Fix code syntax and warning errors

    - Fixes the following warnings
      Line has trailing whitespace (TrailingWhitespace)
      Non-existing setting 'Foce Tags'

  - Tested using robot --dryrun option and rflint tools.

Change-Id: I7ca659dbc0ef8c5acc53ed0d297cf6b6c8e05dca
Signed-off-by: George Keishing <>
diff --git a/tests/security/test_ssl.robot b/tests/security/test_ssl.robot
index 08e0dfb..b5f0a96 100644
--- a/tests/security/test_ssl.robot
+++ b/tests/security/test_ssl.robot
@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
 Test Non SSL Connection To HTTPS Port
     [Documentation]  Test that OpenBmc does not accept the non-secure
     ...  http connection at port ${HTTPS_PORT} and would expect a connection error.
-    [Tags]  Test_Non_SSL_Connection_To_Https_Port
+    [Tags]  Test_Non_SSL_Connection_To_HTTPS_Port
     Create Session  openbmc  http://${OPENBMC_HOST}:${HTTPS_PORT}/  timeout=3
     Run Keyword And Expect Error  ConnectionError*  Get Request  openbmc  /list