Supporting libraries and Base code for SNMP via Redfish

Signed-off-by: Prashanth Katti <>
Change-Id: I44c77d15e15e51e0fe0201f8f1007ad3a1800d81
diff --git a/lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot b/lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1b90b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/snmp/redfish_snmp_utils.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Documentation  Utility for SNMP configurations via Redfish.
+*** Settings ***
+Resource                ../../lib/utils.robot
+Resource                ../../lib/connection_client.robot
+Library                 ../../lib/
+Library                 ../../lib/
+*** Keywords ***
+Get SNMP Manager List
+    [Documentation]  Get the list of SNMP managers and return IP addresses and ports.
+    # Get the list of SNMP manager URIs.
+    @{snmp_mgr_uris}=  Get SNMP Child URIs
+    ${snmp_mgr_list}=  Create List
+    FOR  ${snmp_mgr_uri}  IN  @{snmp_mgr_uris}
+      # Sample output:
+      # {
+      #  "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp1",
+      #  "@odata.type": "#EventDestination.v1_7_0.EventDestination",
+      #  "Context": "",
+      #  "Destination": "snmp://xx.xx.xx.xx:162",
+      #  "EventFormatType": "Event",
+      #  "Id": "snmp1",
+      #  "Name": "Event Destination snmp1",
+      #  "Protocol": "SNMPv2c",
+      #  "SubscriptionType": "SNMPTrap"
+      ${resp}=  Redfish.Get  ${snmp_mgr_uri}
+      ${snmp_mgr}=  Get From Dictionary  ${resp.dict}  Destination
+      Append To List  ${snmp_mgr_list}  ${snmp_mgr}
+    END
+    [Return]  ${snmp_mgr_list}
+Configure SNMP Manager Via Redfish
+    [Documentation]  Configure SNMP manager on BMC via Redfish.
+    [Arguments]  ${snmp_mgr_ip}  ${snmp_port}  ${valid_status_codes}=${HTTP_CREATED}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # snmp_mgr_ip  SNMP manager IP address
+    # snmp_port  SNMP manager port
+    # valid_status_code  expected code
+    ${snmp_mgr_data}=  Create Dictionary  Destination=snmp://${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port}
+    ...  SubscriptionType=${snmp_function}  Protocol=${snmp_version}
+    Redfish.Post  ${subscription_uri}  body=&{snmp_mgr_data}
+    ...  valid_status_codes=[${valid_status_codes}]
+Verify SNMP Manager Configured On BMC
+    [Documentation]  Verify SNMP manager configured on BMC.
+    [Arguments]  ${snmp_mgr_ip}  ${snmp_port}
+    # Description of argument(s):
+    # snmp_mgr_ip  SNMP manager IP address
+    # snmp_port  SNMP manager port
+    # Get the list of SNMP managers that are configured on BMC.
+    @{snmp_mgr_list}=  Get SNMP Manager List
+    ${snmp_ip_port}=  Catenate  ${snmp_mgr_ip}:${snmp_port}
+    List Should Contain Value  ${snmp_mgr_list}  snmp://${snmp_ip_port}
+    ...  msg=SNMP manager is not configured.
+Get SNMP Child URIs
+    [Documentation]  Get the list of all SNMP manager URIs.
+    # Sample output of SNMP URI:
+    # {
+    #  "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions",
+    #  "@odata.type": "#EventDestinationCollection.EventDestinationCollection",
+    #  "Members": [
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp6"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp2"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp9"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp1"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp8"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp4"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp7"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp5"
+    #    },
+    #    {
+    #      "": "/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/snmp3"
+    #    }
+    #  ],
+    #  "Members@odata.count": 9,
+    #  "Name": "Event Destination Collections"
+    # Get the list of child URIs.
+    @{snmp_mgr_uris}=  Redfish.Get Members List  ${subscription_uri}  filter=snmp
+    [Return]  ${snmp_mgr_uris}