Add BMC bad image tests and refactored PNOR bad image tests.

Add test cases for bad BMC images and refactored PNOR test cases
to use common code and reduce duplication.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#767

Change-Id: I73096b04f6a8e6a9ea318457c02710ff49934975
Signed-off-by: Charles P. Hofer <>
diff --git a/extended/test_uploadimage.robot b/extended/test_uploadimage.robot
index b0eeb00..a362e5c 100644
--- a/extended/test_uploadimage.robot
+++ b/extended/test_uploadimage.robot
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 *** Settings ***
 Documentation         Test upload image with both valid and invalid images.
 ...                   This test expects there to be bad image tarballs named
-...                   pnor_bad_manifest.tar and pnor_no_image.tar on the TFTP
-...                   server and in the directory BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH.
+...                   pnor_bad_manifest.tar, pnor_no_image.tar,
+...                   bmc_bad_manifest.tar, and bmc_no_image.tar on the TFTP
+...                   server and in the BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH directory.
 ...                   Execution Method :
 ...                   python -m robot -v OPENBMC_HOST:<hostname>
 ...                   -v TFTP_SERVER:<TFTP server IP>
 ...                   -v TFTP_FILE_NAME:<filename.tar>
-...                   -v IMAGE_FILE_PATH:<path/*.tar> test_uploadimage.robot
-...                   -v BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH:<path>
+...                   -v IMAGE_FILE_PATH:<path/*.tar>
+...                   -v BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH:<path> test_uploadimage.robot
 Resource              ../lib/connection_client.robot
 Resource              ../lib/rest_client.robot
@@ -30,9 +31,9 @@
 *** Test Cases ***
-Upload Image Via REST
+Upload PNOR Image Via REST
     [Documentation]  Upload an image via REST.
-    [Tags]  Upload_Image_Via_REST
+    [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_Via_REST
     OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
     ${IMAGE_VERSION}=  Get Version Tar  ${IMAGE_FILE_PATH}
@@ -41,9 +42,9 @@
     ${ret}=  Verify Image Upload
     Should Be True  True == ${ret}
-Upload Image Via TFTP
+Upload PNOR Image Via TFTP
     [Documentation]  Upload an image via TFTP.
-    [Tags]  Upload_Image_Via_TFTP
+    [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_Via_TFTP
     @{image}=  Create List  ${TFTP_FILE_NAME}  ${TFTP_SERVER}
     ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{image}
@@ -51,67 +52,98 @@
     ...  ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP  data=${data}
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
     Sleep  1 minute
-    ${upload_file}=  Get Latest File  ${upload_dir_path}
-    ${image_version}=  Get Image Version
-    ...  ${upload_dir_path}${upload_file}/MANIFEST
+    ${image_version}=  Get Image Version From TFTP Server  ${TFTP_FILE_NAME}
     ${ret}=  Verify Image Upload
     Should Be True  True == ${ret}
-Upload Image With Bad Manifest Via REST
-    [Documentation]  Upload an image with a MANIFEST with an invalid
-    ...              purpose via REST and make sure the BMC does not unpack it.
-    [Tags]  Upload_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_REST
-    ${bad_image_file_path}=  OperatingSystem.Join Path  ${BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH}
-    ...  pnor_bad_manifest.tar
-    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${bad_image_file_path}
-    ...  msg=Invalid PNOR image pnor_bad_manifest.tar not found
-    ${bad_image_version}=  Get Version Tar  ${bad_image_file_path}
-    ${bad_image_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${bad_image_file_path}
-    Upload Post Request  /upload/image  data=${bad_image_data}
-    Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir  ${bad_image_version}
+Upload PNOR Image With Bad Manifest Via REST
+    # Image File Name
-Upload Image With Bad Manifest Via TFTP
-    [Documentation]  Upload an image with a MANIFEST with an invalid
-    ...              purpose via TFTP and make sure the BMC does not unpack it.
-    [Tags]  Upload_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_TFTP
+    pnor_bad_manifest.tar
-    @{image}=  Create List  pnor_bad_manifest.tar  ${TFTP_SERVER}
-    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{image}
-    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...  ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP  data=${data}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${bad_image_version}=  Get Image Version From TFTP Server
-    ...  pnor_bad_manifest.tar
-    Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir  ${bad_image_version}
+    [Documentation]  Upload a PNOR image with a bad MANIFEST via REST and
+    ...              verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_REST
-Upload Image With No Squashfs Via REST
-    [Documentation]  Upload an image with no pnor.xz.suashfs file via REST and
-    ...              make sure the BMC does not unpack it.
-    [Tags]  Upload_Image_With_No_Squashfs_Via_REST
-    ${bad_image_file_path}=  OperatingSystem.Join Path  ${BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH}
-    ...  pnor_no_image.tar
-    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${bad_image_file_path}
-    ...  msg=Invalid PNOR image pnor_no_image.tar not found
-    ${bad_image_version}=  Get Version Tar  ${bad_image_file_path}
-    ${bad_image_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${bad_image_file_path}
-    Upload Post Request  /upload/image  data=${bad_image_data}
-    Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir  ${bad_image_version}
+Upload PNOR Image With No Squashfs Via REST
+    # Image File Name
-Upload Image With No Squashfs Via TFTP
-    [Documentation]  Upload an image with no pnor.xz.suashfs file via TFTP and
-    ...              make sure the BMC does not unpack it.
