New module

redfish_plus is a wrapper for redfish rest that provides the following benefits
vs. using redfish directly:

For rest_request functions (e.g. get, put, post, etc.):
    - Function logging to stdout.
    - Automatic valid_status_codes processing (i.e. an exception will be
      raised if the rest response status code is not as expected.
    - It can be easily used from robot programs.

Change-Id: Ie287c5baf130a7cdecefca835eeae2202fb5298d
Signed-off-by: Michael Walsh <>
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a2c05c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+See redfish_plus class prolog below for details.
+from import HttpClient
+import gen_print as gp
+def valid_http_status_code(status, valid_status_codes):
+    r"""
+    Raise exception if status is not found in the valid_status_codes list.
+    Description of argument(s):
+    status                          An HTTP status code (e.g. 200, 400, etc.).
+    valid_status_codes              A list of status codes that the caller
+                                    considers acceptable.  If this is a null
+                                    list, then any status code is considered
+                                    acceptable.  Note that for the convenience
+                                    of the caller, valid_status_codes may be
+                                    either a python list or a string which can
+                                    be evaluated to become a python list (e.g.
+                                    "[200]").
+    """
+    if type(valid_status_codes) is not list:
+        valid_status_codes = eval(valid_status_codes)
+    if len(valid_status_codes) == 0:
+        return
+    if status in valid_status_codes:
+        return
+    message = "The HTTP status code was not valid:\n"
+    message += gp.sprint_vars(status, valid_status_codes)
+    raise ValueError(message)
+class redfish_plus(HttpClient):
+    r"""
+    redfish_plus is a wrapper for redfish rest that provides the following
+    benefits vs. using redfish directly:
+    For rest_request functions (e.g. get, put, post, etc.):
+        - Function-call logging to stdout.
+        - Automatic valid_status_codes processing (i.e. an exception will be
+          raised if the rest response status code is not as expected.
+        - Easily used from robot programs.
+    """
+    def rest_request(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+        r"""
+        Perform redfish rest request and return response.
+        This function provides the following additional functionality.
+        - The calling function's call line is logged to standard out (provided
+          that global variable "quiet" is not set).
+        - The caller may include a valid_status_codes argument.
+        Description of argument(s):
+        func                        A reference to the parent class function
+                                    which is to be called (e.g. get, put,
+                                    etc.).
+        args                        This is passed directly to the function
+                                    referenced by the func argument (see the
+                                    documentation for the corresponding
+                                    redfish HttpClient method for details).
+        kwargs                      This is passed directly to the function
+                                    referenced by the func argument (see the
+                                    documentation for the corresponding
+                                    redfish HttpClient method for details)
+                                    with the following exception:  If kwargs
+                                    contains a valid_status_codes key, it will
+                                    be removed from kwargs and processed by
+                                    this function.  This allows the caller to
+                                    indicate what rest status codes are
+                                    acceptable.  The default value is [200].
+                                    See the valid_http_status_code function
+                                    above for details.
+        Example uses:
+        From a python program:
+        response =
+        bmc_redfish.get("/redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces", [200,
+        201])
+        If this call to the get method generates a response.status equal to
+        anything other than 200 or 201, an exception will be raised.
+        From a robot program:
+        BMC_Redfish.logout
+        ${response}=  BMC_Redfish.Get
+        /redfish/v1/Managers/bmc/EthernetInterfaces  valid_status_codes=[401]
+        As part of a robot test, the programmer has logged out to verify that
+        the get request will generate a status code of 401 (i.e.
+        "Unauthorized").
+        """
+        gp.qprint_executing(stack_frame_ix=3, style=gp.func_line_style_short)
+        valid_status_codes = kwargs.pop('valid_status_codes', [200])
+        response = func(*args, **kwargs)
+        valid_http_status_code(response.status, valid_status_codes)
+        return response
+    # Define rest function wrappers.
+    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.rest_request(super(redfish_plus, self).get, *args,
+                                 **kwargs)
+    def head(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.rest_request(super(redfish_plus, self).head, *args,
+                                 **kwargs)
+    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.rest_request(super(redfish_plus, self).post, *args,
+                                 **kwargs)
+    def put(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.rest_request(super(redfish_plus, self).put, *args,
+                                 **kwargs)
+    def patch(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.rest_request(super(redfish_plus, self).patch, *args,
+                                 **kwargs)
+    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.rest_request(super(redfish_plus, self).delete, *args,
+                                 **kwargs)
+    def __del__(self):
+        del self