, glob shows the files
+    # named in FFDC_LIST_FILE_PATH so I will refrain from printing those
+    # out (so we don't see duplicates in the list).
+    LOG_PREFIX = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${LOG_PREFIX}")
+    output = '\n'.join(glob.glob(LOG_PREFIX + '*'))
+        BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${FFDC_LIST_FILE_PATH}")
+    try:
+        ffdc_list = open(FFDC_LIST_FILE_PATH, 'r')
+    except IOError:
+        ffdc_list = ""
+    status_file_path = BuiltIn().get_variable_value("${status_file_path}")
+    grp.rqprintn()
+    grp.rqprintn("FFDC data files:")
+    if status_file_path != "":
+        grp.rqprintn(status_file_path)
+    grp.rqprintn(output)
+    # grp.rqprintn(ffdc_list)
+    grp.rqprintn()
+    grp.rqprint_dashes(0, 90, 1, "=")