Test FRU data via IPMI.

Resolves openbmc/openbmc-test-automation#1294

Change-Id: Ic55b0d994415d728007980cee9c71c7bfa696f39
Signed-off-by: Rahul Maheshwari <rahulmaheshwari@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/data/ipmi_rest_fru_field_map.py b/data/ipmi_rest_fru_field_map.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e278cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/ipmi_rest_fru_field_map.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+IPMI REST FRU field mapping:
+   - Define IPMI-REST FRU data fields mapping for different components.
+   e.g. board_mfg field in IPMI is mapped to Manufacturer field in REST.
+# TODO: Disabling board_mfg FRU field as logic needs to be added to test it.
+ipmi_rest_fru_field_map = {
+    "cpu": {
+        # "board_mfg_date": "BuildDate",
+        "board_mfg": "Manufacturer",
+        "board_product": "PrettyName",
+        "board_serial": "SerialNumber",
+        "board_part_number": "PartNumber"
+    },
+    "system": {
+        "chassis_part_number": "Model",
+        "chassis_serial": "SerialNumber"
+    },
+    "motherboard": {
+        "board_mfg": "Manufacturer",
+        "board_product": "PrettyName",
+        "board_serial": "SerialNumber",
+        "board_part_number": "PartNumber"
+    },
+    "dimm": {
+        "product_manufacturer": "Manufacturer",
+        "product_name": "PrettyName",
+        "product_part_number": "Model",
+        "product_version": "Version",
+        "product_serial": "SerialNumber"
+    },
+    "fan": {
+        "product_name": "PrettyName"
+    },
+    "bmc": {
+        # "board_mfg_date": "BuildDate",
+        "board_mfg": "Manufacturer",
+        "board_product": "PrettyName",
+        "board_serial": "SerialNumber",
+        "board_part_number": "PartNumber"
+    },
+    "powersupply": {
+        # "board_mfg_date": "BuildDate",
+        "board_product": "PrettyName",
+        "board_serial": "SerialNumber",
+        "board_part_number": "PartNumber"
+    },
+    "gv100card": {
+        # "board_mfg_date": "BuildDate",
+    }
diff --git a/test_lists/witherspoon/skip_test_witherspoon_GA1 b/test_lists/witherspoon/skip_test_witherspoon_GA1
index 6590c11..5234720 100755
--- a/test_lists/witherspoon/skip_test_witherspoon_GA1
+++ b/test_lists/witherspoon/skip_test_witherspoon_GA1
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 -e Set_Asset_Tag_With_Valid_String_Length_Via_REST
 -e OCC_Active_Enable_And_Disable
 -e SDR_Test
+-e Test_FRU_Info_At_Power_On
 -e Test Turbo Processor Speed
 -e Test_Management_Controller_ID_String_Status_via_IPMI
 -e Test_Management_Controller_ID_String_Status_via_Raw_IPMI
diff --git a/tests/ipmi/test_fru.robot b/tests/ipmi/test_fru.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed8cc56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/ipmi/test_fru.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation  Test IPMI FRU data.
+Resource               ../../lib/rest_client.robot
+Resource               ../../lib/ipmi_client.robot
+Resource               ../../lib/openbmc_ffdc.robot
+Resource               ../../lib/boot_utils.robot
+Library                ../../lib/ipmi_utils.py
+Variables              ../data/ipmi_rest_fru_field_map.py
+Test Teardown          Test Teardown Execution
+Suite Setup            Suite Setup Execution
+*** Test Cases ***
+Test FRU Info At Power On
+    [Documentation]  Verify FRU info via IPMI and REST at power on.
+    [Tags]  Test_FRU_Info_At_Power_On
+    [Template]  Verify FRU Info
+    # component_name
+    cpu
+    dimm
+    fan
+    bmc
+    system
+    powersupply
+    gv100card
+*** Keywords ***
+Get Component Fru Info Via REST
+    [Documentation]  Get FRU Information Via REST for the given component.
+    [Arguments]  ${component_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # component_name  The name of the component (e.g. "cpu", "dimm", etc.).
+    ${inventory_uris}=  Read Properties  ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}list  quiet=${1}
+    # From the inventory_uris, select just the ones for the component of
+    # interest.