-    [Tags]  Upload_Image_With_No_Squashfs_Via_TFTP
+    pnor_no_image.tar
-    @{image}=  Create List  pnor_no_image.tar  ${TFTP_SERVER}
-    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{image}
-    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request
-    ...  ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP  data=${data}
-    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
-    ${bad_image_version}=  Get Image Version From TFTP Server
-    ...  pnor_no_image.tar
-    Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir  ${bad_image_version}
+    [Documentation]  Upload a PNOR image with just a MANIFEST file via REST
+    ...              and verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_With_No_Squashfs_Via_REST
+Upload BMC Image With Bad Manifest Via REST
+    # Image File Name
+    bmc_bad_manifest.tar
+    [Documentation]  Upload a BMC image with a bad MANFIEST file via REST and
+    ...              verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_BMC_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_REST
+Upload BMC Image With No Image Via REST
+    # Image File Name
+    bmc_no_image.tar
+    [Documentation]  Upload a BMC image with no just a MANIFEST file via REST
+    ...              and verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_BMC_Image_With_No_Image_Via_REST
+Upload PNOR Image With Bad Manifest Via TFTP
+    # Image File Name
+    pnor_bad_manifest.tar
+    [Documentation]  Upload a PNOR image with a bad MANIFEST file via TFTP and
+    ...              verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_TFTP
+Upload PNOR Image With No Squashfs Via TFTP
+    # Image File Name
+    pnor_no_image.tar
+    [Documentation]  Upload a PNOR image with just a MANIFEST file via TFTP and
+    ...              verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_PNOR_Image_With_No_Squashfs_Via_TFTP
+Upload BMC Image With Bad Manifest Via TFTP
+    # Image File Name
+    bmc_bad_manifest.tar
+    [Documentation]  Upload a BMC image with a bad MANIFEST file via TFTP and
+    ...              verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_BMC_Image_With_Bad_Manifest_Via_TFTP
+Upload BMC Image With No Image Via TFTP
+    # Image File Name
+    bmc_no_image.tar
+    [Documentation]  Upload a BMC image with just a MANIFEST file via TFTP and
+    ...              verify that the BMC does not unpack it.
+    [Template]  Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
+    [Tags]  Upload_BMC_Image_With_No_Image_Via_TFTP
 *** Keywords ***
@@ -145,20 +177,53 @@
     Run Keyword If  '${quiet}' == '${0}'  Log Response  ${ret}
     Should Be Equal As Strings  ${ret.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
 Get Image Version From TFTP Server
     [Documentation]  Get the version dfound in the MANIFEST file of
     ...              an image on the given TFTP server.
-    [Arguments]  ${image_file_path}
+    [Arguments]  ${tftp_image_file_path}
     # Description of argument(s):
-    # image_file_path  The path to the image on the TFTP server,
-    #                  ommitting a leading /.
+    # tftp_image_file_path  The path to the image on the TFTP server.
+    ${stripped_file_path}=  Strip String  ${tftp_image_file_path}  characters=/
     ${rc}=  OperatingSystem.Run And Return RC
-    ...  curl -s tftp://${TFTP_SERVER}/${image_file_path} > bad_image.tar
+    ...  curl -s tftp://${TFTP_SERVER}/${stripped_file_path} > tftp_image.tar
     Should Be Equal As Integers  0  ${rc}
     ...  msg=Could not download image to check version.
-    ${version}=  Get Version Tar  bad_image.tar
-    OperatingSystem.Remove File  bad_image.tar
+    ${version}=  Get Version Tar  tftp_image.tar
+    OperatingSystem.Remove File  tftp_image.tar
     [Return]  ${version}
+Upload Bad Image Via REST And Verify Failure
+    [Documentation]  Upload the given bad image to the BMC via REST and check
+    ...              that the BMC did not unpack the invalid image.
+    [Arguments]  ${bad_image_file_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # image_file_name  The name of the bad image to upload via REST.
+    ${bad_image_file_path}=  OperatingSystem.Join Path  ${BAD_IMAGES_DIR_PATH}
+    ...  ${bad_image_file_name}
+    OperatingSystem.File Should Exist  ${bad_image_file_path}
+    ...  msg=Bad image file ${bad_image_file_name} not found.
+    ${bad_image_version}=  Get Version Tar  ${bad_image_file_path}
+    ${bad_image_data}=  OperatingSystem.Get Binary File  ${bad_image_file_path}
+    Upload Post Request  /upload/image  data=${bad_image_data}
+    Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir  ${bad_image_version}
+Upload Bad Image Via TFTP And Verify Failure
+    [Documentation]  Upload the given bad image to the BMC via TFTP and check
+    ...              that the BMC did not unpack the invalid image.
+    [Arguments]  ${bad_image_file_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # image_file_name  The name of the bad image to upload via TFTP.
+    @{image}=  Create List  ${bad_image_file_name}  ${TFTP_SERVER}
+    ${data}=  Create Dictionary  data=@{image}
+    ${resp}=  OpenBMC Post Request
+    ...  ${SOFTWARE_VERSION_URI}/action/DownloadViaTFTP  data=${data}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings  ${resp.status_code}  ${HTTP_OK}
+    ${bad_image_version}=  Get Image Version From TFTP Server
+    ...  ${bad_image_file_name}
+    Verify Image Not In BMC Uploads Dir  ${bad_image_version}