+    ${component_uris}=  Get Matches  ${inventory_uris}
+    ...  regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${component_name}[0-9]*$
+    # Get the component information for each record.
+    ${component_frus}=  Create List
+    : FOR  ${component_uri}  IN  @{component_uris}
+    \  ${result}=  Read Properties  ${component_uri}  quiet=${1}
+    \  ${component}=  Fetch From Right  ${component_uri}  /
+    \  Set To Dictionary  ${result}  fru_device_description  ${component}
+    \  Append To List  ${component_frus}  ${result}
+    [Return]  ${component_frus}
+Verify FRU Info
+    [Documentation]  Verify FRU information of given component.
+    [Arguments]  ${component_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # component_name  The name of the component (e.g. "cpu", "dimm", etc.).
+    ${ipmi_fru_component_info}=  Get Component FRU Info  ${component_name}
+    ...  ${fru_objs}
+    # Example of output from "Get Component FRU Info" keyword for CPU component.
+    #
+    #    ipmi_fru_info:
+    #      ipmi_fru_info[0]:
+    #        [fru_device_description]:  cpu0 (ID 1)
+    #        [board_mfg_date]:          Sun Dec 31 18:00:00 1995
+    #        [board_mfg]:               <Manufacturer Name>
+    #        [board_product]:           PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #        [board_serial]:            YA1934301835
+    #        [board_part_number]:       02CY211
+    #      ipmi_fru_info[1]:
+    #        [fru_device_description]:  cpu1 (ID 2)
+    #        [board_mfg_date]:          Sun Dec 31 18:00:00 1995
+    #        [board_mfg]:               <Manufacturer Name>
+    #        [board_product]:           PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #        [board_serial]:            YA1934301834
+    #        [board_part_number]:       02CY211
+    ${rest_fru_component_info}=  Get Component FRU Info Via REST
+    ...  ${component_name}
+    # Example of output from "Get Component FRU Info Via REST" keyword for
+    # CPU component.
+    #
+    #    rest_fru_info:
+    #      rest_fru_info[0]:
+    #        [FieldReplaceable]:        1
+    #        [BuildDate]:               1996-01-01 - 00:00:00
+    #        [fru_device_description]:  cpu0
+    #        [Cached]:                  0
+    #        [SerialNumber]:            YA1934301835
+    #        [Functional]:              1
+    #        [Version]:                 22
+    #        [Model]:                   <blank>
+    #        [PrettyName]:              PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #        [PartNumber]:              02CY211
+    #        [Present]:                 1
+    #        [Manufacturer]:            <Manufacturer Name>
+    #      rest_fru_info[1]:
+    #        [FieldReplaceable]:        1
+    #        [BuildDate]:               1996-01-01 - 00:00:00
+    #        [fru_device_description]:  cpu1
+    #        [Cached]:                  0
+    #        [SerialNumber]:            YA1934301834
+    #        [Functional]:              1
+    #        [Version]:                 22
+    #        [Model]:                   <blank>
+    #        [PrettyName]:              PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #        [PartNumber]:              02CY211
+    #        [Present]:                 1
+    #        [Manufacturer]:            <Manufacturer Name>
+    ${inventory_uris}=  Read Properties
+    ...  ${HOST_INVENTORY_URI}list  quiet=${1}
+    # From the inventory_uris, select just the ones for the component of
+    # interest. Example for cpu:
+    #     /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu0
+    #     /xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/cpu1
+    ${component_uris}=  Get Matches  ${inventory_uris}
+    ...  regexp=^.*[0-9a-z_].${component_name}[0-9]*$
+    : FOR  ${uri}  IN  @{component_uris}
+    \  ${sub_component}=  Fetch From Right  ${uri}  /
+    \  ${ipmi_index}=  Get Index Of FRU Sub Component Info
+    \  ...  ${ipmi_fru_component_info}  ${sub_component}
+    \  ${rest_index}=  Get Index Of FRU Sub Component Info
+    \  ...  ${rest_fru_component_info}  ${sub_component}
+    \  ${ipmi_fru_sub_component}=
+    \  ...  Get From List  ${ipmi_fru_component_info}  ${ipmi_index}
+    \  ${rest_fru_sub_component}=
+    \  ...  Get From List  ${rest_fru_component_info}  ${rest_index}
+    \  Compare IPMI And REST FRU Component Info  ${ipmi_fru_sub_component}
+    \  ...  ${rest_fru_sub_component}  ${component_name}
+Get Index Of FRU Sub Component Info
+    [Documentation]  Get index of FRU sub component info from FRU component
+    ...  data.
+    [Arguments]  ${fru_component_info}  ${sub_component}
+    # fru_component_info  FRU component data as a list of dictionaries.
+    #  ipmi_cpu_fru_info[0]:
+    #    fru_device_description:                 cpu0 (ID 1)
+    #    board_mfg_date:                         Sun Dec 31 18:00:00 1995
+    #    board_mfg:                              <Manufacturer Name>
+    #    board_product:                          PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #    board_serial:                           YA1934302970
+    #    board_part_number:                      02CY211
+    #  ipmi_cpu_fru_info[1]:
+    #    fru_device_description:                 cpu1 (ID 2)
+    #    board_mfg_date:                         Sun Dec 31 18:00:00 1995
+    #    board_mfg:                              <Manufacturer Name>
+    #    board_product:                          PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #    board_serial:                           YA1934302965
+    #    board_part_number:                      02CY211
+    # sub_component       Sub component name (e.g. "cpu0", "cpu1", etc.).
+    ${sub_component_count}=  Get Length  ${fru_component_info}
+    ${index}=  Set Variable  ${0}
+    : FOR  ${rest_fru_sub_component}  IN  @{fru_component_info}
+    \  ${fru_component_section}=
+    \  ...  Get From List  ${fru_component_info}  ${index}
+    \  ${status}=  Run Keyword And Return Status  Should Contain
+    \  ...  ${fru_component_section['fru_device_description']}
+    \  ...  ${sub_component}
+    \  Exit For Loop If  '${status}' == '${True}'
+    \  ${index}=  Evaluate  ${index} + 1
+    \  Exit For Loop If  ${index} >= ${sub_component_count}
+    [Return]  ${index}
+Compare IPMI And REST FRU Component Info
+    [Documentation]  Compare IPMI And REST FRU Component data objects.
+    [Arguments]  ${ipmi_fru_component_obj}  ${rest_fru_component_obj}
+    ...  ${component_name}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # ipmi_fru_component_obj  IPMI FRU component data in dictionary.
+    # Example:
+    #    fru_device_description:                 cpu0 (ID 1)
+    #    board_mfg_date:                         Sun Dec 31 18:00:00 1995
+    #    board_mfg:                              <Manufacturer Name>
+    #    board_product:                          PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #    board_serial:                           YA1934302970
+    #    board_part_number:                      02CY211
+    # rest_fru_component_obj  REST FRU component data in dictionary.
+    # Example:
+    #    FieldReplaceable:                       1
+    #    BuildDate:                              1996-01-01 - 00:00:00
+    #    Cached:                                 0
+    #    SerialNumber:                           YA1934302970
+    #    Functional:                             1
+    #    Version:                                22
+    #    Model:                                  <blank>
+    #    PrettyName:                             PROCESSOR MODULE
+    #    PartNumber:                             02CY211
+    #    Present:                                1
+    #    Manufacturer:                           <Manufacturer Name>
+    # component_name      The name of the component (e.g. "cpu", "dimm", etc.).
+    # Get key_map from ipmi_rest_fru_field_map.
+    ${key_map}=  Set Variable  ${ipmi_rest_fru_field_map['${component_name}']}
+    : FOR  ${ipmi_key}  IN  @{ipmi_rest_fru_field_map['${component_name}'].keys()}
+    \  ${rest_key}=  Set Variable  ${key_map['${ipmi_key}']}
+    \  Should Contain  ${rest_fru_component_obj['${rest_key}']}
+    ...  ${ipmi_fru_component_obj['${ipmi_key}']}
+    ...  msg=Comparison failed.
+Test Teardown Execution
+    [Documentation]  Do the post test teardown.
+    FFDC On Test Case Fail
+Suite Setup Execution
+    [Documentation]  Do test setup initialization.
+    REST Power On  stack_mode=skip  quiet=1
+    ${fru_objs}=  Get Fru Info
+    Set Suite Variable  ${fru_objs}